[11:54:37] <Фаумовна> https://pp.vk.me/c540104/v540104852/140ba/DGRqqDCjWO4.jpg
[14:23:06] <Чокнутый хомяк Брунo> Фаумовна, пфаумятина
[14:49:28] <Фаумовна> 100100: ня!
[14:49:45] <100100> \o/
[17:07:02] <trojanski> интересно, Nazarbayev made a statement in which he proposed to dissolve the Eurasian Economic Union and extend the Customs Union by accepting Turkey as a member.
He explained that Turkish President Abdullah Gul had spoken to him with a request to join the Customs Union.
[21:54:30] <trojanski> день пития !