MODULE TextModels;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


(* re-check alien attributes: project to base attributes? *)

(* support *lists* of attribute extensions? *)
(* support for enumeration of texts within embedded views
   - generally: support for enumeration of X-views within a recursive scheme?
   - however: Containers already provides a general iteration scheme
      -> could add recursion support to Reader later

      Files, Services, Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Properties, Containers;
   (* text file format:

   text = 0               
         textoffset         INTEGER (> 0)
         { run }
         -1               CHAR
         { char }
   run = attrno             BYTE (0..32)

         [ attr ]         attr.Internalize
         ( piece | lpiece | viewref )
   piece = length         
   lpiece = -length      
INTEGER (< 0, length MOD 2 = 0)
   viewref = 0            
         w               INTEGER
         h               INTEGER
         view            view.Internalize

      (* unicode* = 1X; *)
      viewcode* = 2X;   (** code for embedded views **)
      tab* = 9X; line* = 0DX; para* = 0EX;   (** tabulator; line and paragraph separator **)
      zwspace* = 8BX; nbspace* = 0A0X; digitspace* = 8FX;
      hyphen* = 90X; nbhyphen* = 91X; softhyphen* = 0ADX;
      (** Pref.opts, options of text-aware views **)

      maskChar* = 0; hideable* = 1;
      (** Prop.known/valid/readOnly **)

      offset* = 0; code* = 1;
      (** InfoMsg.op **)

      store* = 0;
      (** UpdateMsg.op **)

      replace* = 0; insert* = 1; delete* = 2;
      (* EditOp.mode *)

      deleteRange = 0; moveBuf = 1; writeSChar = 2; writeChar = 3; writeView = 4;
      dictSize = 32;

      point = Ports.point;

      defW = 64 * point; defH = 32 * point;
      (* embedding limits - don't increase maxHeight w/o checking TextViews.StdView *)

      minWidth = 5 * point; maxWidth = MAX(INTEGER) DIV 2;
      minHeight = 5 * point; maxHeight = 1500 * point;
      minVersion = 0; maxAttrVersion = 0; maxModelVersion = 0;

      noLCharStdModelVersion = 0; maxStdModelVersion = 1;
      cacheWidth = 8; cacheLen = 4096; cacheLine = 128;


      Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Model) END;
      Attributes* = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Stores.Store)

         init-: BOOLEAN;   (* immutable once init is set *)
         color-: Ports.Color;
         font-: Fonts.Font;
         offset-: INTEGER
      AlienAttributes* = POINTER TO RECORD (Attributes)

         store-: Stores.Alien
      Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property)

         offset*: INTEGER;
         code*: CHAR
      Context* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Context) END;

      Pref* = RECORD (Properties.Preference)

         opts*: SET;   (** preset to {} **)
         mask*: CHAR   (** valid if maskChar IN opts **)

         eot*: BOOLEAN;
         attr*: Attributes;
         char*: CHAR;
         view*: Views.View;
         w*, h*: INTEGER

         attr-: Attributes
      InfoMsg* = RECORD (Models.Message)

         op*: INTEGER
      UpdateMsg* = RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg)

         op*: INTEGER;
         beg*, end*, delta*: INTEGER   (** range: [beg, end); length = length' + delta **)

         attr-: Attributes

         prev, next: Run;
         len: INTEGER;
         attr: Attributes

         file: Files.File;
         org: INTEGER
      Piece = POINTER TO RECORD (LPiece) END;   (* u IS Piece => CHAR run *)

      ViewRef = POINTER TO RECORD (Run)   (* u IS ViewRef => View run *)

         w, h: INTEGER;
         view: Views.View   (* embedded view *)
      PieceCache = RECORD

         org: INTEGER;
         prev: Run   (* Org( = org *)
      SpillFile = POINTER TO RECORD

         file: Files.File;   (* valid if file # NIL *)
         len: INTEGER;   (* len = file.Length() *)
         writer: Files.Writer   (* writer.Base() = file *)
      AttrDict = RECORD

         len: BYTE;
         attr: ARRAY dictSize OF Attributes
      StdModel = POINTER TO RECORD (Model)

         len: INTEGER;   (* len = sum(u : [, trailer) : u.len) *)
         id: INTEGER;(* unique (could use SYSTEM.ADR instead ...) *)
         era: INTEGER;   (* stable era >= k *)
         trailer: Run;   (* init => trailer # NIL *)
         pc: PieceCache;
         spill: SpillFile;   (* spill file, created lazily, shared with clones *)
         rd: Reader   (* reader cache *)
      StdContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Context)

         text: StdModel;
         ref: ViewRef
      StdReader = POINTER TO RECORD (Reader)

         base: StdModel;   (* base = Base() *)
         pos: INTEGER;   (* pos = Pos() *)
         era: INTEGER;
         run: Run;   (* era = base.era => Pos(run) + off = pos *)
         off: INTEGER;   (* era = base.era => 0 <= off < run.len *)
         reader: Files.Reader   (* file reader cache *)
      StdWriter = POINTER TO RECORD (Writer)

         base: StdModel;   (* base = Base() *)
         (* hasSequencer := base.Domain() = NILORbase.Domain().GetSequencer() = NIL *)
         pos: INTEGER;   (* pos = Pos() *)
         era: INTEGER;   (* relevant iff hasSequencer *)
         run: Run   (* hasSequencer&era = base.era=>Pos(run) = pos *)
      StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END;

      MoveOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)   (* MoveStretchFrom *)

         (* move src.[beg, end) to dest.pos *)
         src: StdModel;
         beg, end: INTEGER;
         dest: StdModel;
         pos: INTEGER
      EditOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)   (* CopyStretchFrom, Delete, WriteXXX *)

         mode: INTEGER;
         canBunch: BOOLEAN;
         text: StdModel;
         beg, end: INTEGER;   (* op = deleteRange: move text.[beg, end) to <first, last> *)
         pos: INTEGER;
         first, last: Run;   (* op = moveBuf: move <first, last> to text.pos;
                                 op = writeView: insert <first> at text.pos*)
         len: INTEGER;   (* op = moveBuf: length of <first, last>;
                                 op = write[L]Char: length of spill file before writing new [long] char *)
         attr: Attributes   (* op = write[L]Char *)
      AttrList = POINTER TO RECORD

         next: AttrList;
         len: INTEGER;
         attr: Attributes
      SetAttrOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)   (* SetAttr, Modify *)

         text: StdModel;
         beg: INTEGER;
         list: AttrList
      ResizeViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)   (* ResizeView *)

         text: StdModel;
         pos: INTEGER;
         ref: ViewRef;
         w, h: INTEGER
      ReplaceViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)   (* ReplaceView *)

         text: StdModel;
         pos: INTEGER;
         ref: ViewRef;
         new: Views.View
      TextCache = RECORD

         id: INTEGER;(* id of the text block served by this cache block *)
         beg, end: INTEGER;(* [beg .. end) cached, 0 <= end - beg < cacheLen *)
         buf: ARRAY cacheLen OF BYTE(* [beg MOD cacheLen .. end MOD cacheLen) *)
      Cache = ARRAY cacheWidth OF TextCache;

      dir-, stdDir-: Directory;
      stdProp: Properties.StdProp;   (* temp for NewColor, ... NewWeight *)

      prop: Prop;   (* temp for NewOffset *)
      nextId: INTEGER;
      cache: Cache;
   (** Model **)

   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE;

      VAR thisVersion: INTEGER;
      m.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
      rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxModelVersion, thisVersion)
   END Internalize;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE;

   END Externalize;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Length* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewReader* (old: Reader): Reader, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewWriter* (old: Writer): Writer, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) InsertCopy* (pos: INTEGER; m0: Model; beg0, end0: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Insert* (pos: INTEGER; m0: Model; beg0, end0: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Delete* (beg, end: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) SetAttr* (beg, end: INTEGER; attr: Attributes), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Prop* (beg, end: INTEGER): Properties.Property, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Modify* (beg, end: INTEGER; old, p: Properties.Property), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) ReplaceView* (old, new: Views.View), ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Append* (m0: Model), NEW, ABSTRACT;

      ASSERT(m # m0, 20);
      m.Insert(m.Length(), m0, 0, m0.Length())
   END Append;
   PROCEDURE (m: Model) Replace* (beg, end: INTEGER; m0: Model; beg0, end0: INTEGER),
      VAR script: Stores.Operation; delta: INTEGER;
      Models.BeginScript(m, "#System:Replacing", script);
      m.Delete(beg, end);
      IF beg0 >
      m.Insert(beg, m0, beg0, end0);
      Models.EndScript(m, script)
   END Replace;
   (** Attributes **)

   PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store), EXTENSIBLE;

   (** pre: ~a.init, source.init **)
   (** post: a.init **)
      WITH source: Attributes DO
         ASSERT(~a.init, 20); ASSERT(source.init, 21); a.init := TRUE;
         a.color := source.color; a.font := source.font; a.offset := source.offset
   END CopyFrom;
   PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE;

   (** pre: ~a.init **)
   (** post: a.init **)
      VAR thisVersion: INTEGER;
         fprint: INTEGER; face: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~a.init, 20); a.init := TRUE;
      IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
      rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxAttrVersion, thisVersion);
      IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
      rd.ReadXString(face); rd.ReadInt(size); rd.ReadSet(style); rd.ReadXInt(weight);
      a.font := Fonts.dir.This(face, size, style, weight);
      IF a.font.IsAlien() THEN Stores.Report("#System:AlienFont", face, "", "")
      ELSIF a.font.Fingerprint() # fprint THEN Stores.Report("#System:AlienFontVersion", face, "", "")
   END Internalize;
   PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE;

   (** pre: a.init **)
      VAR f: Fonts.Font;
      ASSERT(a.init, 20);
      f := a.font;
      wr.WriteXString(f.typeface); wr.WriteInt(f.size); wr.WriteSet(; wr.WriteXInt(f.weight);
   END Externalize;
   PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) InitFromProp* (p: Properties.Property), NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

   (** pre: ~a.init **)
   (** post: a.init, x IN p.valid => x set in a, else x defaults in a **)
      VAR def: Fonts.Font; face: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~a.init, 20); a.init := TRUE;
      def := Fonts.dir.Default();
      face := def.typeface$; size := def.size; style :=; weight := def.weight;
      a.color := Ports.defaultColor; a.offset := 0;
      WHILE p # NIL DO
         WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO
            IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN a.color := p.color.val END;
            IF Properties.typeface IN p.valid THEN face := p.typeface END;
            IF (Properties.size IN p.valid)
            & (Ports.point <= p.size) & (p.size <= 32767 * Ports.point) THEN
               size := p.size
            IF IN p.valid THEN
               style := style - + *
            IF (Properties.weight IN p.valid) & (1 <= p.weight) & (p.weight <= 1000) THEN
               weight := p.weight
         | p: Prop DO
            IF offset IN p.valid THEN a.offset := p.offset END
         p :=
      a.font := Fonts.dir.This(face, size, style, weight)
   END InitFromProp;
   PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) Equals* (b: Attributes): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

   (** pre: a.init, b.init **)
      ASSERT(a.init, 20); ASSERT((b # NIL) & b.init, 21);
      RETURN (a = b)
         OR(Services.SameType(a, b))
            & (a.color = b.color) & (a.font = b.font) & (a.offset = b.offset)
   END Equals;
   PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) Prop* (): Properties.Property, NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

   (** pre: a.init **)
      VAR p: Properties.Property; sp: Properties.StdProp; tp: Prop;
      ASSERT(a.init, 20);
      sp.known := {Properties.color .. Properties.weight}; sp.valid := sp.known;
      sp.color.val := a.color;
      sp.typeface := a.font.typeface$;
      sp.size := a.font.size; := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout}; := *;
      sp.weight := a.font.weight;
      tp.known := {offset}; tp.valid := tp.known;
      tp.offset := a.offset;
      Properties.Insert(p, tp); Properties.Insert(p, sp);
      RETURN p
   END Prop;
   PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) ModifyFromProp- (p: Properties.Property), NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

   (** pre: ~a.init **)
      VAR face: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER;
         valid: SET;
      face := a.font.typeface; size := a.font.size;
      style :=; weight := a.font.weight;
      WHILE p # NIL DO
         valid := p.valid;
         WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO
            IF Properties.color IN valid THEN a.color := p.color.val END;
            IF Properties.typeface IN valid THEN
               face := p.typeface
            IF (Properties.size IN valid)
            & (Ports.point <= p.size) & (p.size <= 32767 * Ports.point) THEN
               size := p.size
            ELSE EXCL(valid, Properties.size)
            IF IN valid THEN
               style := style - + *
            IF (Properties.weight IN valid) & (1 <= p.weight) & (p.weight <= 1000) THEN
               weight := p.weight
            ELSE EXCL(valid, Properties.weight)
            IF valid - {Properties.typeface .. Properties.weight} # valid THEN
               a.font := Fonts.dir.This(face, size, style, weight)
         | p: Prop DO
            IF offset IN valid THEN a.offset := p.offset END
         p :=
   END ModifyFromProp;
   PROCEDURE ReadAttr* (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; VAR a: Attributes);

      VAR st: Stores.Store; alien: AlienAttributes;
      rd.ReadStore(st); ASSERT(st # NIL, 20);
      IF st IS Stores.Alien THEN
         NEW(alien); := st(Stores.Alien); Stores.Join(alien,;
         alien.InitFromProp(NIL); a := alien;
         Stores.Report("#Text:AlienAttributes", "", "", "")
      ELSE a := st(Attributes)
   END ReadAttr;
   PROCEDURE WriteAttr* (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; a: Attributes);

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      WITH a: AlienAttributes DO wr.WriteStore( ELSE wr.WriteStore(a) END
   END WriteAttr;
   PROCEDURE ModifiedAttr* (a: Attributes; p: Properties.Property): Attributes;

   (** pre: a.init **)
   (** post: x IN p.valid => x in new attr set to value in p, else set to value in a **)
      VAR h: Attributes;
      ASSERT(a.init, 20);
      h := Stores.CopyOf(a)(Attributes); h.ModifyFromProp(p);
      RETURN h
   END ModifiedAttr;
   (** AlienAttributes **)

   PROCEDURE (a: AlienAttributes) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);

   END Externalize;
   PROCEDURE (a: AlienAttributes) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store);

      a.CopyFrom^(source); := Stores.CopyOf(source(AlienAttributes).store)(Stores.Alien);
   END CopyFrom;
   PROCEDURE (a: AlienAttributes) Prop* (): Properties.Property;

   END Prop;
   PROCEDURE (a: AlienAttributes) ModifyFromProp- (p: Properties.Property);

   END ModifyFromProp;
   (** Prop **)

   PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN);

      VAR valid: SET;
      WITH q: Prop DO
         valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE;
         IF p.offset # q.offset THEN EXCL(valid, offset) END;
         IF p.code # q.code THEN EXCL(valid, code) END;
         IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END
   END IntersectWith;
   (** Context **)

   PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel* (): Model, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (c: Context) Pos* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) Attr* (): Attributes, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   (** Reader **)

   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Base* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) SetPos* (pos: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Pos* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Read*, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadPrev*, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadChar* (OUT ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT;

      rd.Read; ch := rd.char
   END ReadChar;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadPrevChar* (OUT ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT;
      rd.ReadPrev; ch := rd.char
   END ReadPrevChar;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadView* (OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT;
      REPEAT rd.Read UNTIL (rd.view # NIL) OR rd.eot;
      v := rd.view
   END ReadView;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadPrevView* (OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT;
      REPEAT rd.ReadPrev UNTIL (rd.view # NIL) OR rd.eot;
      v := rd.view
   END ReadPrevView;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadRun* (OUT attr: Attributes), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   (** post: rd.eot OR a # NIL, rd.view = ViewAt(rd.Pos() - 1) **)
      VAR a: Attributes;
      a := rd.attr;
      REPEAT rd.Read UNTIL (rd.attr # a) OR (rd.view # NIL) OR rd.eot;
      IF rd.eot THEN attr := NIL ELSE attr := rd.attr END
   END ReadRun;
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadPrevRun* (OUT attr: Attributes), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   (** post: rd.eot OR a # NIL, rd.view = ViewAt(rd.Pos()) **)
      VAR a: Attributes;
      a := rd.attr;
      REPEAT rd.ReadPrev UNTIL (rd.attr # a) OR (rd.view # NIL) OR rd.eot;
      IF rd.eot THEN attr := NIL ELSE attr := rd.attr END
   END ReadPrevRun;
   (** Writer **)

   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) Base* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) SetPos* (pos: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) Pos* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT;
   (* PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) WriteSChar* (ch: SHORTCHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; *)
   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) WriteChar* (ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) WriteView* (view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) SetAttr* (attr: Attributes), NEW(*, EXTENSIBLE*);

      ASSERT(attr # NIL, 20); ASSERT(attr.init, 21); wr.attr := attr
   END SetAttr;
   (** Directory **)

   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewFromString* (s: ARRAY OF CHAR): Model, NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

      VAR m: Model; w: Writer; i: INTEGER;
      m := d.New(); w := m.NewWriter(NIL);
      i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO w.WriteChar(s[i]); INC(i) END;
      RETURN m
   END NewFromString;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) SetAttr* (attr: Attributes), NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

      ASSERT(attr.init, 20); d.attr := attr
   END SetAttr;
   (* StdModel - foundation *)

   PROCEDURE OpenSpill (s: SpillFile);

      s.file := Files.dir.Temp(); s.len := 0;
      s.writer := s.file.NewWriter(NIL)
   END OpenSpill;
   PROCEDURE Find (t: StdModel; VAR pos: INTEGER; VAR u: Run; VAR off: INTEGER);

   (* post: 0 <= pos <= t.len, 0 <= off < u.len, Pos(u) + off = pos *)
   (* Read/Write rely on Find to force pos into the legal range *)
      VAR v: Run; m: INTEGER;
      IF pos < 0 THEN pos := 0 END;
      IF pos >= t.len THEN
         u := t.trailer; off := 0; t.pc.prev := t.trailer; := 0
         v :=; m := pos -;
         IF m >= 0 THEN
            WHILE m >= v.len DO DEC(m, v.len); v := END
            WHILE m < 0 DO v := v.prev; INC(m, v.len) END
         u := v; off := m; t.pc.prev := v.prev; := pos - m
   END Find;
   PROCEDURE Split (off: INTEGER; VAR u, un: Run);

   (* pre: 0 <= off <= u.len *)
   (* post: u.len = off, u.len + un.len = u'.len, Pos(u) + u.len = Pos(un) *)
      VAR lp: LPiece; sp: Piece;
      IF off = 0 THEN un := u; u := un.prev   (* "split" at left edge of run *)
      ELSIF off < u.len THEN   (* u.len > 1 => u IS LPiece; true split *)
         WITH u: Piece DO
            NEW(sp); sp^ := u^; INC(, off);
            un := sp
         ELSE   (* u IS LPiece) & ~(u IS Piece) *)
            lp.prev := u.prev; :=; lp.len := u.len; lp.attr := u.attr;
            lp.file := u(LPiece).file; := u(LPiece).org;
            INC(, 2 * off);
            un := lp
         DEC(un.len, off); DEC(u.len, un.len);
         un.prev := u; :=; := un; := un
      ELSIF off = u.len THEN un :=   (* "split" at right edge of run *)
      ELSE HALT(100)
   END Split;
   PROCEDURE Merge (t: StdModel; u: Run; VAR v: Run);

      VAR p, q: LPiece;
      WITH u: Piece DO
         IF (v IS Piece) & ((u.attr = v.attr) OR u.attr.Equals(v.attr)) THEN
            p := u; q := v(Piece);
            IF (p.file = q.file) & ( + p.len = THEN
               IF t.pc.prev = p THEN INC(, q.len)
               ELSIF t.pc.prev = q THEN t.pc.prev := t.trailer; := 0
               INC(p.len, q.len); v :=
      | u: LPiece DO   (* ~(u IS Piece) *)
         IF (v IS LPiece) & ~(v IS Piece) & ((u.attr = v.attr) OR u.attr.Equals(v.attr)) THEN
            p := u(LPiece); q := v(LPiece);
            IF (p.file = q.file) & ( + 2 * p.len = THEN
               IF t.pc.prev = p THEN INC(, q.len)
               ELSIF t.pc.prev = q THEN t.pc.prev := t.trailer; := 0
               INC(p.len, q.len); v :=
      ELSE   (* ignore: can't merge ViewRef runs *)
   END Merge;
   PROCEDURE Splice (un, v, w: Run);   (* (u, un) -> (u, v ... w, un) *)

      VAR u: Run;
      IF v # THEN   (* non-empty stretch v ... w *)
         u := un.prev; := v; v.prev := u; un.prev := w; := un
   END Splice;
   PROCEDURE NewContext (r: ViewRef; text: StdModel): StdContext;

      VAR c: StdContext;
      NEW(c); c.text := text; c.ref := r;
      Stores.Join(text, r.view);
      RETURN c
   END NewContext;
   PROCEDURE CopyOfPiece (p: LPiece): LPiece;

      VAR lp: LPiece; sp: Piece;
      WITH p: Piece DO NEW(sp); sp^ := p^; RETURN sp
         lp.prev := p.prev; :=; lp.len := p.len; lp.attr := p.attr;
         lp.file := p(LPiece).file; := p(LPiece).org;
         RETURN lp
   END CopyOfPiece;
   PROCEDURE CopyOfViewRef (r: ViewRef; text: StdModel): ViewRef;

      VAR v: ViewRef;
      NEW(v); v^ := r^;
      v.view := Views.CopyOf(r.view, Views.deep);
      v.view.InitContext(NewContext(v, text));
      RETURN v
   END CopyOfViewRef;
   PROCEDURE InvalCache (t: StdModel; pos: INTEGER);

      VAR n: INTEGER;
      n := MOD cacheWidth;
      IF cache[n].id = THEN
         IF pos <= cache[n].beg THEN cache[n].beg := 0; cache[n].end := 0
         ELSIF pos < cache[n].end THEN cache[n].end := pos
   END InvalCache;
   PROCEDURE StdInit (t: StdModel);

      VAR u: Run;
      IF t.trailer = NIL THEN
         NEW(u); u.len := MAX(INTEGER); u.attr := NIL; := u; u.prev := u;
         t.len := 0; := nextId; INC(nextId); t.era := 0; t.trailer := u;
         t.pc.prev := u; := 0;
         IF t.spill = NIL THEN NEW(t.spill) END
   END StdInit;
   PROCEDURE CopyOf (src: StdModel; beg, end: INTEGER; dst: StdModel): StdModel;

      VAR buf: StdModel; u, v, r, z, zn: Run; ud, vd: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(beg < end, 20);
      buf := Containers.CloneOf(dst)(StdModel);
      ASSERT(buf.Domain() = NIL, 100);
      Find(src, beg, u, ud); Find(src, end, v, vd);
      z := buf.trailer; r := u;
      WHILE r # v DO
         WITH r: LPiece DO   (* Piece or LPiece *)
            zn := CopyOfPiece(r); DEC(zn.len, ud);
            IF zn IS Piece THEN INC(zn(LPiece).org, ud) ELSE INC(zn(LPiece).org, 2 * ud) END
         | r: ViewRef DO
            zn := CopyOfViewRef(r, buf)
         ELSE (* ignore *)
         END; := zn; zn.prev := z; z := zn; r :=; ud := 0
      IF vd > 0 THEN   (* v IS LPiece *)
         zn := CopyOfPiece(v(LPiece)); zn.len := vd - ud;
         IF zn IS Piece THEN INC(zn(LPiece).org, ud) ELSE INC(zn(LPiece).org, 2 * ud) END; := zn; zn.prev := z; z := zn
      END; := buf.trailer; buf.trailer.prev := z;
      buf.len := end - beg;
      RETURN buf
   END CopyOf;
   PROCEDURE ProjectionOf (src: Model; beg, end: INTEGER; dst: StdModel): StdModel;

   (* rider-conversion to eliminate covariance conflicts in binary operations *)
      VAR buf: StdModel; rd: Reader; wr: Writer;
      rd := src.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg);
      buf := Containers.CloneOf(dst)(StdModel); ASSERT(buf.Domain() = NIL, 100);
      wr := buf.NewWriter(NIL);
      WHILE beg < end DO
         rd.Read; wr.SetAttr(rd.attr);
         IF rd.view # NIL THEN
            wr.WriteView(Views.CopyOf(rd.view, Views.deep), rd.w, rd.h)
      RETURN buf
   END ProjectionOf;
   PROCEDURE Move (src: StdModel; beg, end: INTEGER; dest: StdModel; pos: INTEGER);

      VAR pc: PieceCache; view: Views.View;
         u, un, v, vn, w, wn: Run; ud, vd, wd: INTEGER;
         (*initDom: BOOLEAN; newDom, dom: Stores.Domain;*)
         upd: UpdateMsg; neut: Models.NeutralizeMsg;
      Models.Broadcast(src, neut);
      Find(src, beg, u, ud); Split(ud, u, un); pc := src.pc;
      Find(src, end, v, vd); Split(vd, v, vn); src.pc := pc;
      Merge(src, u, vn); := vn; vn.prev := u;
      DEC(src.len, end - beg);
      InvalCache(src, beg);
      upd.op := delete; upd.beg := beg; upd.end := beg + 1; := beg - end;
      Models.Broadcast(src, upd);
      IF src = dest THEN
         IF pos > end THEN DEC(pos, end - beg) END
         (*newDom := dest.Domain(); initDom := (src.Domain() = NIL) & (newDom # NIL);*)
         w := un;
         WHILE w # vn DO
            IF initDom THEN
               dom := w.attr.Domain();
               IF (dom # NIL) & (dom # newDom) THEN w.attr := Stores.CopyOf(w.attr)(Attributes) END;
               Stores.InitDomain(w.attr, newDom)
            IF ~Stores.Joined(dest, w.attr) THEN
               IF ~Stores.Unattached(w.attr) THEN w.attr := Stores.CopyOf(w.attr)(Attributes) END;
               Stores.Join(dest, w.attr)
            WITH w: ViewRef DO
               view := w.view;
               (*IF initDom THEN Stores.InitDomain(view, newDom) END;*)
               Stores.Join(dest, view);
               view.context(StdContext).text := dest
            w :=
      Find(dest, pos, w, wd); Split(wd, w, wn); Splice(wn, un, v);
      v := wn.prev; Merge(dest, v, wn); := wn; wn.prev := v;
      wn :=; Merge(dest, w, wn); := wn; wn.prev := w;
      INC(dest.len, end - beg);
      InvalCache(dest, pos);
      upd.op := insert; upd.beg := pos; upd.end := pos + end - beg; := end - beg;
      Models.Broadcast(dest, upd)
   END Move;
   (* StdModel - operations *)

   PROCEDURE (op: MoveOp) Do;

      VAR src, dest: StdModel; beg, end, pos: INTEGER; neut: Models.NeutralizeMsg;
      src := op.src; beg := op.beg; end := op.end; dest := op.dest; pos := op.pos;
      IF src = dest THEN
         IF pos < beg THEN
            op.pos := end; op.beg := pos; op.end := pos + end - beg
            op.pos := beg; op.beg := pos - (end - beg); op.end := pos
         Models.Broadcast(op.src, neut);   (* destination is neutralized by sequencer *)
         op.dest := src; op.src := dest;
         op.pos := beg; op.beg := pos; op.end := pos + end - beg
      Move(src, beg, end, dest, pos)
   END Do;
   PROCEDURE DoMove (name: Stores.OpName;

      src: StdModel; beg, end: INTEGER;
      dest: StdModel; pos: INTEGER
      VAR op: MoveOp;
      IF (beg < end) & ((src # dest) OR ~((beg <= pos) & (pos <= end))) THEN
         op.src := src; op.beg := beg; op.end := end;
         op.dest := dest; op.pos := pos;
         Models.Do(dest, name, op)
   END DoMove;
   PROCEDURE (op: EditOp) Do;

      VAR text: StdModel; (*newDom, dom: Stores.Domain;*) pc: PieceCache;
         u, un, v, vn: Run; sp: Piece; lp: LPiece; r: ViewRef;
         ud, vd, beg, end, pos, len: INTEGER; w, h: INTEGER;
         upd: UpdateMsg;
      text := op.text;
      CASE op.mode OF
         beg := op.beg; end := op.end; len := end - beg;
         Find(text, beg, u, ud); Split(ud, u, un); pc := text.pc;
         Find(text, end, v, vd); Split(vd, v, vn); text.pc := pc;
         Merge(text, u, vn); := vn; vn.prev := u;
         DEC(text.len, len);
         InvalCache(text, beg);
         op.mode := moveBuf; op.canBunch := FALSE;
         op.pos := beg; op.first := un; op.last := v; op.len := len;
         upd.op := delete; upd.beg := beg; upd.end := beg + 1; := -len;
         Models.Broadcast(text, upd)
      | moveBuf:
         pos := op.pos;
         Find(text, pos, u, ud); Split(ud, u, un); Splice(un, op.first, op.last);
         INC(text.len, op.len);
         InvalCache(text, pos);
         op.mode := deleteRange;
         op.beg := pos; op.end := pos + op.len;
         upd.op := insert; upd.beg := pos; upd.end := pos + op.len; := op.len;
         Models.Broadcast(text, upd)
      | writeSChar:
         pos := op.pos;
         InvalCache(text, pos);
         Find(text, pos, u, ud); Split(ud, u, un);
         IF (u.attr = op.attr) & (u IS Piece) & (u(Piece).file = text.spill.file)
         & (u(Piece).org + u.len = op.len) THEN
            IF >= pos THEN INC( END
            newDom := text.Domain();
            IF newDom # NIL THEN
               dom := op.attr.Domain();
               IF (dom # NIL) & (dom # newDom) THEN
                  op.attr := Stores.CopyOf(op.attr)(Attributes)
               Stores.InitDomain(op.attr, newDom)
            IF ~Stores.Joined(text, op.attr) THEN
               IF ~Stores.Unattached(op.attr) THEN op.attr := Stores.CopyOf(op.attr)(Attributes) END;
               Stores.Join(text, op.attr)
            NEW(sp); := sp; sp.prev := u; := un; un.prev := sp;
            sp.len := 1; sp.attr := op.attr;
            sp.file := text.spill.file; := op.len;
            IF > pos THEN INC( END
         INC(text.len); INC(text.era);
         op.mode := deleteRange;
         upd.op := insert; upd.beg := pos; upd.end := pos + 1; := 1;
         Models.Broadcast(text, upd)
      | writeChar:
         pos := op.pos;
         InvalCache(text, pos);
         Find(text, pos, u, ud); Split(ud, u, un);
         IF (u.attr = op.attr) & (u IS LPiece) & ~(u IS Piece) & (u(LPiece).file = text.spill.file)
         & (u(LPiece).org + 2 * u.len = op.len) THEN
            IF >= pos THEN INC( END
            newDom := text.Domain();
            IF newDom # NIL THEN
               dom := op.attr.Domain();
               IF (dom # NIL) & (dom # newDom) THEN
                  op.attr := Stores.CopyOf(op.attr)(Attributes)
               Stores.InitDomain(op.attr, newDom)
            IF ~Stores.Joined(text, op.attr) THEN
               IF ~Stores.Unattached(op.attr) THEN op.attr := Stores.CopyOf(op.attr)(Attributes) END;
               Stores.Join(text, op.attr)
            NEW(lp); := lp; lp.prev := u; := un; un.prev := lp;
            lp.len := 1; lp.attr := op.attr;
            lp.file := text.spill.file; := op.len;
            IF > pos THEN INC( END
         INC(text.len); INC(text.era);
         op.mode := deleteRange;
         upd.op := insert; upd.beg := pos; upd.end := pos + 1; := 1;
         Models.Broadcast(text, upd)
      | writeView:
         pos := op.pos; r := op.first(ViewRef);
         InvalCache(text, pos);
         Find(text, pos, u, ud); Split(ud, u, un); := r; r.prev := u; := un; un.prev := r;
         INC(text.len); INC(text.era);
         r.view.InitContext(NewContext(r, text));
         (* Stores.InitDomain(r.view, text.Domain()); *)
         Stores.Join(text, r.view);
         w := r.w; h := r.h; r.w := defW; r.h := defH;
         Properties.PreferredSize(r.view, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, defW, defH,
            w, h
         r.w := w; r.h := h;
         op.mode := deleteRange;
         upd.op := insert; upd.beg := pos; upd.end := pos + 1; := 1;
         Models.Broadcast(text, upd)
   END Do;
   PROCEDURE GetWriteOp (t: StdModel; pos: INTEGER; VAR op: EditOp; VAR bunch: BOOLEAN);

      VAR last: Stores.Operation;
      last := Models.LastOp(t);
      IF (last # NIL) & (last IS EditOp) THEN
         op := last(EditOp);
         bunch := op.canBunch & (op.end = pos)
      ELSE bunch := FALSE
      IF bunch THEN
         NEW(op); op.canBunch := TRUE;
         op.text := t; op.beg := pos; op.end := pos + 1
      op.pos := pos
   END GetWriteOp;
   PROCEDURE SetPreferredSize (t: StdModel; v: Views.View);

      VAR minW, maxW, minH, maxH, w, h: INTEGER;
      t.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH);
      v.context.GetSize(w, h);
      Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, w, h, w, h);
      v.context.SetSize(w, h)
   END SetPreferredSize;
   PROCEDURE (op: SetAttrOp) Do;

      VAR t: StdModel; attr: Attributes; z: AttrList; (*checkDom: BOOLEAN;*)
         pc: PieceCache; u, un, v, vn: Run; ud, vd, pos, next: INTEGER;
         upd: UpdateMsg;
      t := op.text; z := op.list; pos := op.beg; (*checkDom := t.Domain() # NIL;*)
      WHILE z # NIL DO
         next := pos + z.len;
         IF z.attr # NIL THEN
            Find(t, pos, u, ud); Split(ud, u, un); pc := t.pc;
            Find(t, next, v, vd); Split(vd, v, vn); t.pc := pc;
            attr := un.attr;
            WHILE un # vn DO
               un.attr := z.attr;
               IF checkDom & (un.attr.Domain() # t.Domain()) THEN
                  IF un.attr.Domain() # NIL THEN un.attr := Stores.CopyOf(un.attr)(Attributes) END;
                  Stores.InitDomain(un.attr, t.Domain())
               IF ~Stores.Joined(t, un.attr) THEN
                  IF ~Stores.Unattached(un.attr) THEN un.attr := Stores.CopyOf(un.attr)(Attributes) END;
                  Stores.Join(t, un.attr)
               Merge(t, u, un);
               WITH un: ViewRef DO SetPreferredSize(t, un.view) ELSE END;
               IF = un THEN u := un; un := ELSE := un; un.prev := u END
            Merge(t, u, un); := un; un.prev := u;
            z.attr := attr
         pos := next; z :=
      upd.op := replace; upd.beg := op.beg; upd.end := pos; := 0;
      Models.Broadcast(t, upd)
   END Do;
   PROCEDURE (op: ResizeViewOp) Do;

      VAR r: ViewRef; w, h: INTEGER; upd: UpdateMsg;
      r := op.ref;
      w := op.w; h := op.h;op.w := r.w; op.h := r.h;r.w := w; r.h := h;
      upd.op := replace; upd.beg := op.pos; upd.end := op.pos + 1; := 0;
      Models.Broadcast(op.text, upd)
   END Do;
   PROCEDURE (op: ReplaceViewOp) Do;

      VAR new: Views.View; upd: UpdateMsg;
      new :=; := op.ref.view; op.ref.view := new;
      upd.op := replace; upd.beg := op.pos; upd.end := op.pos + 1; := 0;
      Models.Broadcast(op.text, upd)
   END Do;
   (* StdModel *)

   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) InitFrom (source: Containers.Model);

      WITH source: StdModel DO
         ASSERT(source.trailer # NIL, 20);
         t.spill := source.spill;   (* reduce no of temp files: share spill files among clones *)
   END InitFrom;
   PROCEDURE WriteCharacters (t: StdModel; VAR wr: Stores.Writer);

      VAR r: Files.Reader; u: Run; len: INTEGER;
         sp: Properties.StorePref;
         buf: ARRAY 1024 OF BYTE;
      r := NIL;
      u :=;
      WHILE u # t.trailer DO
         WITH u: Piece DO
            r := u.file.NewReader(r); r.SetPos(;
            len := u.len;
            WHILE len > LEN(buf) DO
               r.ReadBytes(buf, 0, LEN(buf)); wr.rider.WriteBytes(buf, 0, LEN(buf));
               DEC(len, LEN(buf))
            r.ReadBytes(buf, 0, len); wr.rider.WriteBytes(buf, 0, len)
         | u: LPiece DO   (* ~(u IS Piece) *)
            r := u.file.NewReader(r); r.SetPos(;
            len := 2 * u.len;
            WHILE len > LEN(buf) DO
               r.ReadBytes(buf, 0, LEN(buf)); wr.rider.WriteBytes(buf, 0, LEN(buf));
               DEC(len, LEN(buf))
            r.ReadBytes(buf, 0, len); wr.rider.WriteBytes(buf, 0, len)
         | u: ViewRef DO
            sp.view := u.view; Views.HandlePropMsg(u.view, sp);
            IF sp.view # NIL THEN wr.WriteSChar(viewcode) END
            IF Stores.ExternalizeProxy(u.view) # NIL THEN
         u :=
   END WriteCharacters;
   PROCEDURE WriteAttributes (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; t: StdModel;

      a: Attributes; VAR dict: AttrDict
      VAR k, len: BYTE;
      len := dict.len; k := 0; WHILE (k # len) & ~a.Equals(dict.attr[k]) DO INC(k) END;
      IF k = len THEN
         IF len < dictSize THEN dict.attr[len] := a; INC(dict.len) END;
         (* ASSERT(Stores.Joined(t, a)); but bkwd-comp: *)
         (* IF a.Domain() # d THEN always copy: bkwd-comp hack to avoid link *)
            a := Stores.CopyOf(a)(Attributes); (* Stores.InitDomain(a, d); *) Stores.Join(t, a);
         (* END; *)
         WriteAttr(wr, a)
   END WriteAttributes;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);

      VAR (*dom: Stores.Domain;*) u, v, un: Run;
         attr: Attributes; dict: AttrDict;
         org, runlen, pos: INTEGER; lchars: BOOLEAN;
         inf: InfoMsg;
      StdInit(t); (*dom := t.Domain();*)
      wr.WriteInt(0); org := wr.Pos();
      u :=; v := t.trailer; dict.len := 0; lchars := FALSE;
      WHILE u # v DO
         attr := u.attr;
         WITH u: Piece DO
            runlen := u.len; un :=;
            WHILE (un IS Piece) & un.attr.Equals(attr) DO
               INC(runlen, un.len); un :=
            WriteAttributes(wr, t, attr, dict); wr.WriteInt(runlen)
         | u: LPiece DO   (* ~(u IS Piece) *)
            runlen := 2 * u.len; un :=;
            WHILE (un IS LPiece) & ~(un IS Piece) & un.attr.Equals(attr) DO
               INC(runlen, 2 * un.len); un :=
            WriteAttributes(wr, t, attr, dict); wr.WriteInt(-runlen);
            lchars := TRUE
         | u: ViewRef DO
            IF Stores.ExternalizeProxy(u.view) # NIL THEN
               WriteAttributes(wr, t, attr, dict); wr.WriteInt(0);
               wr.WriteInt(u.w); wr.WriteInt(u.h); Views.WriteView(wr, u.view)
            un :=
         u := un
      pos := wr.Pos();
      wr.SetPos(org - 5);
      IF lchars THEN wr.WriteVersion(maxStdModelVersion)
      ELSE wr.WriteVersion(noLCharStdModelVersion)   (* version 0 did not support LONGCHAR *)
      wr.WriteInt(pos - org);
      WriteCharacters(t, wr);
      inf.op := store; Models.Broadcast(t, inf)
   END Externalize;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);

      VAR u, un: Run; sp: Piece; lp: LPiece; v: ViewRef;
         org, len: INTEGER; ano: BYTE; thisVersion: INTEGER;
         attr: Attributes; dict: AttrDict;
      ASSERT(t.Domain() = NIL, 20); ASSERT(t.len = 0, 21);
      t.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
      rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStdModelVersion, thisVersion);
      IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
      dict.len := 0; u := t.trailer;
      rd.ReadInt(len); org := rd.Pos() + len;
      WHILE ano # -1 DO
         IF ano = dict.len THEN
            ReadAttr(rd, attr); Stores.Join(t, attr);
            IF dict.len < dictSize THEN dict.attr[dict.len] := attr; INC(dict.len) END
            attr := dict.attr[ano]
         IF len > 0 THEN   (* piece *)
            NEW(sp); sp.len := len; sp.attr := attr;
            sp.file := rd.rider.Base(); := org; un := sp;
            INC(org, len)
         ELSIF len < 0 THEN   (* longchar piece *)
            len := -len; ASSERT(~ODD(len), 100);
            NEW(lp); lp.len := len DIV 2; lp.attr := attr;
            lp.file := rd.rider.Base(); := org; un := lp;
            INC(org, len)
         ELSE   (* len = 0=>embedded view *)
            NEW(v); v.len := 1; v.attr := attr;
            rd.ReadInt(v.w); rd.ReadInt(v.h); Views.ReadView(rd, v.view);
            v.view.InitContext(NewContext(v, t));
            un := v; INC(org)
         INC(t.len, un.len); := un; un.prev := u; u := un;
      rd.SetPos(org); := t.trailer; t.trailer.prev := u
   END Internalize;

   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) PropagateDomain;
      VAR u: Run; dom: Stores.Domain;
      IF t.Domain() # NIL THEN
         u :=;
         WHILE u # t.trailer DO
            dom := u.attr.Domain();
            IF (dom # NIL) & (dom # t.Domain()) THEN u.attr := Stores.CopyOf(u.attr)(Attributes) END;
            Stores.InitDomain(u.attr, t.Domain());
            WITH u: ViewRef DO Stores.InitDomain(u.view, t.Domain()) ELSE END;
            u :=
   END PropagateDomain;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) GetEmbeddingLimits (OUT minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER);

      minW := minWidth; maxW := maxWidth; minH := minHeight; maxH := maxHeight
   END GetEmbeddingLimits;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Length (): INTEGER;

      RETURN t.len
   END Length;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader;

      VAR rd: StdReader;
      IF (old # NIL) & (old IS StdReader) THEN rd := old(StdReader) ELSE NEW(rd) END;
      IF rd.base # t THEN
         rd.base := t; rd.era := -1; rd.SetPos(0)
      ELSIF rd.pos > t.len THEN
      rd.eot := FALSE;
      RETURN rd
   END NewReader;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer;

      VAR wr: StdWriter;
      IF (old # NIL) & (old IS StdWriter) THEN wr := old(StdWriter) ELSE NEW(wr) END;
      IF (wr.base # t) OR (wr.pos > t.len) THEN
         wr.base := t; wr.era := -1; wr.SetPos(t.len)
      RETURN wr
   END NewWriter;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) InsertCopy (pos: INTEGER; t0: Model; beg0, end0: INTEGER);

      VAR buf: StdModel;
      ASSERT(0 <= pos, 21); ASSERT(pos <= t.len, 22);
      ASSERT(0 <= beg0, 23); ASSERT(beg0 <= end0, 24); ASSERT(end0 <= t0.Length(), 25);
      IF beg0 < end0 THEN
         WITH t0: StdModel DO buf := CopyOf(t0, beg0, end0, t)
         ELSE buf := ProjectionOf(t0, beg0, end0, t)
         (* IF t.Domain() # NIL THEN Stores.InitDomain(buf,t.Domain()) END; *)
         Stores.Join(t, buf);
         DoMove("#System:Copying", buf, 0, buf.len, t, pos)
   END InsertCopy;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Insert (pos: INTEGER; t0: Model; beg, end: INTEGER);

      ASSERT(0 <= pos, 21); ASSERT(pos <= t.len, 22);
      ASSERT(0 <= beg, 23); ASSERT(beg <= end, 24); ASSERT(end <= t0.Length(), 25);
      IF beg < end THEN
         IF (t.Domain() # NIL) & (t0 IS StdModel) & (t0.Domain() = t.Domain()) THEN
            DoMove("#System:Moving", t0(StdModel), beg, end, t, pos)
         ELSE   (* moving across domains *)
            t.InsertCopy(pos, t0, beg, end); t0.Delete(beg, end)
   END Insert;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Append (t0: Model);

      VAR len0: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(t # t0, 20);
      len0 := t0.Length();
      IF len0 > 0 THEN
         IF (t.Domain() # NIL) & (t0 IS StdModel) & (t0.Domain() = t.Domain()) THEN
            DoMove("#Text:Appending", t0(StdModel), 0, len0, t, t.len)
         ELSE   (* moving across domains *)
            t.InsertCopy(t.len, t0, 0, len0); t0.Delete(0, len0)
   END Append;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Delete (beg, end: INTEGER);

      VAR op: EditOp;
      ASSERT(0 <= beg, 20); ASSERT(beg <= end, 21); ASSERT(end <= t.len, 22);
      IF beg < end THEN
         NEW(op); op.mode := deleteRange; op.canBunch := FALSE;
         op.text := t; op.beg := beg; op.end := end;
         Models.Do(t, "#System:Deleting", op)
   END Delete;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) SetAttr (beg, end: INTEGER; attr: Attributes);

      VAR op: SetAttrOp; zp, z: AttrList;
         u, v, w: Run; ud, vd: INTEGER; modified: BOOLEAN;
      ASSERT(0 <= beg, 20); ASSERT(beg <= end, 21); ASSERT(end <= t.len, 22);
      IF beg < end THEN
         NEW(op); op.text := t; op.beg := beg;
         Find(t, beg, u, ud); Find(t, end, v, vd);
         IF vd > 0 THEN w := ELSE w := v END;
         zp := NIL; modified := FALSE;
         WHILE u # w DO
            IF u = v THEN INC(ud, v.len - vd) END;
            NEW(z); z.len := u.len - ud; z.attr := attr;
            IF zp = NIL THEN op.list := z ELSE z END;
            zp := z;
            modified := modified OR ~u.attr.Equals(attr);
            u :=; ud := 0
         IF modified THEN Models.Do(t, "#Text:AttributeChange", op) END
   END SetAttr;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Prop (beg, end: INTEGER): Properties.Property;

      VAR p, q: Properties.Property; tp: Prop;
         u, v, w: Run; ud, vd: INTEGER; equal: BOOLEAN;
         rd: Reader;
      ASSERT(0 <= beg, 20); ASSERT(beg <= end, 21); ASSERT(end <= t.len, 22);
      IF beg < end THEN
         Find(t, beg, u, ud); Find(t, end, v, vd);
         IF vd > 0 THEN w := ELSE w := v END;
         p := u.attr.Prop();
         u :=;
         WHILE u # w DO
            Properties.Intersect(p, u.attr.Prop(), equal);
            u :=
         IF beg + 1 = end THEN
            t.rd := t.NewReader(t.rd); rd := t.rd;
            rd.SetPos(beg); rd.Read;
            IF (rd.view = NIL) OR (rd.char # viewcode) THEN
               q := p; WHILE (q # NIL) & ~(q IS Prop) DO q := END;
               IF q # NIL THEN
                  tp := q(Prop)
               ELSE NEW(tp); Properties.Insert(p, tp)
               INCL(tp.valid, code); INCL(tp.known, code); INCL(tp.readOnly, code);
               tp.code := rd.char
      ELSE p := NIL
      RETURN p
   END Prop;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Modify (beg, end: INTEGER; old, p: Properties.Property);

      VAR op: SetAttrOp; zp, z: AttrList;
         u, v, w: Run; ud, vd: INTEGER; equal, modified: BOOLEAN;
         q: Properties.Property;
      ASSERT(0 <= beg, 20); ASSERT(beg <= end, 21); ASSERT(end <= t.len, 22);
      IF (beg < end) & (p # NIL) THEN
         NEW(op); op.text := t; op.beg := beg;
         Find(t, beg, u, ud); Find(t, end, v, vd);
         IF vd > 0 THEN w := ELSE w := v END;
         zp := NIL; modified := FALSE;
         WHILE u # w DO
            IF u = v THEN INC(ud, v.len - vd) END;
            IF old # NIL THEN
               q := u.attr.Prop();
               Properties.Intersect(q, old, equal);   (* q := q * old *)
               Properties.Intersect(q, old, equal)   (* equal := q = old *)
            NEW(z); z.len := u.len - ud;
            IF (old = NIL) OR equal THEN
               z.attr := ModifiedAttr(u.attr, p);
               modified := modified OR ~u.attr.Equals(z.attr)
            IF zp = NIL THEN op.list := z ELSE := z END;
            zp := z;
            u :=; ud := 0
         IF modified THEN Models.Do(t, "#System:Modifying", op) END
   END Modify;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) ReplaceView (old, new: Views.View);

      VAR c: StdContext; op: ReplaceViewOp;
      ASSERT(old.context # NIL, 20); ASSERT(old.context IS StdContext, 21);
      ASSERT(old.context(StdContext).text = t, 22);
      ASSERT((new.context = NIL) OR (new.context = old.context), 24);
      IF new # old THEN
         c := old.context(StdContext);
         IF new.context = NIL THEN new.InitContext(c) END;
         (* Stores.InitDomain(new, t.Domain()); *)
         Stores.Join(t, new);
         NEW(op); op.text := t; op.pos := c.Pos(); op.ref := c.ref; := new;
         Models.Do(t, "#System:Replacing", op)
   END ReplaceView;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store);

      WITH source: StdModel DO t.InsertCopy(0, source, 0, source.len) END
   END CopyFrom;
   PROCEDURE (t: StdModel) Replace (beg, end: INTEGER; t0: Model; beg0, end0: INTEGER);

      VAR script: Stores.Operation;
      ASSERT(0 <= beg, 20); ASSERT(beg <= end, 21); ASSERT(end <= t.len, 22);
      ASSERT(0 <= beg0, 23); ASSERT(beg0 <= end0, 24); ASSERT(end0 <= t0.Length(), 25);
      ASSERT(t # t0, 26);
      Models.BeginScript(t, "#System:Replacing", script);
      t.Delete(beg, end); t.Insert(beg, t0, beg0, end0);
      Models.EndScript(t, script)
   END Replace;
   (* StdContext *)

   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) ThisModel (): Model;

      RETURN c.text
   END ThisModel;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER);

      w := c.ref.w; h := c.ref.h
   END GetSize;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER);

      VAR t: StdModel; r: ViewRef; op: ResizeViewOp;
      t := c.text; r := c.ref;
      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := r.w END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := r.h END;
      Properties.PreferredSize(r.view, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, r.w, r.h, w, h);
      IF (w # r.w) OR (h # r.h) THEN
         NEW(op); op.text := t; op.pos := c.Pos(); op.ref := r; op.w := w; op.h := h;
         Models.Do(t, "#System:Resizing", op)
   END SetSize;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN;

   END Normalize;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) Pos (): INTEGER;

      VAR t: StdModel; u, r, w: Run; pos: INTEGER;
      t := c.text; r := c.ref;
      IF # r THEN
         u :=; w := t.trailer; pos := 0;
         WHILE (u # r) & (u # w) DO INC(pos, u.len); u := END;
         ASSERT(u = r, 20);
         t.pc.prev := r.prev; := pos
   END Pos;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) Attr (): Attributes;

      RETURN c.ref.attr
   END Attr;
   (* StdReader *)

   PROCEDURE RemapView (rd: StdReader);

      VAR p: Pref;
      p.opts := {}; Views.HandlePropMsg(rd.view, p);
      IF maskChar IN p.opts THEN rd.char := p.mask ELSE rd.char := viewcode END
   END RemapView;
   PROCEDURE Reset (rd: StdReader);

      VAR t: StdModel;
      t := rd.base;
      Find(t, rd.pos,,; rd.era := t.era
   END Reset;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) Base (): Model;

      RETURN rd.base
   END Base;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) SetPos (pos: INTEGER);

      ASSERT(pos >= 0, 20); ASSERT(rd.base # NIL, 21); ASSERT(pos <= rd.base.len, 22);
      rd.eot := FALSE; rd.attr := NIL; rd.char := 0X; rd.view := NIL;
      IF (rd.pos # pos) OR ( = rd.base.trailer) THEN
         rd.pos := pos; rd.era := -1
   END SetPos;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) Pos (): INTEGER;

      RETURN rd.pos
   END Pos;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) Read;

      VAR t: StdModel; u: Run; n, pos, len: INTEGER; lc: ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;
      t := rd.base;
      n := MOD cacheWidth;
      IF rd.era # t.era THEN Reset(rd) END;
      u :=;
      WITH u: Piece DO
         rd.attr := u.attr;
         pos := rd.pos MOD cacheLen;
         IF ~((cache[n].id = & (cache[n].beg <= rd.pos) & (rd.pos < cache[n].end)) THEN
            (* cache miss *)
            IF cache[n].id # THEN cache[n].id :=; cache[n].beg := 0; cache[n].end := 0 END;
            len := cacheLine;
            IF len > cacheLen - pos THEN len := cacheLen - pos END;
            IF len > u.len - THEN len := u.len - END;
            rd.reader := u.file.NewReader(rd.reader); rd.reader.SetPos( +;
            rd.reader.ReadBytes(cache[n].buf, pos, len);
            IF rd.pos = cache[n].end THEN
cache[n].end := rd.pos + len;
               INC(cache[n].end, len);
               IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN
                  cache[n].beg := cache[n].end - (cacheLen - 1)
            ELSE cache[n].beg := rd.pos; cache[n].end := rd.pos + len
         rd.char := CHR(cache[n].buf[pos] MOD 256); rd.view := NIL;
         INC(rd.pos); INC(;
         IF = u.len THEN :=; := 0 END
      | u: LPiece DO   (* ~(u IS Piece) *)
         rd.attr := u.attr;
         rd.reader := u.file.NewReader(rd.reader); rd.reader.SetPos( + * 2);
         rd.reader.ReadBytes(lc, 0, 2);
         rd.char := CHR(lc[0] MOD 256 + 256 * (lc[1] + 128)); rd.view := NIL;
         IF (cache[n].id = & (rd.pos = cache[n].end) THEN
cache[n].end := cache[n].end + 1;
IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN cache[n].beg := cache[n].beg + 1 END;
            IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN INC(cache[n].beg) END
         INC(rd.pos); INC(;
         IF = u.len THEN :=; := 0 END
      | u: ViewRef DO
         rd.attr := u.attr;
         rd.view := u.view; rd.w := u.w; rd.h := u.h; RemapView(rd);
         IF (cache[n].id = & (rd.pos = cache[n].end) THEN
cache[n].end := cache[n].end + 1;
IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN cache[n].beg := cache[n].beg + 1 END;
            IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN INC(cache[n].beg) END
         INC(rd.pos); :=; := 0
         rd.eot := TRUE; rd.attr := NIL; rd.char := 0X; rd.view := NIL
   END Read;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadPrev;

      VAR t: StdModel; u: Run; n, pos, len: INTEGER; lc: ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;
      t := rd.base;
      n := MOD cacheWidth;
      IF rd.era # t.era THEN Reset(rd) END;
      IF > 0 THEN DEC(
      ELSIF rd.pos > 0 THEN :=; := - 1
      ELSE := t.trailer
      u :=;
      WITH u: Piece DO
         rd.attr := u.attr;
         pos := rd.pos MOD cacheLen;
         IF ~((cache[n].id = & (cache[n].beg <= rd.pos) & (rd.pos < cache[n].end)) THEN
            (* cache miss *)
            IF cache[n].id # THEN cache[n].id :=; cache[n].beg := 0; cache[n].end := 0 END;
            len := cacheLine;
            IF len > pos + 1 THEN len := pos + 1 END;
            IF len > + 1 THEN len := + 1 END;
            rd.reader := u.file.NewReader(rd.reader);
            rd.reader.SetPos( + - (len - 1));
            rd.reader.ReadBytes(cache[n].buf, pos - (len - 1), len);
            IF rd.pos = cache[n].beg - 1 THEN
cache[n].beg := cache[n] .beg - len;
               DEC(cache[n].beg, len);
               IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN
                  cache[n].end := cache[n].beg + (cacheLen - 1)
            ELSE cache[n].beg := rd.pos - (len - 1); cache[n].end := rd.pos + 1
         rd.char := CHR(cache[n].buf[pos] MOD 256); rd.view := NIL
      | u: LPiece DO   (* ~(u IS Piece) *)
         rd.attr := u.attr;
         rd.reader := u.file.NewReader(rd.reader);
         rd.reader.SetPos( + 2 *;
         rd.reader.ReadBytes(lc, 0, 2);
         rd.char := CHR(lc[0] MOD 256 + 256 * (lc[1] + 128)); rd.view := NIL;
         IF (cache[n].id = & (rd.pos = cache[n].beg) THEN
cache[n].beg := cache[n].beg - 1;
IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN cache[n].end := cache[n].end - 1 END
            IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN DEC(cache[n].end) END
      | u: ViewRef DO
         rd.attr := u.attr;
         rd.view := u.view; rd.w := u.w; rd.h := u.h; RemapView(rd);
         IF (cache[n].id = & (rd.pos = cache[n].beg) THEN
cache[n].beg := cache[n].beg - 1;
IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN cache[n].end := cache[n].end - 1 END
            IF cache[n].end - cache[n].beg >= cacheLen THEN DEC(cache[n].end) END
         rd.eot := TRUE; rd.attr := NIL; rd.char := 0X; rd.view := NIL
   END ReadPrev;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadChar (OUT ch: CHAR);

      rd.Read; ch := rd.char
   END ReadChar;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadPrevChar (OUT ch: CHAR);

      rd.ReadPrev; ch := rd.char
   END ReadPrevChar;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadView (OUT v: Views.View);

      VAR t: StdModel; u: Run;
      t := rd.base;
      IF rd.era # t.era THEN Reset(rd) END;
      u :=;
      WHILE u IS LPiece DO INC(rd.pos, u.len); u := END;
      WITH u: ViewRef DO
         INC(rd.pos); :=; := 0;
         rd.attr := u.attr; rd.view := u.view; rd.w := u.w; rd.h := u.h; RemapView(rd)
      ELSE   (* u = t.trailer *)
         ASSERT(u = t.trailer, 100); := u; := 0;
         rd.eot := TRUE; rd.attr := NIL; rd.char := 0X; rd.view := NIL
      v := rd.view
   END ReadView;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadPrevView (OUT v: Views.View);

      VAR t: StdModel; u: Run;
      t := rd.base;
      IF rd.era # t.era THEN Reset(rd) END;
      u :=;
      WHILE u IS LPiece DO DEC(rd.pos, u.len); u := u.prev END; := u; := 0;
      WITH u: ViewRef DO
         rd.attr := u.attr; rd.view := u.view; rd.w := u.w; rd.h := u.h; RemapView(rd)
      ELSE   (* u = t.trailer *)
         ASSERT(u = t.trailer, 100);
         rd.eot := TRUE; rd.attr := NIL; rd.char := 0X; rd.view := NIL
      v := rd.view
   END ReadPrevView;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadRun (OUT attr: Attributes);

      VAR t: StdModel; a0: Attributes; u, trailer: Run; pos: INTEGER;
      t := rd.base;
      IF rd.era # t.era THEN Reset(rd) END;
      a0 := rd.attr; u :=; pos := rd.pos -; trailer := t.trailer;
      WHILE (u.attr = a0) & ~(u IS ViewRef) & (u # trailer) DO
         INC(pos, u.len); u :=
      END; := u; rd.pos := pos; := 0;
      attr := rd.attr
   END ReadRun;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadPrevRun (OUT attr: Attributes);
      VAR t: StdModel; a0: Attributes; u, trailer: Run; pos: INTEGER;
      t := rd.base;
      IF rd.era # t.era THEN Reset(rd) END;
      a0 := rd.attr; u :=; pos := rd.pos -; trailer := t.trailer;
      IF u # trailer THEN u := u.prev; DEC(pos, u.len) END;
      WHILE (u.attr = a0) & ~(u IS ViewRef) & (u # trailer) DO
         u := u.prev; DEC(pos, u.len)
      IF u # trailer THEN :=; rd.pos := pos + u.len; := 0
      ELSE := trailer; rd.pos := 0; := 0
      attr := rd.attr
   END ReadPrevRun;
   (* StdWriter *)

   PROCEDURE WriterReset (wr: StdWriter);

      VAR t: StdModel; u: Run; uo: INTEGER;
      t := wr.base;
      Find(t, wr.pos, u, uo); Split(uo, u,; wr.era := t.era
   END WriterReset;
   PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) Base (): Model;

      RETURN wr.base
   END Base;
   PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) SetPos (pos: INTEGER);

      ASSERT(pos >= 0, 20); ASSERT(wr.base # NIL, 21); ASSERT(pos <= wr.base.len, 22);
      IF wr.pos # pos THEN
         wr.pos := pos; wr.era := -1
   END SetPos;
   PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) Pos (): INTEGER;

      RETURN wr.pos
   END Pos;
   PROCEDURE WriteSChar (wr: StdWriter; ch: SHORTCHAR);

      VAR t: StdModel; u, un: Run; p: Piece; pos, spillPos: INTEGER;
         op: EditOp; bunch: BOOLEAN;
      t := wr.base; pos := wr.pos;
      IF t.spill.file = NIL THEN OpenSpill(t.spill) END;
      t.spill.writer.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))); spillPos := t.spill.len; t.spill.len := spillPos + 1;
      IF (t.Domain() = NIL) OR (t.Domain().GetSequencer() = NIL) THEN
         (* optimized for speed - writing to unbound text *)
         InvalCache(t, pos);
         IF wr.era # t.era THEN WriterReset(wr) END;
         un :=; u := un.prev;
         IF (u.attr # NIL) & u.attr.Equals(wr.attr) & (u IS Piece) & (u(Piece).file = t.spill.file)
         & (u(Piece).org + u.len = spillPos) THEN
            IF >= pos THEN INC( END
            NEW(p); := p; p.prev := u; := un; un.prev := p;
            p.len := 1; p.attr := wr.attr;
            p.file := t.spill.file; := spillPos;
            IF > pos THEN INC( END;
            IF ~Stores.Joined(t, p.attr) THEN
               IF ~Stores.Unattached(p.attr) THEN p.attr := Stores.CopyOf(p.attr)(Attributes) END;
               Stores.Join(t, p.attr)
         INC(t.era); INC(t.len);
         GetWriteOp(t, pos, op, bunch);
         IF (op.attr = NIL) OR ~op.attr.Equals(wr.attr) THEN op.attr := wr.attr END;
         op.mode := writeSChar; (*op.attr := wr.attr;*) op.len := spillPos;
         IF bunch THEN Models.Bunch(t) ELSE Models.Do(t, "#System:Inserting", op) END
      wr.pos := pos + 1
   END WriteSChar;
   PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) WriteChar (ch: CHAR);

      VAR t: StdModel; u, un: Run; lp: LPiece; pos, spillPos: INTEGER;
         fw: Files.Writer; op: EditOp; bunch: BOOLEAN;
      IF (ch >= 20X) & (ch < 7FX)
      OR (ch = tab) OR (ch = line) OR (ch = para)
      OR (ch = zwspace) OR (ch = digitspace)
      OR (ch = hyphen) OR (ch = nbhyphen) OR (ch >= 0A0X) & (ch < 100X) THEN
         WriteSChar(wr, SHORT(ch))   (* could inline! *)
      ELSIF ch = 200BX THEN wr.WriteChar(zwspace)
      ELSIF ch = 2010X THEN wr.WriteChar(hyphen)
      ELSIF ch = 2011X THEN wr.WriteChar(nbhyphen)
      ELSIF ch >= 100X THEN
         t := wr.base; pos := wr.pos;
         IF t.spill.file = NIL THEN OpenSpill(t.spill) END;
         fw := t.spill.writer;
         fw.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(ORD(ch) DIV 256 - 128)));
         spillPos := t.spill.len; t.spill.len := spillPos + 2;
         IF (t.Domain() = NIL) OR (t.Domain().GetSequencer() = NIL) THEN
            (* optimized for speed - writing to unbound text *)
            InvalCache(t, pos);
            IF wr.era # t.era THEN WriterReset(wr) END;
            un :=; u := un.prev;
            IF (u.attr # NIL) & u.attr.Equals(wr.attr) & (u IS LPiece) & ~(u IS Piece) & (u(LPiece).file = t.spill.file)
            & (u(LPiece).org + 2 * u.len = spillPos) THEN
               IF >= pos THEN INC( END
               NEW(lp); := lp; lp.prev := u; := un; un.prev := lp;
               lp.len := 1; lp.attr := wr.attr;
               lp.file := t.spill.file; := spillPos;
               IF > pos THEN INC( END;
               IF ~Stores.Joined(t, lp.attr) THEN
                  IF ~Stores.Unattached(lp.attr) THEN lp.attr := Stores.CopyOf(lp.attr)(Attributes) END;
                  Stores.Join(t, lp.attr)
            INC(t.era); INC(t.len);
            GetWriteOp(t, pos, op, bunch);
            IF (op.attr = NIL) OR ~op.attr.Equals(wr.attr) THEN op.attr := wr.attr END;
            op.mode := writeChar; (*op.attr := wr.attr;*) op.len := spillPos;
            IF bunch THEN Models.Bunch(t) ELSE Models.Do(t, "#System:Inserting", op) END
         wr.pos := pos + 1
   END WriteChar;
   PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) WriteView (view: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER);

      VAR t: StdModel; u, un: Run; r: ViewRef; pos: INTEGER;
         op: EditOp; bunch: BOOLEAN;
      ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); ASSERT(view.context = NIL, 21);
      t := wr.base; pos := wr.pos;
      Stores.Join(t, view);
      IF (t.Domain() = NIL) OR (t.Domain().GetSequencer() = NIL) THEN   
                                                               (* optimized for speed - writing to unbound text *)
         IF wr.era # t.era THEN WriterReset(wr) END;
         InvalCache(t, pos);
         NEW(r); r.len := 1; r.attr := wr.attr; r.view := view; r.w := defW; r.h := defH;
         un :=; u := un.prev; := r; r.prev := u; := un; un.prev := r;
         IF > pos THEN INC( END;
         INC(t.era); INC(t.len);
         view.InitContext(NewContext(r, t));
         Properties.PreferredSize(view, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, defW, defH,
            w, h
         r.w := w; r.h := h;
         NEW(r); r.len := 1; r.attr := wr.attr; r.view := view; r.w := w; r.h := h;
         GetWriteOp(t, pos, op, bunch);
         op.mode := writeView; op.first := r;
         IF bunch THEN Models.Bunch(t) ELSE Models.Do(t, "#System:Inserting", op) END
   END WriteView;
   (* StdDirectory *)

   PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (): Model;

      VAR t: StdModel;
      NEW(t); StdInit(t); RETURN t
   END New;
   (** miscellaneous procedures **)

   PROCEDURE DumpRuns* (t: Model);
      VAR u: Run; n, i, beg, end: INTEGER; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; r: Files.Reader; b: BYTE;
      Sub.synch := FALSE;
      WITH t: StdModel DO
         u :=;
            WITH u: Piece DO
               Sub.Char(" "); Sub.IntForm(SYSTEM.ADR(u.file^), 16, 8, "0", FALSE);
               Sub.Int(; Sub.Char(" ");
               r := u.file.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(; i := 0;
               WHILE i < 16 DO r.ReadByte(b); Sub.Char(CHR(b)); INC(i) END;
            | u: LPiece DO   (* ~(u IS Piece) *)
               Sub.Char(" "); Sub.IntForm(SYSTEM.ADR(u.file^), 16, 8, "0", FALSE);
               Sub.Int(; Sub.Char(" ");
               r := u.file.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(; i := 0;
               WHILE i < 16 DO r.ReadByte(b); Sub.Char(CHR(b)); INC(i) END;
            | u: ViewRef DO
               Services.GetTypeName(u.view, name);
               Sub.String(name); Sub.Int(u.w); Sub.Int(u.h); Sub.Ln
               Sub.Char("?"); Sub.Ln
            u :=
         UNTIL u = t.trailer;
         n := MOD cacheWidth;
         IF cache[n].id = THEN
            beg := cache[n].beg; end := cache[n].end;
            Sub.Int(beg); Sub.Int(end); Sub.Ln;
            WHILE beg < end DO Sub.Char(CHR(cache[n].buf[beg MOD cacheLen])); INC(beg) END;
            Sub.Char("}"); Sub.Ln
         ELSE Sub.String("not cached"); Sub.Ln
   END DumpRuns;
   PROCEDURE NewColor* (a: Attributes; color: Ports.Color): Attributes;

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      stdProp.valid := {Properties.color}; stdProp.color.val := color;
      RETURN ModifiedAttr(a, stdProp)
   END NewColor;
   PROCEDURE NewFont* (a: Attributes; font: Fonts.Font): Attributes;

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      stdProp.valid := {Properties.typeface .. Properties.weight};
      stdProp.typeface := font.typeface$;
      stdProp.size := font.size; :=; := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout};
      stdProp.weight := font.weight;
      RETURN ModifiedAttr(a, stdProp)
   END NewFont;
   PROCEDURE NewOffset* (a: Attributes; offset: INTEGER): Attributes;

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      prop.valid := {0 (*global constant offset masked by param :-( *)}; prop.offset := offset;
      RETURN ModifiedAttr(a, prop)
   END NewOffset;
   PROCEDURE NewTypeface* (a: Attributes; typeface: Fonts.Typeface): Attributes;

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      stdProp.valid := {Properties.typeface}; stdProp.typeface := typeface;
      RETURN ModifiedAttr(a, stdProp)
   END NewTypeface;
   PROCEDURE NewSize* (a: Attributes; size: INTEGER): Attributes;

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      stdProp.valid := {Properties.size}; stdProp.size := size;
      RETURN ModifiedAttr(a, stdProp)
   END NewSize;
   PROCEDURE NewStyle* (a: Attributes; style: SET): Attributes;

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      stdProp.valid := {}; := style; := -{};
      RETURN ModifiedAttr(a, stdProp)
   END NewStyle;
   PROCEDURE NewWeight* (a: Attributes; weight: INTEGER): Attributes;

      ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); ASSERT(a.init, 21);
      stdProp.valid := {Properties.weight}; stdProp.weight := weight;
      RETURN ModifiedAttr(a, stdProp)
   END NewWeight;
   PROCEDURE WriteableChar* (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN;

   (* must be identical to test in (StdWriter)WriteChar - inlined there for efficiency *)
         (ch >= 20X) & (ch < 7FX) OR
         (ch = tab) OR (ch = line) OR (ch = para) OR
         (ch = zwspace) OR (ch = digitspace) OR
         (ch = hyphen) OR (ch = nbhyphen) OR
         (ch >= 0A0X)   (* need to augment with test for valid Unicode *)
   END WriteableChar;
   PROCEDURE CloneOf* (source: Model): Model;

      ASSERT(source # NIL, 20);
      RETURN Containers.CloneOf(source)(Model)
   END CloneOf;
   PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory);

      ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); ASSERT(d.attr # NIL, 21); ASSERT(d.attr.init, 22);
      dir := d
   END SetDir;

      VAR d: StdDirectory; a: Attributes;
      NEW(a); a.InitFromProp(NIL);
      NEW(stdProp); stdProp.known := -{};
      NEW(prop); prop.known := -{};
      NEW(d); stdDir := d; dir := d; d.SetAttr(a)
   END Init;

END TextModels.