MODULE StdTables;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""



      Services, Fonts, Ports, Dialog, Meta, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Containers, Properties, Controls,
      TextModels, TextViews, HostPorts;

      minVersion = 0;
      tabVersion = 2;
      maxCol = 256;
      defColW = 30 *;
      left = -1; right = -2; center = -3;   (* adjustment modes *)
      move = 1; adjust = 2; field = 3;   (* cursor modes *)
      tab = 09X; ltab = 0AX; lineChar = 0DX; esc = 1BX;

      line* = 0DX;         (* line feed characher for labels *)

      deselect* = -1; select* = -2; changed* = -3; (* notifier op-values *)
      layoutEditable* = 0; dataEditable* = 1; selectionStyle* = 2; (* values for property validity in Prop *)
      noSelect* = 0; cellSelect* = 1; rowSelect* = 2; colSelect* = 3; crossSelect* = 4; (* selection style values *)

      Table* = RECORD
         rows-, cols-: INTEGER;
         selection: Selection;
         labels: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Dialog.String;
         data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Dialog.String;
         colors: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Ports.Color
      Selection = POINTER TO RECORD

         on: BOOLEAN;
         row, col: INTEGER   (** only valid if on = TRUE **)
      Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property)

         layoutEditable*, dataEditable*: BOOLEAN;
         selectionStyle*: INTEGER
      Control = POINTER TO RECORD (Controls.Control)

         (* persistent *)
         sprop: Properties.StdProp;   (* font attributes *)
         tprop: Prop;   (* table attributes *)
         columns: INTEGER;   (* width[0..columns-1] and mode[0..columns-1] are defined *)
         width: ARRAY maxCol OF INTEGER;
         mode: ARRAY maxCol OF INTEGER;
         (* not persistent *)

         fldFont, titFont: Fonts.Font;   (* cell fonts *)
         rowHeight, labelHeight, baseOff: INTEGER;   (* height of rows, height of the label row and offset for font *)
         orgRow, orgX: INTEGER;   (* scroll state, orgX in coordinates, orgRow in rows *)
         selRow, selCol: INTEGER;   (* selected field *)

         showSelection: BOOLEAN;
         hasSelection: BOOLEAN;   (* control has a selected field *)
         x, y, w, h: INTEGER;

         field: Views.View   (* textfield used to enter cell content *)

      StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END;
      PropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)   (* typeface, style and size *)

         tab: Control;
         sprop: Properties.StdProp;
         tprop: Prop
      FormatOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)   (* cell format *)

         tab: Control;
         col, width, mode: INTEGER
      TableValue = RECORD (Meta.Value)

         t: Table
      Context = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context)

         w, h: INTEGER;
         base: Views.View
      Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END;


      dir-, stdDir-: Directory;
      text*: Dialog.String;   (* used to edit cell. Only one cell can be active at once *)
      dlg*: RECORD
         layoutEditable*, dataEditable*: BOOLEAN;
         selectionStyle*: Dialog.List;
         fingerprint: INTEGER;
         known, valid: SET
      action: Action;
   PROCEDURE CountLines (IN s: Dialog.String): INTEGER;
      VAR i, r, l: INTEGER;
      r := 1; l := LEN(s$);
      FOR i := 0 TO l - 1 DO IF s[i] = line THEN INC(r) END END;
      RETURN r
   END CountLines;
   (* Prop *)

   PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN);

      VAR valid: SET; p0: Prop;
      p0 := q(Prop);
      valid := p.valid * p0.valid; equal := TRUE;
      IF p.layoutEditable # p0.layoutEditable THEN EXCL(valid, layoutEditable) END;
      IF p.dataEditable # p0.dataEditable THEN EXCL(valid, dataEditable) END;
      IF p.selectionStyle # p0.selectionStyle THEN EXCL(valid, selectionStyle) END;
      IF valid # p.valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END
   END IntersectWith;
   (* Table *)

   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetSize* (rows, cols: INTEGER), NEW;

      VAR i, j, fr, fc: INTEGER;
         labels: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Dialog.String;
         data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Dialog.String;
         colors: POINTER TO ARRAY OF ARRAY OF Ports.Color;
      ASSERT((rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0), 20);
      ASSERT((cols > 0) OR ((cols = 0) & (rows = 0)), 21);
      tab.rows := rows; tab.cols := cols;
      IF rows > 0 THEN
         data :=; NEW(, rows, cols); weights := tab.weights; NEW(tab.weights, rows, cols);
         styles := tab.styles; NEW(tab.styles, rows, cols); colors := tab.colors; NEW(tab.colors, rows, cols);
         IF data # NIL THEN
            FOR i := 0 TO MIN(rows, LEN(data, 0)) - 1 DO
               FOR j := 0 TO MIN(cols, LEN(data, 1)) - 1 DO
        [i, j] := data[i, j]; tab.weights[i, j] := weights[i, j]; tab.styles[i, j] := styles[i, j];
                  tab.colors[i, j] := colors[i, j]
         (* set defaults *)
         IF data = NIL THEN fr := 0; fc := 0 ELSE fr := LEN(data, 0); fc := LEN(data, 1) END;
         FOR i := fr TO LEN(, 0) - 1 DO
            FOR j := fc TO LEN(, 1) - 1 DO
               tab.weights[i, j] := Fonts.normal; tab.styles[i, j] := {}; tab.colors[i, j] :=
      ELSE := NIL
      IF cols > 0 THEN
         labels := tab.labels; NEW(tab.labels, cols);
         IF labels # NIL THEN
            FOR i := 0 TO MIN(cols, LEN(labels)) - 1 DO
               tab.labels[i] := labels[i]
         tab.labels := NIL
      IF tab.selection = NIL THEN
         tab.selection.on := FALSE
   END SetSize;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetItem* (row, col: INTEGER; (*IN*) item: Dialog.String), NEW;

      ASSERT( # NIL, 20);[row, col] := item
   END SetItem;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetItem* (row, col: INTEGER; OUT item: Dialog.String), NEW;

      ASSERT( # NIL, 20);
      item :=[row, col]
   END GetItem;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetLabel* (col: INTEGER; (*IN*)label: Dialog.String), NEW;

      ASSERT(tab.labels # NIL, 20);
      tab.labels[col] := label
   END SetLabel;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetLabel* (col: INTEGER; OUT label: Dialog.String), NEW;

      ASSERT(tab.labels # NIL, 20);
      label := tab.labels[col]
   END GetLabel;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) HasSelection* (): BOOLEAN, NEW;

      RETURN (tab.selection # NIL) & (tab.selection.on)
   END HasSelection;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetSelection* (OUT row, col: INTEGER), NEW;

      ASSERT(tab.selection # NIL, 20);
      ASSERT(tab.selection.on, 21);
      row := tab.selection.row; col := tab.selection.col
   END GetSelection;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Select* (row, col: INTEGER), NEW;

      ASSERT(tab.selection # NIL, 20);
      tab.selection.on := TRUE; tab.selection.row := row; tab.selection.col := col
   END Select;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) Deselect*, NEW;

      ASSERT(tab.selection # NIL, 20);
      tab.selection.on := FALSE      
   END Deselect;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) SetAttr* (l, t, r, b: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color), NEW;

      VAR i, j: INTEGER;
      ASSERT( # NIL, 20);
      FOR i := t TO b DO
         FOR j := l TO r DO
            tab.weights[i, j] := weight; tab.styles[i, j] := style; tab.colors[i, j] := color
   END SetAttr;
   PROCEDURE (VAR tab: Table) GetAttr* (row, col: INTEGER; OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER;

                                                OUT color: Ports.Color), NEW;
      ASSERT( # NIL, 20);
      weight := tab.weights[row, col]; style := tab.styles[row, col]; color := tab.colors[row, col]
   END GetAttr;
   (* Context *)

   PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER);

      w := c.w; h := c.h
   END GetSize;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN;

      RETURN c.base.context.Normalize()
   END Normalize;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal);

   END Consider;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model;

   END ThisModel;
   PROCEDURE NewField(t: Control; col, w, h: INTEGER): Views.View;

      VAR c: Context; p: Controls.Prop; v: Views.View; prop: Properties.StdProp; setMsg: Properties.SetMsg;
      NEW(p); := "StdTables.text";
      IF t.mode[col] = left THEN p.opt[Controls.left] := TRUE
      ELSIF t.mode[col] = right THEN p.opt[Controls.right] := TRUE
      (* bug in controls, thus adjusting has to be set to left mode *)
      p.opt[Controls.left] := TRUE;
      p.opt[Controls.right] := FALSE;
      v := Controls.dir.NewField(p);
      NEW(c); c.w := w; c.h := h; c.base := t;


      prop.typeface := t.fldFont.typeface;
      prop.size := t.fldFont.size - Fonts.point; :=; :=;
      prop.weight := t.fldFont.weight;
      prop.valid := {Properties.typeface..Properties.weight};
      prop.known := prop.valid;
      setMsg.prop := prop;
      Views.HandlePropMsg(v, setMsg);
      RETURN v
   END NewField;
   PROCEDURE SendNotifyMsg (c: Control);

      VAR msg: Views.NotifyMsg;
      msg.id0 := c.item.adr; msg.id1 := msg.id0 + c.item.Size();
      msg.opts := {2, 4}; (* update, guardcheck *)
   END SendNotifyMsg;
   PROCEDURE GetSize(c: Control; OUT rows, cols: INTEGER);

      VAR item: Meta.Item;
      IF c.item.Valid() THEN
         item := c.item;
         c.item.Lookup("rows", item); rows := item.IntVal();
         c.item.Lookup("cols", item); cols := item.IntVal()
         rows := 0; cols := 0
   END GetSize;
   PROCEDURE GetLabel(c: Control; col: INTEGER; OUT val: Dialog.String; OUT ok: BOOLEAN);

      VAR t: TableValue;
      ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20);
      c.item.GetVal(t, ok); t.t.GetLabel(col, val)
   END GetLabel;
   PROCEDURE GetAttr(c: Control; row, col: INTEGER;

                        OUT style: SET; OUT weight: INTEGER; OUT color: Ports.Color; OUT ok: BOOLEAN);
      VAR t: TableValue;
      ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20);
      c.item.GetVal(t, ok); t.t.GetAttr(row, col, style, weight, color)
   END GetAttr;
   PROCEDURE GetText(c: Control; row, col: INTEGER; OUT val: Dialog.String; OUT ok: BOOLEAN);

      VAR t: TableValue;
      ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20);
      c.item.GetVal(t, ok); t.t.GetItem(row, col, val)
   END GetText;
   PROCEDURE SetText(c: Control; f: Views.Frame; row, col: INTEGER; IN val: Dialog.String; OUT ok: BOOLEAN);

      VAR t: TableValue;
      ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20);
      c.item.GetVal(t, ok);
      IF ok THEN
         t.t.SetItem(row, col, val);
         (* Notify(c, row, col, {}, changed); *)
         Controls.Notify(c, f, changed, row, col)
   END SetText;
   PROCEDURE GetSelection(c: Control; OUT on: BOOLEAN; OUT row, col: INTEGER; OUT ok: BOOLEAN);

      VAR t: TableValue;
      ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20);
      c.item.GetVal(t, ok);
      IF ok THEN
         on := t.t.HasSelection();
         IF on THEN t.t.GetSelection(row, col) ELSE row := -1; col := -1 END
   END GetSelection;
   PROCEDURE SetSelection(c: Control; f: Views.Frame; on: BOOLEAN; row, col: INTEGER; OUT ok: BOOLEAN);

      VAR t: TableValue;
      ASSERT(c.item.Valid(), 20);
      c.item.GetVal(t, ok);
      IF ok THEN
         IF on THEN t.t.Select(row, col); Controls.Notify(c, f, select, row, col)
         ELSE t.t.Deselect; Controls.Notify(c, f, deselect, row, col)
   END SetSelection;
   PROCEDURE SetupControl (t: Control);

      VAR i, asc, dsc, w: INTEGER;
      t.fldFont := Fonts.dir.This(t.sprop.typeface, t.sprop.size,, Fonts.normal);
      t.titFont := Fonts.dir.This(t.sprop.typeface, t.sprop.size,, Fonts.bold);
      t.rowHeight := 3 * t.sprop.size DIV 2;
      t.fldFont.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
      t.rowHeight := asc + dsc + 4 * Ports.point;
      t.baseOff := (t.rowHeight - asc - dsc) DIV 2 + asc;
      i := t.columns;
      WHILE i < maxCol DO t.width[i] := defColW; t.mode[i] := center; INC(i) END;
      IF t.field # NIL THEN
         t.field.context(Context).h := t.rowHeight
      t.labelHeight := t.rowHeight
   END SetupControl;
   (** Directory **)

   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewControl* (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (* PropOp *)

   PROCEDURE (op: PropOp) Do;

      VAR c: Control; sprop: Properties.StdProp; tprop: Prop;
      ASSERT((op.sprop # NIL) OR (op.tprop # NIL), 20);
      c :=;
      IF op.sprop # NIL THEN
         sprop := Properties.CopyOf(c.sprop)(Properties.StdProp);
         sprop.valid := op.sprop.valid;   (* fields to be restored *)
         IF Properties.typeface IN sprop.valid THEN c.sprop.typeface := op.sprop.typeface END;
         IF Properties.size IN sprop.valid THEN c.sprop.size := op.sprop.size END;
         IF IN sprop.valid THEN
   := +;
   := - +
         IF sprop.valid # {} THEN SetupControl(c) END;
         op.sprop := sprop
      IF op.tprop # NIL THEN
         tprop := Properties.CopyOf(c.tprop)(Prop);
         tprop.valid := op.tprop.valid;   (* fields to be restored *)
         IF layoutEditable IN tprop.valid THEN c.tprop.layoutEditable := op.tprop.layoutEditable END;
         IF dataEditable IN tprop.valid THEN c.tprop.dataEditable := op.tprop.dataEditable END;
         IF selectionStyle IN tprop.valid THEN c.tprop.selectionStyle := op.tprop.selectionStyle END;
         op.tprop := tprop
      Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames)
   END Do;
   (* FormatOp *)

   PROCEDURE (op: FormatOp) Do;

      VAR t: Control; c, w, m: INTEGER;
      t :=; c := op.col; w := op.width; m := op.mode;
      op.width := t.width[c]; op.mode := t.mode[c];
      t.width[c] := w; t.mode[c] := m;
      IF c >= t.columns THEN t.columns := c + 1 END;
      Views.Update(t, Views.keepFrames)
   END Do;
   (* properties *)

   PROCEDURE PollProp (c: Control; VAR list: Properties.Property);

      VAR p: Properties.Property;
      p := Properties.CopyOf(c.sprop);
      p.valid := {Properties.typeface, Properties.size,, Properties.weight};
      p.known := p.valid; p.readOnly := {Properties.weight};
      Properties.Insert(list, p);
      p := Properties.CopyOf(c.tprop);
      p.valid := {layoutEditable, dataEditable, selectionStyle}; p.known := p.valid; p.readOnly := {};
      Properties.Insert(list, p)
   END PollProp;
   PROCEDURE SetProp (c: Control; p: Properties.Property);

      VAR op: PropOp; valid: SET;
      op := NIL;
      WHILE p # NIL DO
         WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO
            valid := p.valid * {Properties.typeface, Properties.size,};
            IF valid # {} THEN
               IF op = NIL THEN NEW(op); := c END;
               op.sprop := Properties.CopyOf(p)(Properties.StdProp);
               op.sprop.valid := valid
         | p: Prop DO
            valid := p.valid * {layoutEditable, dataEditable, selectionStyle};
            IF valid # {} THEN
               IF op = NIL THEN NEW(op); := c END;
               op.tprop := Properties.CopyOf(p)(Prop);
               op.tprop.valid := valid
         p :=
      IF op # NIL THEN Views.Do(c, "#System:SetProp", op) END
   END SetProp;
   (* Control *)

   PROCEDURE DrawBorder (f: Views.Frame; x, y, w, h: INTEGER);


      f.DrawRect(x,    y,,    y+h, Ports.fill, Ports.white);
      f.DrawRect(,    y+0,    x+2 *,   y+ h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25);
      f.DrawRect(x+0,    y+0,    x+w,, Ports.fill, Ports.white);
      f.DrawRect(,,    x+w,    y+2 *, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25);
      f.DrawRect(x+w -,    y+0,    x+w,    y+h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50);
      f.DrawRect(x+w - 2 *,,    x+w -,    y+h -, Ports.fill,;
      f.DrawRect(x+0,    y+h -,    x+w,    y+h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50);
      f.DrawRect(,    y+h - 2 *,    x+w -,    y+h -, Ports.fill,

   END DrawBorder;
   PROCEDURE DrawLabel (f: Views.Frame; x, y, w, x0, y0, w0, h0, mode: INTEGER;

                           VAR is: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font; rowHeight: INTEGER);
      VAR dx, i, j, si, sw, rw: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String;
      DEC(w, 4 *; INC(x, 2 *;
      j := 0; y := y - rowHeight;
      WHILE is[j] # 0X DO
         si := 0;
         WHILE (is[j] # 0X) & (is[j] # line) DO s[si] := is[j]; INC(si); INC(j) END;
         IF is[j] = line THEN INC(j) END;
         s[si] := 0X; y := y + rowHeight;
         sw := font.StringWidth(s);
         IF sw > w THEN
            rw := w - font.StringWidth("...");
            IF (rw >= 0) & (LEN(s) >= 4) THEN
               i := f.CharIndex(0, rw, s, font);
               IF i > 0 THEN DEC(i) END;
               IF i > LEN(s) - 4 THEN i := LEN(s) - 4 END;
               s[i] := "."; s[i+1] := "."; s[i+2] := "."; s[i+3] := 0X;
               sw := font.StringWidth(s)
            ELSE sw := 0
         IF sw > 0 THEN
            dx := x;
            IF mode = center THEN dx := x +(w - sw) DIV 2
            ELSIF mode = right THEN dx := x + w - sw
            f.DrawString(dx, y,, s, font)
      DrawBorder(f, x0, y0, w0, h0)
   END DrawLabel;
   PROCEDURE DrawField (f: Views.Frame; x, y, w, mode: INTEGER; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; font: Fonts.Font;

                                 color: Ports.Color);
      VAR i, sw, rw: INTEGER;
      DEC(w, 4 *; INC(x, 2 *;
      sw := font.StringWidth(s);
      IF sw > w THEN
         rw := w - font.StringWidth("...");
         IF (rw >= 0) & (LEN(s) >= 4) THEN
            i := f.CharIndex(0, rw, s, font);
            IF i > 0 THEN DEC(i) END;
            IF i > LEN(s) - 4 THEN i := LEN(s) - 4 END;
            s[i] := "."; s[i+1] := "."; s[i+2] := "."; s[i+3] := 0X;
            sw := font.StringWidth(s)
         ELSE sw := 0
      IF sw > 0 THEN
         IF mode = center THEN INC(x, (w - sw) DIV 2)
         ELSIF mode = right THEN INC(x, w - sw)
         f.DrawString(x, y, color, s, font)
   END DrawField;
   PROCEDURE GetRect(t: Control; f: Views.Frame; row, col: INTEGER; OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER;

                              OUT visible: BOOLEAN);
      VAR c: INTEGER;
      c := 0; x := 2 * - t.orgX;
      WHILE c < col DO INC(x, t.width[c]); INC(c) END;
      IF row >= t.orgRow THEN
         visible := TRUE;
         IF row = -1 THEN
            h := t.labelHeight
            h := t.rowHeight
         y := (row - t.orgRow) * t.rowHeight + t.labelHeight + 3 *;
         w := t.width[col]
         visible := FALSE
   END GetRect;
   PROCEDURE DrawSelection (tab: Control; f: Views.Frame; selRow, selCol: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN);

      VAR c, l, t, r, b, cols, rows: INTEGER;
      IF (selRow >= tab.orgRow) OR (tab.tprop.selectionStyle IN {colSelect, crossSelect}) THEN
         GetSize(tab, rows, cols);
         IF (0 <= selRow) & (selRow < rows) & (0 <= selCol) & (selCol < cols) THEN
            IF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect THEN   (* mark selected cell *)
               l := 2 * - tab.orgX; c := 0;
               WHILE c < selCol DO INC(l, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END;
               r := l + tab.width[selCol];               
               t := (selRow - tab.orgRow) * tab.rowHeight + tab.labelHeight + 3 *;
               b := t + tab.rowHeight;
               f.MarkRect(l +, t +, r - 2 *, b - 2 *, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
            ELSIF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = rowSelect THEN   (* mark selected row *)
               l := 2 * - tab.orgX; r := l; c := 0;
               WHILE c < cols DO INC(r, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END;
               t := (selRow - tab.orgRow) * tab.rowHeight + tab.labelHeight + 3 *;
               b := t + tab.rowHeight;
               f.MarkRect(l +, t +, r - 2 *, b - 2 *, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
            ELSIF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = colSelect THEN   (* mark selected column *)
               l := 2 * - tab.orgX; c := 0;
               WHILE c < selCol DO INC(l, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END;
               r := l + tab.width[selCol];
               t := tab.labelHeight + 3 *;
               b := t + tab.rowHeight * (rows - tab.orgRow);
               f.MarkRect(l +, t +, r - 2 *, b - 2 *, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
            ELSIF tab.tprop.selectionStyle = crossSelect THEN   (* mark both the row and column *)
               IF selRow >= tab.orgRow THEN
                  l := 2 * - tab.orgX; r := l; c := 0;
                  t := (selRow - tab.orgRow) * tab.rowHeight + tab.labelHeight + 3 *;
                  b := t + tab.rowHeight;
                  IF selCol > 0 THEN
                     WHILE c < selCol DO INC(r, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END;
                     f.MarkRect(l +, t +, r - 2 *, b - 2 *, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
                  IF selCol + 1 < cols THEN
                     r := r + tab.width[selCol]; l := r; c := selCol + 1;
                     WHILE c < cols DO INC(r, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END;
                     f.MarkRect(l +, t +, r - 2 *, b - 2 *, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
               l := 2 * - tab.orgX; c := 0;
               WHILE c < selCol DO INC(l, tab.width[c]); INC(c) END;
               r := l + tab.width[selCol];
               t := tab.labelHeight + 3 *;
               b := t + tab.rowHeight * (rows - tab.orgRow);
               f.MarkRect(l +, t +, r - 2 *, b - 2 *, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
   END DrawSelection;
   PROCEDURE Select (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; on: BOOLEAN);

      VAR ok: BOOLEAN;
      IF on # c.hasSelection THEN
         c.hasSelection := on; c.showSelection := on;
         SetSelection(c, f, on, c.selRow, c.selCol, ok)
   END Select;
   PROCEDURE ViewFromSelection (t: Control): Views.View;

      VAR str: Dialog.String; ok: BOOLEAN;
      IF t.hasSelection & t.showSelection THEN
         GetText(t, t.selRow, t.selCol, str, ok);
         IF ok THEN
            RETURN TextViews.dir.New(TextModels.dir.NewFromString(str))
            RETURN NIL
   END ViewFromSelection;
   PROCEDURE GetControlSize (t: Control; dot: INTEGER; OUT w, h: LONGINT);

      VAR r, c, i: INTEGER;
      IF ~t.disabled & t.item.Valid() THEN
         w := 0; h := 0;
         GetSize(t, r, c);
         i := 0;
         WHILE (i < c) & (i < maxCol) DO INC(w, t.width[i]); INC(i) END;
         INC(w, 3 * dot);
         h := LONG(r - t.orgRow) * t.rowHeight + t.labelHeight
         w := Views.undefined; h := Views.undefined
   END GetControlSize;
   PROCEDURE CheckPos (t: Control; x, y, dot: INTEGER; VAR col, type, p: INTEGER);

      VAR c, a: INTEGER; w, h: LONGINT;
      GetControlSize(t, dot, w, h);
      INC(x, t.orgX);
      IF (x >= 0) & (x <= w) & (y >= 0) & (y <= h) THEN
         c := 0; w := 0; type := 0; INC(x, dot);
         WHILE (c < maxCol) & (x >= w + t.width[c]) DO INC(w, t.width[c]); INC(c) END;
         IF (x <= w + 3 * dot) & (c > 0) THEN
            col := c - 1; p := SHORT(w) + dot - t.orgX; type := move
         ELSIF y - dot < t.labelHeight THEN
            type := adjust;
            col := c; a := t.width[c] DIV 3;
            IF x < w + a THEN p := left
            ELSIF x > w + a * 2 THEN p := right
            ELSE p := center
            col := c; p := (y - t.labelHeight - dot) DIV t.rowHeight + t.orgRow - 1 + 1; type := field
      ELSE type := 0
   END CheckPos;
   PROCEDURE MoveLine (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; col, x0: INTEGER);

      VAR w, h, x, y, x1, limit: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; op: FormatOp;
      t.context.GetSize(w, h);
      x := x0; limit := x0 - t.width[col] + 2 *;
         f.Input(x1, y, m, isDown);
         IF x1 < limit THEN x1 := limit END;
         IF x1 # x THEN
            f.MarkRect(x, 0, x +, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, FALSE);
            x := x1;
            f.MarkRect(x, 0, x +, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, TRUE)
      UNTIL ~isDown;
      NEW(op); := t; op.col := col;
      op.width := t.width[col] + x - x0; op.mode := t.mode[col];
      Views.Do(t, "#System:SetLayout", op)
   END MoveLine;
   PROCEDURE ChangeAdjust (t: Control; col, mode: INTEGER);

      VAR op: FormatOp;
      NEW(op); := t; op.col := col;
      op.width := t.width[col]; op.mode := mode;
      Views.Do(t, "#System:SetLayout", op)
   END ChangeAdjust;
   PROCEDURE ControlSections (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; vertical: BOOLEAN; OUT size, part, pos: INTEGER);

      VAR r, c, w, max: INTEGER;
      size := 0; part := 0; pos := 0; GetSize(t, r, c);
      IF vertical THEN
         size := r;
         part := (f.b - (f.t + t.labelHeight + 3* DIV t.rowHeight;
         pos := t.orgRow
         w := 0; max := MIN(c, maxCol);
         c := 0;
         WHILE (c < max) DO INC(w, t.width[c]); INC(c) END;
         size := w + 3 *;
         part := f.r - f.l;
         pos := t.orgX
   END ControlSections;
   PROCEDURE ScrollControl (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; op, pos: INTEGER; vertical: BOOLEAN);

      VAR size, part, p, delta, l, t0, r, b: INTEGER;
      IF vertical THEN
         ControlSections(t, f, TRUE, size, part, p);
         delta := part - 1;
         IF delta < 1 THEN delta := 1 END;
         CASE op OF
         | Controllers.decLine: DEC(p)
         | Controllers.incLine: INC(p)
         | Controllers.decPage: DEC(p, delta)
         | Controllers.incPage: INC(p, delta)
         | Controllers.gotoPos: p := pos
         IF p > size - part THEN p := size - part END;
         IF p < 0 THEN p := 0 END;
         delta := ( + t.labelHeight + 3 * DIV f.unit;
         f.rider.GetRect(l, t0, r, b);
         IF b > delta THEN
            IF t0 < delta THEN f.rider.SetRect(l, delta, r, b) END;
            Views.Scroll(t, 0, (t.orgRow - p) * t.rowHeight);
            IF f.rider # NIL THEN
               f.rider.SetRect(l, t0, r, b)
         t.orgRow := p
         ControlSections(t, f, FALSE, size, part, p);
         delta := part - defColW;
         IF delta < defColW THEN delta := defColW END;
         CASE op OF
         | Controllers.decLine: DEC(p, defColW)
         | Controllers.incLine: INC(p, defColW)
         | Controllers.decPage: DEC(p, delta)
         | Controllers.incPage: INC(p, delta)
         | Controllers.gotoPos: p := pos
         IF p >= size - part THEN p := size - part END;
         IF p < 0 THEN p := 0 END;
         Views.Scroll(t, t.orgX - p, 0);
         t.orgX := p
   END ScrollControl;
   PROCEDURE HandleChar (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR);

      CASE ch OF
      | 10X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decPage, 0, FALSE)
      | 11X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incPage, 0, FALSE)
      | 12X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decPage, 0, TRUE)
      | 13X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incPage, 0, TRUE)
      | 14X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, 0, FALSE)
      | 15X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, MAX(INTEGER), FALSE)
      | 16X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, 0, TRUE)
      | 17X: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, MAX(INTEGER), TRUE)
      | 1CX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decLine, 0, FALSE)
      | 1DX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incLine, 0, FALSE)
      | 1EX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.decLine, 0, TRUE)
      | 1FX: ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.incLine, 0, TRUE)
      | 07X, 08X, 1BX: Select(t, f, FALSE)   (* rdel, del, esc *)
   END HandleChar;
   PROCEDURE (t: Control) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);

      VAR thisVersion, i: INTEGER; lockedLayout, lockedData, markRow, markCol: BOOLEAN;
      rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, tabVersion, thisVersion);
      IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
         IF thisVersion = tabVersion THEN (* current table version *)
         ELSIF thisVersion = 1 THEN (* intermediate Table version (after 1.4 Beta, before 1.4 final) *)
            t.tprop.layoutEditable := ~lockedLayout; t.tprop.dataEditable := ~lockedData;
            IF markRow THEN
               IF markCol THEN t.tprop.selectionStyle := noSelect ELSE t.tprop.selectionStyle := rowSelect END
               IF markCol THEN t.tprop.selectionStyle := colSelect ELSE t.tprop.selectionStyle := cellSelect END
         ELSE (* old version, 1.4 Beta *)
            t.tprop.layoutEditable := TRUE; t.tprop.dataEditable := TRUE; t.tprop.selectionStyle := cellSelect
         rd.ReadSet(; := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout};
         t.sprop.weight := Fonts.normal;
         rd.ReadInt(t.columns); i := 0;
         WHILE i < t.columns DO
   END Internalize2;
   PROCEDURE (t: Control) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);

      VAR i: INTEGER;
      wr.WriteInt(t.columns); i := 0;
      WHILE i < t.columns DO
   END Externalize2;
   PROCEDURE (t: Control) CopyFromSimpleView2 (source: Controls.Control);

      WITH source: Control DO
         t.sprop := Properties.CopyOf(source.sprop)(Properties.StdProp);
         t.tprop := Properties.CopyOf(source.tprop)(Prop);
         t.columns := source.columns;
         t.width := source.width;
         t.mode := source.mode;
   END CopyFromSimpleView2;
   PROCEDURE (t: Control) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color);

      color := Ports.background
   END GetBackground;
   PROCEDURE Paint (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR width, w, h, rows, cols, row, col, x, y, rowHeight, dl, weight: INTEGER; font: Fonts.Font;
         str: Dialog.String; ok: BOOLEAN;style: SET; color: Ports.Color;
      c.context.GetSize(w, h);
      IF ~c.disabled & c.item.Valid() THEN
         GetSize(c, rows, cols);
         DEC(c.rowHeight, c.rowHeight MOD f.unit);
         row := -1; y := 2 *; font := c.titFont;
         WHILE (row < rows) & (y < b) DO
            IF row = - 1 THEN
               rowHeight := 1;
               FOR col := 0 TO cols - 1 DO
                  GetLabel(c, col, str, ok); dl := CountLines(str);
                  IF dl > rowHeight THEN rowHeight := dl END
               rowHeight := rowHeight * c.rowHeight;
               c.labelHeight := rowHeight
               rowHeight := c.rowHeight
            IF ~Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) OR (y + rowHeight < b) THEN
               col := 0; x := 2 * - c.orgX;
               WHILE (col < cols) & (col < maxCol) & (x < r) DO
                  width := c.width[col];
                  IF x + width >= 0 THEN
                     f.DrawRect(x -, y, x, y + rowHeight, Ports.fill,;   (* left vertical separation line *)
                     IF ~Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) OR (x + width < r) THEN
                        IF row = -1 THEN
                           GetLabel(c, col, str, ok);
                           f.DrawRect(x, y, x + width -, y + rowHeight -, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25);
                              (* background *)
                           DrawLabel(f, x, y + c.baseOff, width -, x, y, width, rowHeight,
                                          c.mode[col], str, font, c.rowHeight)
                           GetText(c, row, col, str, ok); GetAttr(c, row, col, style, weight, color, ok);
                           f.DrawRect(x, y, x + width -, y + rowHeight -, Ports.fill, Ports.white);
                              (* background *)
                           DrawField(f, x, y + c.baseOff, width -, c.mode[col], str,
                                       Fonts.dir.This(font.typeface, font.size, style, weight), color)
                  INC(col); INC(x, width)
               f.DrawRect(x -, y, x, y + rowHeight, Ports.fill,;   (* right vertical separator line *)
               IF Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) & (x >= r) THEN DEC(x, width) END;
               IF row = -1 THEN row := c.orgRow; font := c.fldFont; INC(y,

               ELSE INC(row)
            INC(y, rowHeight);
            f.DrawRect( - c.orgX, y -, x, y, Ports.fill,   (* bottom line *)
         IF - c.orgX < x THEN
            f.DrawRect( - c.orgX,, x, 2 *, Ports.fill,;
            f.DrawRect( - c.orgX, c.labelHeight +, x, c.labelHeight + 2 *, Ports.fill,
         f.DrawRect(,, w -, h -, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25);
         f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h,,
   END Paint;
   PROCEDURE (c: Control) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR visible: BOOLEAN; g: Views.Frame;
      Paint(c, f, l, t, r, b);
      IF c.field # NIL THEN
         GetRect(c, f, c.selRow, c.selCol, c.x, c.y, c.w, c.h, visible);
         IF visible THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, c.field, c.x, c.y, 0, TRUE)
            g := Views.ThisFrame(f, c.field); IF g # NIL THEN Views.RemoveFrame(f, g) END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (c: Control) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER);
      Views.Update(c, Views.keepFrames)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (c: Control) RestoreMarks (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR row, col: INTEGER; ok, on: BOOLEAN;
      IF c.item.Valid() THEN
         GetSelection(c, on, row, col, ok);
         IF ok THEN
            c.hasSelection := on;
            IF on THEN
               c.selRow := row; c.selCol := col;
               c.showSelection := c.field = NIL;
               IF c.showSelection THEN DrawSelection(c, f, c.selRow, c.selCol, TRUE) END
   END RestoreMarks;
   PROCEDURE AddEditField (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; row, col: INTEGER);

      VAR g: Views.Frame; mMsg: Controllers.MarkMsg; ok, visible: BOOLEAN;
      GetRect(t, f, row, col, t.x, t.y, t.w, t.h, visible);
      IF visible THEN
         GetText(t, row, col, text, ok);
         t.field := NewField(t, col, t.w, t.h); Stores.Join(t, t.field);
         Views.InstallFrame(f, t.field, t.x, t.y, 0, TRUE);
 := TRUE; mMsg.focus := TRUE;
         g := Views.ThisFrame(f, t.field);
         IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg) END
   END AddEditField;
   PROCEDURE DisableEditField (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; update: BOOLEAN);

      VAR g: Views.Frame; mMsg: Controllers.MarkMsg; ok: BOOLEAN;
      IF t.field # NIL THEN := FALSE; mMsg.focus := FALSE;
         g := Views.ThisFrame(f, t.field);
         IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg); Views.RemoveFrame(f, g) END;
         t.field := NIL;
         IF update THEN SetText(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol, text, ok) END;
         t.showSelection := TRUE
   END DisableEditField;
   PROCEDURE MoveEditField (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; right: BOOLEAN);

      VAR rows, cols: INTEGER; ok: BOOLEAN;
      DisableEditField(t, f, TRUE);
      GetSize(t, rows, cols);
      Select(t, f, FALSE);
      IF right THEN
         t.selCol := (t.selCol + 1) MOD cols;
         IF t.selCol = 0 THEN t.selRow := (t.selRow + 1) MOD rows END
         t.selCol := (t.selCol - 1) MOD cols;
         IF t.selCol = cols - 1 THEN t.selRow := (t.selRow - 1) MOD rows END
      t.hasSelection := TRUE; t.showSelection := FALSE;
      SetSelection(t, f, TRUE, t.selRow, t.selCol, ok);
      AddEditField(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol)
   END MoveEditField;
   PROCEDURE TrackMouse (t: Control; f: Views.Frame; VAR r, c, type: INTEGER);

      VAR x, y, selr, selc: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown, sel: BOOLEAN;
      selr := t.selRow; selc := t.selCol; sel := t.hasSelection;
         f.Input(x, y, m, isDown);
         CheckPos(t, x, y,, c, type, r);
         IF sel & ((type # field) OR (selr # r) OR (selc # c)) THEN
            DrawSelection(t, f, selr, selc, FALSE)
         IF (type = field) & (~sel OR (selr # r) OR (selc # c)) THEN
            DrawSelection(t, f, r, c, TRUE)
         sel := type = field; selr := r; selc := c
      UNTIL ~isDown;
      IF ~sel & t.hasSelection THEN
         DrawSelection(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol, TRUE)
   END TrackMouse;
   PROCEDURE (t: Control) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message;

                                                   VAR focus: Views.View);
      VAR p, col, type: INTEGER; x, y: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN;
         ok, rebuild: BOOLEAN; c, w, size, part, pos: INTEGER;
      IF ~t.disabled & t.item.Valid() THEN
         WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO
            IF t.field # NIL THEN focus := t.field
            ELSIF t.hasSelection THEN msg.valid := {Controllers.copy}
         | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO
            IF (t.field # NIL) & (msg.x >= t.x) & (msg.x <= t.x + t.w) & (msg.y >= t.y) & (msg.y <= t.y + t.h) THEN
               focus := t.field
               CheckPos(t, msg.x, msg.y,, col, type, p);
               IF (type = move) & t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN msg.cursor := HostPorts.resizeHCursor
               ELSIF (type = adjust) & t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor
               ELSIF~t.readOnly & (type = field) THEN msg.cursor := Ports.tableCursor
         | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO
            IF t.field # NIL THEN DisableEditField(t, f, TRUE); Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames) END
         | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO
            IF t.field # NIL THEN focus := t.field
            ELSIF ~msg.set THEN Select(t, f, FALSE)
         | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO
            IF t.field # NIL THEN
               IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN
                  IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN
                     DisableEditField(t, f, msg.char # esc); Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames)
                  ELSIF (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab) THEN
                     MoveEditField(t, f, msg.char = tab); Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames)
                     focus := t.field
                  focus := t.field
               IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = lineChar) &
                  (t.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect) & t.hasSelection THEN
                  t.showSelection := FALSE;
                  SetSelection(t, f, TRUE, t.selRow, t.selCol, ok);
                  AddEditField(t, f, t.selRow, t.selCol); Views.Update(t, Views.keepFrames)
               ELSIF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN
                  HandleChar(t, f, msg.char)
               ELSIF msg.op = Controllers.copy THEN
                  msg.view := ViewFromSelection(t);
                  msg.w := 0; msg.h := 0; msg.isSingle := FALSE
         | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO
            IF (t.field # NIL) & (msg.x >= t.x) & (msg.x <= t.x + t.w) & (msg.y >= t.y) & (msg.y <= t.y + t.h) THEN
                  focus := t.field
               rebuild := t.field # NIL; DisableEditField(t, f, TRUE);   (* update below after notifications *)
               CheckPos(t, msg.x, msg.y,, col, type, p);
               IF type = move THEN
                  IF t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN
                     MoveLine(t, f, col, p)
               ELSIF type = adjust THEN
                  IF t.tprop.layoutEditable THEN
                     ChangeAdjust(t, col, p);
                     REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown
               ELSIF ~t.readOnly & (type = field) THEN
                  TrackMouse(t, f, p, col, type);
                  IF type = field THEN
                     IF ~t.readOnly & t.tprop.dataEditable
                        & ((Controllers.doubleClick IN msg.modifiers) OR (t.tprop.selectionStyle = noSelect))
                        Select(t, f, FALSE);
                        t.selRow := p; t.selCol := col; t.hasSelection := TRUE; t.showSelection := FALSE;
                        SetSelection(t, f, TRUE, t.selRow, t.selCol, ok);
                        AddEditField(t, f, p, col); Views.Update(t, Views.keepFrames)
                        IF (t.selRow # p) OR (t.selCol # col) OR ~t.hasSelection THEN
                           Select(t, f, FALSE);
                           t.selRow := p; t.selCol := col;
                           Select(t, f, TRUE)
                        ELSIF t.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect THEN Select(t, f, FALSE)
               IF rebuild THEN Views.Update(t, Views.rebuildFrames) END
         | msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO
            ControlSections(t, f, msg.vertical, msg.wholeSize, msg.partSize, msg.partPos);
            IF (msg.partPos > 0) & (msg.partPos > msg.wholeSize - msg.partSize) THEN
               ScrollControl(t, f, Controllers.gotoPos, msg.wholeSize - msg.partSize, msg.vertical);
               ControlSections(t, f, msg.vertical, msg.wholeSize, msg.partSize, msg.partPos)
            msg.valid := msg.partSize < msg.wholeSize;
            msg.done := TRUE
         | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO
            ScrollControl(t, f, msg.op, msg.pos, msg.vertical);
            msg.done := TRUE
         | msg: Controllers.PageMsg DO
            IF msg.op IN {Controllers.nextPageY, Controllers.gotoPageY} THEN   (* vertical *)
               ControlSections(t, f, TRUE, size, part, pos);
               IF msg.op = Controllers.nextPageY THEN
                  t.orgRow := pos + part
                  t.orgRow := msg.pageY * part
               msg.done := TRUE;
               msg.eoy :=t.orgRow >= size
            ELSE (* horizontal *)
               ControlSections(t, f, FALSE, size, part, pos);
               IF msg.op = Controllers.nextPageX THEN
                  t.orgX := pos + part
                  t.orgX := msg.pageX * part
               IF (t.orgX > 0) & (t.orgX < size) THEN
                  c := 0; w := 0;
                  WHILE w < t.orgX DO INC(w, t.width[c]); INC(c) END;
                  t.orgX := w - t.width[c-1] + 1*
               msg.done := TRUE;
               msg.eox :=t.orgX >= size
   END HandleCtrlMsg2;
   PROCEDURE (t: Control) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message);

      VAR w, h: LONGINT;
      WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO
         IF ~t.disabled THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END
      | msg: Properties.SizePref DO
         IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) & (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN
            GetControlSize(t, Ports.point, w, h);
            msg.w := SHORT(MIN(w, MAX(INTEGER)));
            msg.h := SHORT(MIN(h, MAX(INTEGER)))
         IF msg.w = Views.undefined THEN msg.w := 80 * END;
         IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN msg.h := 30 * END
      | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
         msg.horFitToWin := TRUE;
         msg.verFitToWin := TRUE
      | msg: Controls.PropPref DO
         msg.valid := {, Controls.label, Controls.guard, Controls.notifier}
      | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO
         PollProp(t, msg.prop)
      | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO
         SetProp(t, msg.prop)
      | msg: Properties.ControlPref DO
         IF (t.field # NIL) & ((msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) OR (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab))
            OR (t.field = NIL) & (t.tprop.selectionStyle = cellSelect) & t.hasSelection & (msg.char = lineChar)
            msg.accepts := TRUE
         IF t.field # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(t.field, msg) END
   END HandlePropMsg2;
   PROCEDURE (c: Control) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN);

      VAR item: Meta.Item; mod: Meta.Name; name: Meta.Name;
      item := c.item;
      IF (item.typ = Meta.recTyp) THEN
         item.GetTypeName(mod, name);
         IF (mod = "StdTables") & (name = "Table") THEN
            ok := TRUE
            ok := FALSE
      ELSE ok := FALSE
   END CheckLink;
   (* Property Dialog *)

   PROCEDURE PollPropForDlg;

      VAR q: Properties.Property; p: Prop;
      dlg.layoutEditable := TRUE; dlg.dataEditable := TRUE; dlg.selectionStyle.index := cellSelect;
      dlg.known := {}; dlg.valid := {};
      WHILE (q # NIL) & ~(q IS Prop) DO q := END;
      IF q # NIL THEN
         p := q(Prop);
         dlg.known := p.known; dlg.valid := p.valid;
         IF layoutEditable IN p.valid THEN dlg.layoutEditable := p.layoutEditable END;
         IF dataEditable IN p.valid THEN dlg.dataEditable := p.dataEditable END;
         IF selectionStyle IN p.valid THEN dlg.selectionStyle.index := p.selectionStyle END
   END PollPropForDlg;
   PROCEDURE SetPropFromDlg;

      VAR p: Prop;
      p.known := dlg.known;
      p.valid := dlg.valid;
      p.layoutEditable := dlg.layoutEditable;
      p.dataEditable := dlg.dataEditable;
      p.selectionStyle := dlg.selectionStyle.index;
      Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
   END SetPropFromDlg;
   PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do;

      VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER;
      c := Containers.Focus(); fp := 0;
      IF c # NIL THEN
         c.GetFirstView(Containers.selection, v);
         WHILE v # NIL DO fp := fp + Services.AdrOf(v); c.GetNextView(Containers.selection, v) END
      IF fp # dlg.fingerprint THEN PollPropForDlg; dlg.fingerprint := fp END;
      Services.DoLater(a, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2)
   END Do;
   PROCEDURE InitDialog*;

      IF action = NIL THEN NEW(action); Services.DoLater(action, END;
   END InitDialog;

      SetPropFromDlg; PollPropForDlg;
   END Set;
   PROCEDURE Guard* (idx: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par);

      IF ~(idx IN dlg.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE
      ELSIF ~(idx IN dlg.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE
   END Guard;
   PROCEDURE Notifier* (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER);

      IF op = Dialog.changed THEN INCL(dlg.valid, idx) END
   END Notifier;
   (* StdDirectory *)

   PROCEDURE InitStdProp (OUT p: Properties.StdProp);

      VAR f: Fonts.Font;
      f := Fonts.dir.Default();
      p.typeface := f.typeface;
      p.size := f.size; :=; := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout};
      p.weight := Fonts.normal
   END InitStdProp;
   PROCEDURE InitTableProp (OUT p: Prop);

      p.layoutEditable := TRUE; p.dataEditable := TRUE; p.selectionStyle := cellSelect
   END InitTableProp;
   PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewControl (p: Controls.Prop): Views.View;

      VAR c: Control;
      NEW(c); Controls.OpenLink(c, p); InitStdProp(c.sprop); InitTableProp(c.tprop); SetupControl(c); RETURN c
   END NewControl;
   PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory);

      ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d
   END SetDir;
   PROCEDURE DepositControl*;

      VAR p: Controls.Prop;
      NEW(p); := ""; p.label := ""; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := "";
      p.level := 0; p.opt[Controls.sorted] := FALSE;
   END DepositControl;
   PROCEDURE SetupSelectionStyleList (VAR l: Dialog.List);

      l.SetItem(noSelect, "No Selection");
      l.SetItem(cellSelect, "Select Cell");
      l.SetItem(rowSelect, "Select Row");
      l.SetItem(colSelect, "Select Column");
      l.SetItem(crossSelect, "Select Row & Column")
   END SetupSelectionStyleList;

      VAR d: StdDirectory;
      NEW(d); stdDir := d; dir := d;
   END Init;

END StdTables.