
   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


   IMPORT SYSTEM, WinApi, WinSql, Services, Dates, Dialog, Log, SqlDrivers, HostWindows;

   (* ODBC functions used:

      level 1:
         SQLBindParameter   (* for blobs *)
      level 2:
   (* The major problem with ODBC is that many of its functions, or many uses of them, are optional.

      This means that one can never rely on a function to be really implemented by the current ODBC driver.
      As a result, one often has to try the best approach first, then back off if necessary to the next best, etc.
      This is cumbersome and difficult to test exhaustively. *)

      outOfTables = 5;
      notExecutable = 6;
      cannotOpenDB = 7;
      wrongIdentification = 8;
      tooManyBlobs = 9;
      (* not public *)
      invalidTransaction = 10;
      truncated = 2;

      overflow = 3;
      incompatible = 4;
      noData = 5;
      connecting = 1;

      connected = 2;
      preparing = 3;
      executing = 4;
      executed = 5;
      closed = 6;

      Driver = POINTER TO RECORD (SqlDrivers.Driver)
         state: INTEGER;   (* IN {connecting, connected, executing, closed} *)
         showErr: BOOLEAN;
         actStmt: WinSql.HSTMT;
         actRes: INTEGER;   (* result of async operation *)
         dbc: WinSql.HDBC;
         directions: SET   (* supported Fetch directions *)
      Table = POINTER TO RECORD (SqlDrivers.Table)

         rows, columns: INTEGER;
         actRow, actCol: INTEGER;
         stmt: WinSql.HSTMT;
         driver: Driver

      debug*: BOOLEAN;         (* if TRUE, show more information about what's happening *)
      autoCommit*: BOOLEAN;   (* by default, automatic commit is disabled *)
      rowcount*: INTEGER;         (* number of rows affected in last update, insert, delete *)
      environment: WinSql.HENV;   (* ODBC environment, in which everything happens *)
      numConnections: INTEGER;   (* free the environment, if the number of connections goes to zero *)
   (* miscellaneous *)

   PROCEDURE Check (ret: INTEGER; d: Driver; stmt: WinSql.HSTMT; OUT res: INTEGER);

      VAR err: INTEGER; len: SHORTINT; state, msg: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; dbc: WinSql.HDBC;
      CASE ret OF
      | WinSql.SQL_SUCCESS:
         res := 0
         IF d # NIL THEN dbc := d.dbc ELSE dbc := 0 END;
         res := WinSql.SQLErrorW(environment, dbc, stmt, state, err, msg, LEN(msg), len);
         IF debug THEN Log.String(msg$); Log.Ln END;
         IF state = "01004" THEN res := truncated ELSE res := 0 END
      | WinSql.SQL_ERROR:
         IF d # NIL THEN dbc := d.dbc ELSE dbc := 0 END;
         res := WinSql.SQLErrorW(environment, dbc, stmt, state, err, msg, LEN(msg), len);
         IF (d # NIL) & d.showErr THEN
            res := WinApi.MessageBoxW(0, msg, "ODBC Error", {})
         ELSIF debug THEN Log.String(msg$); Log.Ln
         IF state = "01004" THEN res := truncated
         ELSIF state = "28000" THEN res := wrongIdentification
         ELSIF state = "07006" THEN res := incompatible
         ELSIF state = "22003" THEN res := overflow
         ELSIF state = "22005" THEN res := overflow
         ELSIF state = "22008" THEN res := overflow
         ELSIF state = "25000" THEN res := invalidTransaction
         ELSE res := noData   (* default error *)
      | WinSql.SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND:
         res := noData
      | WinSql.SQL_NEED_DATA:
   END Check;
   PROCEDURE GetTableSize (t: Table; VAR n: INTEGER);

      VAR res, x: INTEGER; stat: SHORTINT;
      res := -1;
      IF t.driver.directions * (WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_LAST + WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_ABSOLUTE) # {} THEN
         IF t.driver.directions * WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_LAST # {} THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_LAST, 0, x, stat), NIL, t.stmt, res)
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_ABSOLUTE, -1, x, stat), NIL, t.stmt, res)
         IF res = noData THEN n := 0; res := 0
         ELSIF res = 0 THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLGetStmtOption(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_ROW_NUMBER, SYSTEM.ADR(n)), NIL, t.stmt, res)
         t.actRow := -2   (* undefined *)
      IF (res # 0) & (t.driver.directions * WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_FIRST # {}) THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_FIRST, 0, x, stat), NIL, t.stmt, res);
         n := 0;
         WHILE res = 0 DO
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 0, x, stat), NIL, t.stmt, res)
         IF res = noData THEN res := 0 END;
         t.actRow := -2   (* undefined *)
      IF res # 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLRowCount(t.stmt, n), NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF (res # 0) OR (n < 0) THEN n := MAX(INTEGER) END   (* row count is not known *)
   END GetTableSize;
   PROCEDURE SetPos (t: Table; row, col: INTEGER; OUT res: INTEGER);

      VAR fetched: INTEGER; status: SHORTINT;
      res := 0;
      IF (row # t.actRow) OR (col <= t.actCol) THEN
         IF row = t.actRow + 1 THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 0, fetched, status), NIL, t.stmt, res);
            IF res = 0 THEN INC(t.actRow) END
         ELSIF (row = 0) & (t.driver.directions * WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_FIRST # {}) THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_FIRST, 0, fetched, status), NIL, t.stmt, res);
            IF res = 0 THEN t.actRow := 0 END
         ELSIF t.driver.directions * WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_ABSOLUTE # {} THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_ABSOLUTE,
                                                   row + 1, fetched, status), NIL, t.stmt, res);
            IF res = 0 THEN t.actRow := row END
         ELSIF t.driver.directions * WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_RELATIVE # {} THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_RELATIVE, row - t.actRow, fetched, status),
                  NIL, t.stmt, res);
            IF res = 0 THEN t.actRow := row END
         ELSIF row <= t.actRow THEN
            IF (row > t.actRow DIV 2) & (t.driver.directions * WinSql.SQL_FD_FETCH_PRIOR # {}) THEN
                  Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_PRIOR, 0, fetched, status),
                                                         NIL, t.stmt, res);
                  IF res = 0 THEN DEC(t.actRow) END
               UNTIL (t.actRow <= row) OR (res # 0)
               Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_FIRST, 0, fetched, status),
                                                      NIL, t.stmt, res);
               IF res = 0 THEN t.actRow := 0 END
         WHILE (t.actRow < row) & (res = 0) DO
            Check(WinSql.SQLExtendedFetch(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 0, fetched, status), NIL, t.stmt, res);
            IF res = 0 THEN INC(t.actRow) END
      IF res = 0 THEN t.actCol := col ELSE res := noData END
   END SetPos;
   (* Driver *)

   PROCEDURE (d: Driver) Ready (): BOOLEAN;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF d.state = preparing THEN
         d.actRes := WinSql.SQLPrepareW(d.actStmt, "", WinSql.SQL_NTS);
         IF d.actRes = WinSql.SQL_SUCCESS THEN
            d.actRes := WinSql.SQLExecute(d.actStmt); d.state := executing
            Check(d.actRes, d, d.actStmt, res);
            d.actRes := WinSql.SQLExecute(d.actStmt); d.state := executing
         IF d.actRes # WinSql.SQL_STILL_EXECUTING THEN d.state := executed END
      ELSIF d.state = executing THEN
         d.actRes := WinSql.SQLExecute(d.actStmt);
         IF d.actRes # WinSql.SQL_STILL_EXECUTING THEN d.state := executed END
      RETURN d.state IN {connecting, connected, executed}
   END Ready;
   PROCEDURE (d: Driver) EndOpen (OUT res: INTEGER);

      d.state := connected; res := 0
   END EndOpen;
   PROCEDURE (d: Driver) BeginExec (IN statement: ARRAY OF CHAR; data: SqlDrivers.Blob;

                                       async, showErr: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER);
   (* Pre: statement # ""   20 *)
   (* Post: res = 0 <=> execution has started and should be completed later with EndExec *)
      VAR stmt: WinSql.HSTMT; r: INTEGER; p: SHORTINT;
      IF debug THEN Log.String(statement); Log.Ln END;
      ASSERT(statement # "", 20); ASSERT(d.state = connected, 21);
      d.showErr := showErr;
      res := WinSql.SQLAllocStmt(d.dbc, stmt);
      IF res # WinSql.SQL_SUCCESS THEN
         Services.Collect; res := WinSql.SQLAllocStmt(d.dbc, stmt)
      Check(res, d, 0, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLSetStmtOption(stmt, WinSql.SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, WinSql.SQL_CURSOR_STATIC),
                                                NIL, stmt, res);
         p :=1;
         WHILE data # NIL DO   (* handle blobs *)
            Check(WinSql.SQLBindParameter(stmt, SHORT(p), WinSql.SQL_PARAM_INPUT, WinSql.SQL_C_BINARY,
                     WinSql.SQL_LONGVARBINARY, 0, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(^), data.len, data.len), d, stmt, res);
            IF res # 0 THEN
               Check(WinSql.SQLFreeStmt(stmt, WinSql.SQL_DROP), NIL, stmt, r);
               res := tooManyBlobs; RETURN
            data :=; INC(p)
         IF async THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLSetStmtOption(stmt, WinSql.SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE,
                                                   WinSql.SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE_ON), NIL, stmt, r)
         d.actStmt := stmt;
         d.actRes := WinSql.SQLPrepareW(stmt, statement, WinSql.SQL_NTS);
         IF d.actRes = WinSql.SQL_STILL_EXECUTING THEN
            d.state := preparing; res := 0
            Check(d.actRes, d, stmt, res);
            IF res = 0 THEN
               d.actRes := WinSql.SQLExecute(stmt);
               IF d.actRes = WinSql.SQL_STILL_EXECUTING THEN
                  d.state := executing; res := 0
                  Check(d.actRes, d, stmt, res);
                  IF res = 0 THEN d.state := executed END
         IF res # 0 THEN   (* execution failed *)
            Check(WinSql.SQLFreeStmt(stmt, WinSql.SQL_DROP), NIL, stmt, r);
            res := notExecutable
      ELSE   (* no workspace available *)
         res := outOfTables
   END BeginExec;
   PROCEDURE (d: Driver) EndExec (VAR t: SqlDrivers.Table; OUT rows, columns, res: INTEGER);

   (* Pre: execution must have been started successfully with BeginExec   20 *)
   (* Post: res = 0<=>t # NIL & res = 0 *)
      VAR h: Table; cols: SHORTINT;
      ASSERT(d.state # connected, 20); ASSERT(d.state = executed, 21);
      d.state := connected;
      Check(d.actRes, d, d.actStmt, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLNumResultCols(d.actStmt, cols), d, d.actStmt, res);
         IF (res = 0) & (cols > 0) THEN   (* legal statement returning a result set *)
            NEW(h); h.Init(d); h.driver := d;
            h.columns := cols; h.actRow := -1;
            Check(WinSql.SQLSetStmtOption(d.actStmt, WinSql.SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE,
                  NIL, d.actStmt, res);
            h.stmt := d.actStmt;
            GetTableSize(h, h.rows);
            t := h; columns := h.columns; rows := h.rows; res := 0
            Check(WinSql.SQLRowCount(d.actStmt, rowcount), NIL, d.actStmt, res);
            Check(WinSql.SQLFreeStmt(d.actStmt, WinSql.SQL_DROP), NIL, d.actStmt, res);
            t := NIL; columns := 0; rows := 0; res := 0
         Check(WinSql.SQLFreeStmt(d.actStmt, WinSql.SQL_DROP), NIL, d.actStmt, res);
         t := NIL; columns := 0; rows := 0; res := notExecutable
   END EndExec;
   PROCEDURE (d: Driver) Commit (accept: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER);

      VAR op: SHORTINT;
      IF accept THEN op := WinSql.SQL_COMMIT ELSE op := WinSql.SQL_ROLLBACK END;
      Check(WinSql.SQLTransact(environment, d.dbc, op), d, 0, res);
      IF res # 0 THEN res := notExecutable END
   END Commit;
   PROCEDURE (d: Driver) Cleanup;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      d.showErr := FALSE;
      Check(WinSql.SQLDisconnect(d.dbc), d, 0, res);
      IF res = invalidTransaction THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLTransact(environment, d.dbc, WinSql.SQL_ROLLBACK), d, 0, res);
         Check(WinSql.SQLDisconnect(d.dbc), d, 0, res)
      Check(WinSql.SQLFreeConnect(d.dbc), d, 0, res);
      d.dbc := 0; DEC(numConnections);
      IF numConnections = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLFreeEnv(environment), NIL, 0, res)
      d.state := closed
   END Cleanup;
   (* Table *)

   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadInteger (row, column: INTEGER; OUT val: INTEGER);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_LONG,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(val), 0, len), NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF len = WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA THEN val := 0 END
      t.res := res
   END ReadInteger;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadReal (row, column: INTEGER; OUT val: REAL);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_DOUBLE,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(val), 0, len), NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF len = WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA THEN val := 0 END
      t.res := res
   END ReadReal;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadDate (row, column: INTEGER; OUT val: Dates.Date);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER; date: RECORD y, m, d: SHORTINT END;
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_DATE,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(date), 0, len), NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF len = WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA THEN := 0; val.month := 0; val.year := 0
         ELSE := date.d; val.month := date.m; val.year := date.y
      t.res := res
   END ReadDate;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadTime (row, column: INTEGER; OUT val: Dates.Time);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER; time: RECORD h, m, s: SHORTINT END;
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_TIME,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(time), 0, len), NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF len = WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA THEN val.second := 0; val.minute := 0; val.hour := 0
         ELSE val.second := time.s; val.minute := time.m; val.hour := time.h
      t.res := res
   END ReadTime;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadCurrency (row, column: INTEGER; OUT val: Dialog.Currency);

      VAR res, len, i, j: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; a, b, c, scale: SHORTINT; x: LONGINT;
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLDescribeColW(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), str, LEN(str), a, b, i, scale, c), NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF scale < 0 THEN scale := 0 END;
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_WCHAR,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(str), LEN(str), len),
               NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF len # WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA THEN
            x := 0; i := 0;
            IF str[0] < "." THEN INC(i) END;
            WHILE (i < len) & (str[i] # ".") DO
               x := x * 10 + ORD(str[i]) - ORD("0"); INC(i)
            INC(i); j := 0;
            WHILE j < scale DO
               x := x * 10;
               IF i < len THEN x := x + ORD(str[i]) - ORD("0"); INC(i) END;
            IF str[0] = "-" THEN x := -x END;
            val.val := x; val.scale := scale
            val.val := 0; val.scale := 0
      t.res := res
   END ReadCurrency;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadString (row, column: INTEGER; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_WCHAR,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(str), LEN(str), len),
               NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF (len = 0) OR (len = WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA) THEN str := "" END
      t.res := res
   END ReadString;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadVarString (row, column: INTEGER; OUT str: SqlDrivers.String);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 257 OF CHAR;   (* odd for correct conversion of binary data *)
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_WCHAR,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(s), LEN(s), len),
               NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF res # noData THEN
            IF (len = 0) OR (len = WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA) THEN
               IF str = NIL THEN NEW(str, 1) END;
               str^ := ""
            ELSIF len = WinSql.SQL_NO_TOTAL THEN
               (* how to improve handling of strings with undefined length? *)
               IF (str = NIL) OR (LEN(str^) < LEN(s)) THEN NEW(str, LEN(s)) END;
               str^ := s$
               IF (str = NIL) OR (LEN(str^) < len + 1) THEN NEW(str, len + 1) END;
               IF len >= LEN(s) THEN
                  str^ := s$;
                  Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_WCHAR,
                                    SYSTEM.ADR(str^) + (LEN(s) - 1), LEN(str^) - (LEN(s) - 1), len), NIL, t.stmt, res);
                  str^ := s$
      t.res := res
   END ReadVarString;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadBlob (row, column: INTEGER; OUT len: INTEGER;

                                          OUT data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE);
      VAR res, x: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 128000 OF BYTE;
   (* This version fails for some large blobs for an unknown reason. Buffer is so large that error happens rarely *)
      ASSERT(row >= 0, 20); ASSERT(row < t.rows, 21);
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 22); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 23);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 24);
      SetPos(t, row, column, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_BINARY,
                                          SYSTEM.ADR(s), LEN(s), len),
               NIL, t.stmt, res);
         IF res # noData THEN
            IF len = WinSql.SQL_NULL_DATA THEN len := 0
            ELSIF len = WinSql.SQL_NO_TOTAL THEN len := 256
            IF len > 0 THEN
               IF len > LEN(s) THEN
                  IF (data = NIL) OR (LEN(data^) < len) THEN
                  (* brute force unblock the connection for the following NEW, which may invoke finalizers that access
                     the connection: *)
                     IF row = 0 THEN SetPos(t, row+1, column, res) ELSE SetPos(t, row-1, column, res) END ;
                     (* TODO: what happens if the table has only one row?*)
                     SetPos(t, row, column, res);
                     NEW(data, len);
                     (* read all data at once *)
                     Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_BINARY,
                                             SYSTEM.ADR(data^), len, x), NIL, t.stmt, res)
                     SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(s), SYSTEM.ADR(data^), LEN(s));
                     Check(WinSql.SQLGetData(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), WinSql.SQL_C_BINARY,
                                             SYSTEM.ADR(data^) + LEN(s), len - LEN(s), x), NIL, t.stmt, res)
                  IF (data = NIL) OR (LEN(data^) < len) THEN NEW(data, len) END;
                  SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(s), SYSTEM.ADR(data^), len);
      t.res := res
   END ReadBlob;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadName (column: INTEGER; OUT str: SqlDrivers.String);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER; nlen, sqlType, scale, null: SHORTINT; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 20); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 21);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 22);
      Check(WinSql.SQLDescribeColW(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), name, LEN(name),
                                          nlen, sqlType, len, scale, null), NIL, t.stmt, res);
      IF (nlen = 0) OR (res = noData) THEN nlen := 0; name := "" END;
      IF (str = NIL) OR (LEN(str^) < nlen + 1) THEN NEW(str, nlen + 1) END;
      IF nlen >= LEN(name) THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLDescribeColW(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), str^, SHORT(LEN(str^)),
                                             nlen, sqlType, len, scale, null),
               NIL, t.stmt, res);
      ELSE str^ := name$
      t.res := res
   END ReadName;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) ReadType (column: INTEGER; OUT str: SqlDrivers.String);

      VAR res, len: INTEGER; nlen, sqlType, scale, null: SHORTINT;
      ASSERT(column >= 0, 20); ASSERT(column < t.columns, 21);
      ASSERT(t.stmt # 0, 22);
      IF (str = NIL) OR (LEN(str^) < 10) THEN NEW(str, 10) END;
      Check(WinSql.SQLDescribeColW(t.stmt, SHORT(column + 1), NIL, 0, nlen, sqlType, len, scale, null),
                                          NIL, t.stmt, res);
      IF res # noData THEN
         CASE sqlType OF
         | WinSql.SQL_BIT: str^ := "BOOLEAN"
         | WinSql.SQL_TINYINT: str^ := "BYTE"
         | WinSql.SQL_SMALLINT: str^ := "SHORTINT"
         | WinSql.SQL_INTEGER: str^ := "INTEGER"
         | WinSql.SQL_BIGINT: str^ := "String"
         | WinSql.SQL_DATE: str^ := "Date"
         | WinSql.SQL_TIME: str^ := "Time"
         | WinSql.SQL_TIMESTAMP: str^ := "Time&Date"
         | WinSql.SQL_REAL: str^ := "SHORTREAL"
         | WinSql.SQL_DOUBLE, WinSql.SQL_FLOAT: str^ := "REAL"
         | WinSql.SQL_DECIMAL, WinSql.SQL_NUMERIC: str^ := "Currency"
            WinSql.SQL_WCHAR, WinSql.SQL_WVARCHAR, WinSql.SQL_WLONGVARCHAR: str^ := "String"
         | WinSql.SQL_BINARY, WinSql.SQL_VARBINARY, WinSql.SQL_LONGVARBINARY: str^ := "Binary"
         ELSE str^ := "unknown"
      ELSE str^ := "unknown"
   END ReadType;
   PROCEDURE (t: Table) Cleanup;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      Check(WinSql.SQLFreeStmt(t.stmt, WinSql.SQL_DROP), NIL, t.stmt, res)
   END Cleanup;
   PROCEDURE Open* (id, password, datasource: ARRAY OF CHAR; async, showErr: BOOLEAN;

                                 OUT d: SqlDrivers.Driver; OUT res: INTEGER);
      VAR h: Driver; r: INTEGER; len: SHORTINT;
      NEW(h); d := NIL;
      res := WinSql.SQL_SUCCESS;
      IF numConnections = 0 THEN
         res := WinSql.SQLAllocEnv(environment);
      IF res = WinSql.SQL_SUCCESS THEN
         h.showErr := showErr;
         Check(WinSql.SQLAllocConnect(environment, h.dbc), h, 0, res);
         Check(WinSql.SQLSetConnectOptionW(h.dbc, WinSql.SQL_QUIET_MODE, HostWindows.main), h, 0, r);
         IF res = 0 THEN
            Check(WinSql.SQLConnectW(h.dbc, datasource, WinSql.SQL_NTS,
                                       id, WinSql.SQL_NTS,
                                       password, WinSql.SQL_NTS), h, 0, res);
            IF res = 0 THEN
               Check(WinSql.SQLGetInfoW(h.dbc, WinSql.SQL_FETCH_DIRECTION,
                                             SYSTEM.ADR(h.directions), 4, len), h, 0, r);
               (* ODBC default is SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON *)
               IF ~autoCommit THEN
                  Check(WinSql.SQLSetConnectOptionW(h.dbc, WinSql.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT,
                                                            WinSql.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF), h, 0, r);
               Check(WinSql.SQLSetConnectOptionW(h.dbc, 1200+4, 1), h, 0,r);   (* set Preserve Cursors ON *)
               h.showErr := showErr;
               h.state := connecting; d := h; INC(numConnections)
               Check(WinSql.SQLFreeConnect(h.dbc), h, 0, r);
               IF numConnections = 0 THEN
                  Check(WinSql.SQLFreeEnv(environment), NIL, 0, r)
               IF res # wrongIdentification THEN res := cannotOpenDB END
            IF numConnections = 0 THEN
               Check(WinSql.SQLFreeEnv(environment), NIL, 0, r)
            res := cannotOpenDB
      ELSE res := cannotOpenDB
   END Open;
   PROCEDURE SetMode* (d: SqlDrivers.Driver; autocommit: BOOLEAN; OUT res: INTEGER);

      (* implicit COMMIT *)
      VAR h: Driver;
      h := d(Driver);
      IF autocommit THEN
         Check(WinSql.SQLSetConnectOptionW(h.dbc, WinSql.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT,
                                                   WinSql.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON), h, 0, res)
         Check(WinSql.SQLSetConnectOptionW(h.dbc, WinSql.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT,
                                                   WinSql.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF), h, 0, res)
   END SetMode;
END SqlOdbc.