MODULE ObxTwins;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


   IMPORT Ports, Services, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, TextViews;


      minVersion = 3; maxVersion = 3;   (* old versions 0 .. 2 of ObxTwin views cannot be read anymore *)
      border =;

      Identity = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) END;   (* dummy model *)
      Context = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context)

         base: View;         (* container view *)
         view: Views.View;   (* contained view *)
         l, t, r, b: INTEGER   (* cached bounding box of contained view *)
      View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)

         top, bottom: Context;
         ident: Identity;   (* temporary dummy model *)
         focus: Context   (* current focus; either top or bottom *)
   (* Context *)

   PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model;

      RETURN NIL   (* don't give the embedded views information about the dummy twin model *)
   END ThisModel;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER);

      w := c.r - c.l;
      h := c.b - c.t
   END GetSize;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR w, h, sep: INTEGER;
      IF = c THEN   (* top view *)
         c.base.context.MakeVisible(l + border, t + border, r + border, b + border)
      ELSE   (* bottom view *)
         c.base.context.GetSize(w, h); sep := h DIV 3;
         c.base.context.MakeVisible(l + border, t + sep + border, r + border, b + sep + border)
   END MakeVisible;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal);

   END Consider;
   PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN;

      RETURN c.base.context.Normalize()
   END Normalize;
   PROCEDURE NewContext (v: Views.View; base: View): Context;

      VAR c: Context;
      c.view := v; c.base := base;
      v.InitContext(c); Stores.Join(v, base);
      RETURN c
   END NewContext;
   PROCEDURE CopyOf (source: Context; shallow: BOOLEAN; base: View): Context;

      VAR v: Views.View;
      v := Views.CopyOf(source.view,shallow );
      RETURN NewContext(v, base)
   END CopyOf;
   (* View *)

   PROCEDURE RecalcLayout (v: View);

      VAR w, h, sep: INTEGER; c: Context;
      v.context.GetSize(w, h);
      sep := h DIV 3;   (* separate the two views at 1/3 of the container's height *)
      c :=; c.l := border; c.t := border; c.r := w - border; c.b := sep - border;
      c := v.bottom; c.l := border; c.t := sep + border; c.r := w - border; c.b := h - border
   END RecalcLayout;
   PROCEDURE SetFocus (v: Views.View; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;

      VAR p: Properties.FocusPref;
   BEGIN   (* determine whether v should be focused when the mouse is clicked at (x, y) in v *)
      p.hotFocus := FALSE;
      p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x; p.y := y;
      p.setFocus := FALSE;
      Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p);
      RETURN p.setFocus
   END SetFocus;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model);

      VAR shallow: BOOLEAN;
      WITH source: View DO
         shallow := model = source.ident;   (* shallow copy if both views share the same model *)
         Stores.Join(v, model); := CopyOf(, shallow, v);
         v.bottom := CopyOf(source.bottom, shallow, v);
         v.ident := model(Identity);
         v.focus := v.bottom
   END CopyFromModelView;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);

      VAR version: INTEGER; h: Views.View;
      rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version);
      IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
         Views.ReadView(rd, h); := NewContext(h, v);
         Views.ReadView(rd, h); v.bottom := NewContext(h, v);
         NEW(v.ident); Stores.Join(v, v.ident);
         v.focus := v.bottom
   END Internalize;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);

      Views.WriteView(wr, v.bottom.view)
   END Externalize;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize;

   END Neutralize;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model;

      RETURN v.ident
   END ThisModel;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR d: INTEGER; c: Context;
      (* install the subframes for the subviews *)
      c :=; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 0, v.focus = c);
      c := v.bottom; Views.InstallFrame(f, c.view, c.l, c.t, 1, v.focus = c);
      (* draw frame around the subviews *)
      d := 2 *;
      c :=;
      IF (c.t - d < c.b + d) & (c.l - d < c.r + d) THEN f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d,, END;
      c := v.bottom;
      IF (c.t - d < c.b + d) & (c.l - d < c.r + d) THEN f.DrawRect(c.l - d, c.t - d, c.r + d, c.b + d,, END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage;

                                             VAR focus: Views.View);
      VAR g: Views.Frame; newFocus: Context; mMsg: Controllers.MarkMsg;
         w, h, sep: INTEGER;
      WITH msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO
         v.context.GetSize(w, h);
         sep := h DIV 3;
         IF msg.y >= sep THEN newFocus := v.bottom ELSE newFocus := END;
         focus := newFocus.view;
         IF (newFocus # v.focus) & ((msg IS Controllers.TrackMsg) OR (msg IS Controllers.DropMsg)) &
            SetFocus(focus, msg.x, msg.y) THEN
            (* remove marks in old focus *)
   := FALSE; mMsg.focus := TRUE;
            g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.focus.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg) END;
            v.focus := newFocus;   (* set new focus *)
            (* set marks in new focus *)
   := TRUE; mMsg.focus := TRUE;
            g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.focus.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mMsg) END
      (* the following scrolling-oriented messages are always sent to bottom view, independent of focus *)
      | msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO
         g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.bottom.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END;
         IF msg.vertical & ~msg.done THEN
            msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := TRUE   (* disable default-scrolling *)
      | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO
         g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.bottom.view); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END;
         IF msg.vertical THEN msg.done := TRUE END
      | msg: Controllers.PageMsg DO
         focus := v.bottom.view
      ELSE   (* all other messages are sent to the focus, however *)
         focus := v.focus.view
      (* the assignment to focus signals that the view v wants to forward the message to the
      corresponding embedded view *)
   END HandleCtrlMsg;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Views.PropMessage);

      CONST defW = 80 *; defH = 60 *;
      WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
         IF msg.w = Views.undefined THEN msg.w := defW END;
         IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN msg.h := defH END
      | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
         msg.verFitToWin := TRUE   (* make view always as high as window *)
         Views.HandlePropMsg(v.bottom.view, msg)
   END HandlePropMsg;
   PROCEDURE (v: View) ConsiderFocusRequestBy (view: Views.View);

      IF view = THEN
         v.focus :=
      ELSIF view = v.bottom.view THEN
         v.focus := v.bottom
   END ConsiderFocusRequestBy;
   PROCEDURE NewTwin* (top, bottom: Views.View): Views.View;

      VAR v: View;
      NEW(v); := NewContext(top, v); v.bottom := NewContext(bottom, v);
      NEW(v.ident); Stores.Join(v, v.ident); v.focus := v.bottom;
      RETURN v
   END NewTwin;
   (* example twin view with two embedded text views *)

   PROCEDURE New* (): Views.View;

      RETURN NewTwin(TextViews.dir.New(NIL), TextViews.dir.New(NIL))
   END New;
   PROCEDURE Deposit*;

   END Deposit;
END ObxTwins.