MODULE ObxStores;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""



   This example illustrates the persistency service implemented by Stores. It is shown how a graph
   of linked nodes can be externalized and internalized, maintaining invariants like objects refered to
   through multiple pointers and cycles. Stores also offeres a mechanism to just copy such a graph.
   To run the example, click on the commanders below:
       ObxStores.WriteRead       ObxStores.Copy
   IMPORT Dialog, Files, Stores;


      Node = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Store)
         a, b: Node
   (* Methods of Node *)

   PROCEDURE (n: Node) Externalize (VAR w: Stores.Writer);

      w.WriteStore(n.a); w.WriteStore(n.b)
   END Externalize;
   PROCEDURE (n: Node) Internalize (VAR r: Stores.Reader);

      VAR s: Stores.Store;
      IF (s # NIL) & (s IS Node) THEN n.a := s(Node) ELSE n.a := NIL END;
      IF (s # NIL) & (s IS Node) THEN n.b := s(Node) ELSE n.b := NIL END
   END Internalize;
   PROCEDURE (n: Node) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store);

      WITH source: Node DO
         IF source.a # NIL THEN n.a := Stores.CopyOf(source.a)(Node) ELSE n.a := NIL END;
         IF source.b # NIL THEN n.b := Stores.CopyOf(source.b)(Node) ELSE n.b := NIL END
   END CopyFrom;
   (* Build and check a graph of Nodes *)

   PROCEDURE NewGraph (): Node;
      VAR n: Node;
      NEW(n.a); Stores.Join(n, n.a);
      NEW(n.b); Stores.Join(n, n.b);
      n.a.a := n.b; n.a.b := NIL; n.b.a := n.a; n.b.b := n.b;
      RETURN n
   END NewGraph;
   PROCEDURE GraphOk (n: Node): BOOLEAN;

      RETURN (n # n.a) & (n # n.b) & (n.a # n.b) & (n.a.a = n.b) & (n.a.b = NIL) & (n.b.a = n.a) & (n.b.b = n.b)
         & Stores.Joined(n, n.a) & Stores.Joined(n, n.b)
   END GraphOk;
   (* Demonstrate Ex- and Internalization *)

   PROCEDURE WriteRead*;

      VAR n, m: Node; f: Files.File; w: Stores.Writer; r: Stores.Reader; s: Stores.Store;
      (* allocate and check new graph *)
      n := NewGraph(); ASSERT(GraphOk(n), 1);
      (* externalize graph to a temporary file *)

      f := Files.dir.Temp();
      w.ConnectTo(f); w.WriteStore(n);
      (* read graph back from file *)

      r.ConnectTo(f); r.ReadStore(s); m := s(Node);
      (* check graph to be internalized with nodes correctly linked and joined *)

      ASSERT(GraphOk(m), 2);
      Dialog.ShowMsg("WriteRead test ok.")
   END WriteRead;
   (* Demonstrate Copying *)


      VAR n, m: Node;
      (* allocate and check new graph *)
      n := NewGraph(); ASSERT(GraphOk(n), 1);
      (* copy entire graph *)

      m := Stores.CopyOf(n)(Node);
      (* check graph to be internalized with nodes correctly linked and joined *)

      ASSERT(GraphOk(m), 2);
      Dialog.ShowMsg("Copy test ok.")
   END Copy;
END ObxStores.