MODULE ObxDialog;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


   IMPORT Dialog;


      dialog*: RECORD
         list*: Dialog.List;
         combo*: Dialog.Combo;
         sum-: INTEGER;
         disable*: BOOLEAN;
         elems*: INTEGER
      sel*: Dialog.Selection; (* hadled separately to avoid race condition in notifier *)
   PROCEDURE SetList (IN l: Dialog.List; n: INTEGER);

      VAR i: INTEGER;
      i := 0;
      WHILE i # n DO
         CASE i OF
         | 0: l.SetItem(i, "zero")
         | 1: l.SetItem(i, "one")
         | 2: l.SetItem(i, "two")
         | 3: l.SetItem(i, "three")
         | 4: l.SetItem(i, "four")
         | 5: l.SetItem(i, "five")
         | 6: l.SetItem(i, "six")
         | 7: l.SetItem(i, "seven")
         | 8: l.SetItem(i, "eight")
         | 9: l.SetItem(i, "nine")
         | 10: l.SetItem(i, "ten")
         | 11: l.SetItem(i, "eleven")
   END SetList;
   PROCEDURE SelNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER);

      IF op = Dialog.set THEN   (* recalculate sum of selected numbers *)
         dialog.sum := (to - from + 1) * (to + from) DIV 2
      ELSIF op = Dialog.excluded THEN   (* correct sum after deselection of some numbers *)
         WHILE from <= to DO DEC(dialog.sum, from); INC(from) END
      ELSIF op = Dialog.included THEN   (* correct sum after selection of some numbers *)
         WHILE from <= to DO INC(dialog.sum, from); INC(from) END
      Dialog.Update(dialog)   (* show new dialog.sum *)
   END SelNotifier;
   PROCEDURE ElemsNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER);

      IF op = Dialog.changed THEN
         IF dialog.elems < 0 THEN
            dialog.elems := 0; Dialog.Update(dialog)
         ELSIF dialog.elems > 12 THEN
            dialog.elems := 12; Dialog.Update(dialog)
         SetList(dialog.list, dialog.elems);   (* rebuild list *)
         Dialog.UpdateList(dialog.list)   (* update list*)
   END ElemsNotifier;
   PROCEDURE ListGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);

      par.disabled := dialog.disable
   END ListGuard;

   dialog.elems := 2; SetList(dialog.list, dialog.elems);
   sel.SetItem(0, "zero"); sel.SetItem(1, "one"); sel.SetItem(2, "two");
   sel.SetItem(3, "three"); sel.SetItem(4, "four"); sel.SetItem(5, "five");
   sel.SetItem(6, "six"); sel.SetItem(7, "seven"); sel.SetItem(8, "eight");
   sel.SetItem(9, "nine"); sel.SetItem(10, "ten"); sel.SetItem(11, "eleven");
   dialog.combo.SetItem(0, "zero"); dialog.combo.SetItem(1, "one"); dialog.combo.SetItem(2, "two");
   dialog.combo.SetItem(3, "three"); dialog.combo.SetItem(4, "four"); dialog.combo.SetItem(5, "five");
   dialog.combo.SetItem(6, "six"); dialog.combo.SetItem(7, "seven"); dialog.combo.SetItem(8, "eight");
   dialog.combo.SetItem(9, "nine"); dialog.combo.SetItem(10, "ten"); dialog.combo.SetItem(11, "eleven")
END ObxDialog.