MODULE Stores;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems, Fyodor Tkachov"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


   IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel, Dialog, Strings, Files;


      (** Alien.cause, Reader.TurnIntoAlien cause - flagged by internalization procs **)
      alienVersion* = 1; alienComponent* = 2;
      (** Alien.cause - internally detected **)
      inconsistentVersion* = -1; inconsistentType* = -2;
      moduleFileNotFound* = -3; invalidModuleFile* = -4;
      inconsModuleVersion* = -5; typeNotFound* = -6;
      dictLineLen = 32;   (* length of type & elem dict lines *)

      newBase = 0F0X;   (* new base type (level = 0), i.e. not yet in dict *)

      newExt = 0F1X;   (* new extension type (level = 1), i.e. not yet in dict *)
      oldType = 0F2X;   (* old type, i.e. already in dict *)
      nil = 080X;   (* nil store *)

      link = 081X;   (* link to another elem in same file *)
      store = 082X;   (* general store *)
      elem = 083X;   (* elem store *)
      newlink = 084X;   (* link to another non-elem store in same file *)
      minVersion = 0; maxStoreVersion = 0;

      elemTName = "Stores.ElemDesc";      (* type of pre-1.3 elems *)

      modelTName = "Models.ModelDesc";   (* the only known family of pre-1.3 elems *)
      inited = TRUE; anonymousDomain = FALSE;   (* values to be used when calling NewDomain *)
      compatible = TRUE;

      TypeName* = ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
      TypePath* = ARRAY 16 OF TypeName;
      OpName* = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;

         sequencer: ANYPTR;
         dlink: Domain;
         initialized, copyDomain: BOOLEAN;
         level, copyera, nextElemId:INTEGER;
         sDict: StoreDict;
         cleaner: TrapCleaner;
         s: Store   (* used for CopyOf *)


         dlink: Domain;
         era, id: INTEGER;   (* externalization era and id *)
         isElem: BOOLEAN   (* to preserve file format: is this an elem in the old sense? *)

         next-: AlienComp
      AlienPiece* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (AlienComp)

         pos-, len-: INTEGER
      AlienPart* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (AlienComp)

         store-: Store
      Alien* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Store)

         path-: TypePath;   (** the type this store would have if it were not an alien **)
         cause-: INTEGER;   (** # 0, the cause that turned this store into an alien **)
         file-: Files.File;   (** base file holding alien pieces **)
         comps-: AlienComp   (** the constituent components of this alien store **)
      ReaderState = RECORD

         next: INTEGER;   (* position of next store in current level *)
         end: INTEGER   (* position just after last read store *)
      WriterState = RECORD

         linkpos: INTEGER   (* address of threading link *)
      TypeDict = POINTER TO RECORD

         next: TypeDict;
         org: INTEGER;   (* origin id of this dict line *)
         type: ARRAY dictLineLen OF TypeName;   (* type[org] .. type[org + dictLineLen - 1] *)
         baseId: ARRAY dictLineLen OF INTEGER
      StoreDict = POINTER TO RECORD

         next: StoreDict;
         org: INTEGER;   (* origin id of this dict line *)
         elem: ARRAY dictLineLen OF Store   (* elem[org] .. elem[org + dictLineLen - 1] *)
      Reader* = RECORD

         rider-: Files.Reader;
         cancelled-: BOOLEAN;   (** current Internalize has been cancelled **)
         readAlien-: BOOLEAN;   (** at least one alien read since ConnectTo **)
         cause: INTEGER;
         nextTypeId, nextElemId, nextStoreId: INTEGER;   (* next id of non-dict type, "elem", store *)
         tDict, tHead: TypeDict;   (* mapping (id <-> type) - self-organizing list *)
         eDict, eHead: StoreDict;   (* mapping (id -> elem) - self-organizing list *)
         sDict, sHead: StoreDict;   (* mapping (id -> store) - self-organizing list *)
         st: ReaderState;
         noDomain: BOOLEAN;
         store: Store
      Writer* = RECORD

         rider-: Files.Writer;
         writtenStore-: Store;
         era: INTEGER;   (* current externalization era *)
         noDomain: BOOLEAN;   (* no domain encountered yet *)
         modelType: Kernel.Type;
         domain: Domain;   (* domain of current era *)
         nextTypeId, nextElemId, nextStoreId: INTEGER;   (* next id of non-dict type or elem *)
         tDict, tHead: TypeDict;   (* mapping (id -> type) - self-organizing list *)
         st: WriterState
      TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner)

         d: Domain

      nextEra: INTEGER;   (* next externalization era *)
      thisTypeRes: INTEGER;   (* side-effect res code of ThisType *)
      logReports: BOOLEAN;
   (** Cleaner **)

   PROCEDURE (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup;

      c.d.level := 0;
      c.d.sDict := NIL;
      c.d.s := NIL
   END Cleanup;
   PROCEDURE (d: Domain) SetSequencer* (sequencer: ANYPTR), NEW;

      ASSERT(d.sequencer = NIL);
      d.sequencer := sequencer
   END SetSequencer;
   PROCEDURE (d: Domain) GetSequencer*(): ANYPTR, NEW;
      RETURN d.sequencer
   END GetSequencer;
   PROCEDURE^ Report* (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);

   PROCEDURE^ (VAR rd: Reader) SetPos* (pos: INTEGER), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR rd: Reader) ReadVersion* (min, max: INTEGER; OUT version: INTEGER), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSChar* (OUT x: SHORTCHAR), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR rd: Reader) ReadInt* (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXString* (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR rd: Reader) ReadStore* (OUT x: Store), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR wr: Writer) SetPos* (pos: INTEGER), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR wr: Writer) WriteVersion* (version: INTEGER), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSChar* (x: SHORTCHAR), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR wr: Writer) WriteInt* (x: INTEGER), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXString* (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ (VAR wr: Writer) WriteStore* (x: Store), NEW;
   PROCEDURE^ Join* (s0, s1: Store);
   (** Operation **)

   PROCEDURE (op: Operation) Do* (), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** Store **)

   PROCEDURE NewDomain (initialized: BOOLEAN): Domain;

      VAR d: Domain;
      NEW(d); d.level := 0; d.sDict := NIL; d.cleaner := NIL;
      d.initialized := initialized; d.copyDomain := FALSE;
      RETURN d
   END NewDomain;
   PROCEDURE DomainOf (s: Store): Domain;

      VAR d, p, q, r: Domain;
      d := s.dlink;
      IF (d # NIL) & (d.dlink # NIL) THEN
         p := NIL; q := d; r := q.dlink;
         WHILE r # NIL DO q.dlink := p; p := q; q := r; r := q.dlink END;
         d := q;
         WHILE p # NIL DO q := p; p := q.dlink; q.dlink := d END;
         s.dlink := d
      RETURN d
   END DomainOf;
   PROCEDURE (s: Store) Domain*(): Domain, NEW;

      VAR d: Domain;
      d := DomainOf(s);
      IF (d # NIL) & ~d.initialized THEN d := NIL END;
      RETURN d
   END Domain;
   PROCEDURE (s: Store) CopyFrom- (source: Store), NEW, EMPTY;
   PROCEDURE (s: Store) Internalize- (VAR rd: Reader), NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

      VAR thisVersion: INTEGER;
      rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStoreVersion, thisVersion);
      IF ~rd.cancelled & s.isElem THEN
         rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStoreVersion, thisVersion)
         (* works since maxStoreVersion = maxElemVersion = 0 in pre-1.3 *)
   END Internalize;
   PROCEDURE (s: Store) ExternalizeAs- (VAR s1: Store), NEW, EMPTY;

   PROCEDURE (s: Store) Externalize- (VAR wr: Writer), NEW, EXTENSIBLE;

      IF s.isElem THEN wr.WriteVersion(maxStoreVersion) END
   END Externalize;
   (** Alien **)

   PROCEDURE^ CopyOf* (s: Store): Store;

   PROCEDURE (a: Alien) CopyFrom- (source: Store);

      VAR s, c, cp: AlienComp; piece: AlienPiece; part: AlienPart;
      WITH source: Alien DO
         a.path := source.path;
         a.cause := source.cause;
         a.file := source.file;
         a.comps := NIL;
         s := source.comps; cp := NIL;
         WHILE s # NIL DO
            WITH s: AlienPiece DO
               NEW(piece); c := piece;
               piece.pos := s.pos; piece.len := s.len
            | s: AlienPart DO
               NEW(part); c := part;
               IF # NIL THEN := CopyOf(; Join(, a) END
            IF cp # NIL THEN := c ELSE a.comps := c END;
            cp := c;
            s :=
   END CopyFrom;
   PROCEDURE (a: Alien) Internalize- (VAR rd: Reader);

   END Internalize;
   PROCEDURE (a: Alien) Externalize- (VAR w: Writer);

   END Externalize;
   (* types *)

   PROCEDURE GetThisTypeName (t: Kernel.Type; VAR type: TypeName);

      VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; name: Kernel.Name;
      Kernel.GetTypeName(t, name); type :=$;
      i := 0; ch := type[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO INC(i); ch := type[i] END;
      type[i] := "."; INC(i);
      j := 0; REPEAT ch := name[j]; type[i] := ch; INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL ch = 0X;
      IF compatible THEN
         IF type[i-2] = "^" THEN   (* for backward compatibility *)
            type[i-2] := "D"; type[i-1] := "e"; type[i] := "s"; type[i+1] := "c"; type[i+2] := 0X
   END GetThisTypeName;
   PROCEDURE ThisType (type: TypeName): Kernel.Type;

      VAR m: Kernel.Module; t: Kernel.Type; i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
         typ: Kernel.Name; mod: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; res: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
      ASSERT(type # "", 20);
      i := 0; ch := type[0];
      WHILE (ch # ".") & (ch # 0X) DO mod[i] := SHORT(ch); INC(i); ch := type[i] END;
      ASSERT(ch = ".", 21);
      mod[i] := 0X; INC(i);
      m := Kernel.ThisMod(mod);
      IF m # NIL THEN
         j := 0; REPEAT ch := type[i]; typ[j] := SHORT(ch); INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL ch = 0X;
         t := Kernel.ThisType(m, typ);
         IF (t = NIL) & (j >= 5) THEN   (* try pointer type *)
            IF (typ[j-5] = "D") & (typ[j-4] = "e") & (typ[j-3] = "s") & (typ[j-2] = "c") THEN
               typ[j-5] := "^"; typ[j-4] := 0X;
               t := Kernel.ThisType(m, typ)
         IF t = NIL THEN thisTypeRes := typeNotFound END
         t := NIL;
         Kernel.GetLoaderResult(res, str, str, str);
         CASE res OF
         | Kernel.fileNotFound: thisTypeRes := moduleFileNotFound
         | Kernel.syntaxError: thisTypeRes := invalidModuleFile
         | Kernel.objNotFound: thisTypeRes := inconsModuleVersion
         | Kernel.illegalFPrint: thisTypeRes := inconsModuleVersion
         | Kernel.cyclicImport: thisTypeRes := invalidModuleFile   (* cyclic import ... *)
         ELSE thisTypeRes := invalidModuleFile
      RETURN t
   END ThisType;
   PROCEDURE SameType (IN x, y: TypeName): BOOLEAN;
      VAR i: INTEGER;
         i := 0; WHILE x[i] = y[i] DO INC(i) END;
            (x[i] = "^") & (x[i+1] = 0X) & (y[i] = "D") & (y[i+1] = "e") & (y[i+2] = "s") & (y[i+3] = "c") & (y[i+4] = 0X)
            OR (y[i] = "^") & (y[i+1] = 0X) & (x[i] = "D") & (x[i+1] = "e") & (x[i+2] = "s") & (x[i+3] = "c") & (x[i+4] = 0X)
   END SameType;
   PROCEDURE SamePath (t: Kernel.Type; VAR path: TypePath): BOOLEAN;

   (* check whether t coincides with path *)
      VAR tn: TypeName; i, n: INTEGER;
      i := -1; n := Kernel.LevelOf(t);
         GetThisTypeName(t.base[n], tn);
         DEC(n); INC(i)
      UNTIL (n < 0) OR ~SameType(tn, path[i]);
      RETURN SameType(tn, path[i])
   END SamePath;
   PROCEDURE NewStore (t: Kernel.Type): Store;

      VAR p: ANYPTR;
      ASSERT(t # NIL, 20);
      Kernel.NewObj(p, t); ASSERT(p # NIL, 100);
      ASSERT(p IS Store, 21);
      RETURN p(Store)
   END NewStore;
   (* type dictionary *)

   PROCEDURE GetThisType (VAR d: TypeDict; id: INTEGER; VAR type: TypeName);

   (* pre: (id, t) IN dict *)
      VAR h, p: TypeDict; org, k: INTEGER;
      k := id MOD dictLineLen; org := id - k;
      h := NIL; p := d; WHILE # org DO h := p; p := END;
      IF h # NIL THEN :=; := d; d := p END;
      type := p.type[k];
      ASSERT(type # "", 100)
   END GetThisType;
   PROCEDURE ThisId (VAR d: TypeDict; t: TypeName): INTEGER;

   (* pre: t # "" *)
   (* post: res = id if (t, id) in dict, res = -1 else *)
      VAR h, p: TypeDict; k, id: INTEGER;
      h := NIL; p := d; id := -1;
      WHILE (p # NIL) & (id < 0) DO
         k := 0; WHILE (k < dictLineLen) & (p.type[k, 0] # 0X) & (p.type[k] # t) DO INC(k) END;
         IF (k < dictLineLen) & (p.type[k, 0] # 0X) THEN id := + k
         ELSE h := p; p :=
      IF (id >= 0) & (h # NIL) THEN :=; := d; d := p END;
      RETURN id
   END ThisId;
   PROCEDURE ThisBaseId (VAR d: TypeDict; id: INTEGER): INTEGER;

   (* post: res = id if base(t) # NIL, res = -1 if base(t) = NIL; res >= 0 => T(res) = base(t) *)
      VAR h, p: TypeDict; k, org, baseId: INTEGER;
      k := id MOD dictLineLen; org := id - k;
      h := NIL; p := d; WHILE # org DO h := p; p := END;
      IF h # NIL THEN :=; := d; d := p END;
      baseId := p.baseId[k];
      RETURN baseId
   END ThisBaseId;
   PROCEDURE AddType (VAR d, h: TypeDict; id: INTEGER; type: TypeName);

      VAR k: INTEGER;
      k := id MOD dictLineLen;
      IF (h = NIL) OR ((k = 0) & ( # id)) THEN
         NEW(h); := id - k; := d; d := h
      h.type[k] := type; h.baseId[k] := -1
   END AddType;
   PROCEDURE AddBaseId (h: TypeDict; id, baseId: INTEGER);

      VAR k: INTEGER;
      k := id MOD dictLineLen;
      h.baseId[k] := baseId
   END AddBaseId;
   PROCEDURE InitTypeDict (VAR d, h: TypeDict; VAR nextID: INTEGER);

      d := NIL; h := NIL; nextID := 0
   END InitTypeDict;
   (* store dictionary - used to maintain referential sharing *)

   PROCEDURE ThisStore (VAR d: StoreDict; id: INTEGER): Store;

   (* pre: (id, s) IN dict *)
      VAR h, p: StoreDict; s: Store; k, org: INTEGER;
      k := id MOD dictLineLen; org := id - k;
      h := NIL; p := d; WHILE # org DO h := p; p := END;
      IF h # NIL THEN :=; := d; d := p END;
      s := p.elem[k];
      ASSERT(s # NIL, 100);
      RETURN s
   END ThisStore;
   PROCEDURE AddStore (VAR d, h: StoreDict; s: Store);

      VAR k: INTEGER;
      k := MOD dictLineLen;
      IF (h = NIL) OR ((k = 0) & ( # THEN
         NEW(h); := - k; := d; d := h
      h.elem[k] := s
   END AddStore;
   PROCEDURE InitStoreDict (VAR d, h: StoreDict; VAR nextID: INTEGER);

      d := NIL; h := NIL; nextID := 0
   END InitStoreDict;
   (* support for type mapping *)

   PROCEDURE ReadPath (VAR rd: Reader; VAR path: TypePath);

      VAR h: TypeDict; id, extId: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; kind: SHORTCHAR;
      PROCEDURE AddPathComp (VAR rd: Reader);

         IF h # NIL THEN AddBaseId(h, extId, rd.nextTypeId) END;
         AddType(rd.tDict, rd.tHead, rd.nextTypeId, path[i]);
         h := rd.tHead; extId := rd.nextTypeId
      END AddPathComp;

      h := NIL; i := 0; rd.ReadSChar(kind);
      WHILE kind = newExt DO
         AddPathComp(rd); INC(rd.nextTypeId);
         IF path[i] # elemTName THEN INC(i) END;
      IF kind = newBase THEN
         AddPathComp(rd); INC(rd.nextTypeId); INC(i)
         ASSERT(kind = oldType, 100);
         IF h # NIL THEN AddBaseId(h, extId, id) END;
            GetThisType(rd.tDict, id, path[i]); id := ThisBaseId(rd.tDict, id);
            IF path[i] # elemTName THEN INC(i) END
         UNTIL id = -1
      path[i] := ""
   END ReadPath;
   PROCEDURE WritePath (VAR wr: Writer; VAR path: TypePath);

      VAR h: TypeDict; id, extId: INTEGER; i, n: INTEGER;
      h := NIL;
      n := 0; WHILE path[n] # "" DO INC(n) END;
      i := 0;
      WHILE i < n DO
         id := ThisId(wr.tDict, path[i]);
         IF id >= 0 THEN
            IF h # NIL THEN AddBaseId(h, extId, id) END;
            wr.WriteSChar(oldType); wr.WriteInt(id); n := i
            IF i + 1 < n THEN wr.WriteSChar(newExt) ELSE wr.WriteSChar(newBase) END;
            IF h # NIL THEN AddBaseId(h, extId, wr.nextTypeId) END;
            AddType(wr.tDict, wr.tHead, wr.nextTypeId, path[i]);
            h := wr.tHead; extId := wr.nextTypeId;
            IF path[i] = modelTName THEN   
               id := ThisId(wr.tDict, elemTName); ASSERT(id < 0, 100); ASSERT(i + 2 = n, 101);
               wr.WriteSChar(newExt); wr.WriteXString(elemTName);
               IF h # NIL THEN AddBaseId(h, extId, wr.nextTypeId) END;
               AddType(wr.tDict, wr.tHead, wr.nextTypeId, elemTName);
               h := wr.tHead; extId := wr.nextTypeId;
   END WritePath;
   PROCEDURE WriteType (VAR wr: Writer; t: Kernel.Type);

      VAR path: TypePath; n, i: INTEGER;
      i := 0; n := Kernel.LevelOf(t);
      WHILE n >= 0 DO
         GetThisTypeName(t.base[n], path[i]);
         DEC(n); INC(i)
      path[i] := "";
      WritePath(wr, path)
   END WriteType;
   (* support for alien mapping *)

   PROCEDURE InternalizeAlien (VAR rd: Reader; VAR comps: AlienComp; down, pos, len: INTEGER);

      VAR h, p: AlienComp; piece: AlienPiece; part: AlienPart; file: Files.File;
         next, end, max: INTEGER;
      file := rd.rider.Base(); max := file.Length();
      end := pos + len; h := NIL;
      IF down # 0 THEN next := down ELSE next := end END;
      WHILE pos < end DO
         ASSERT(end <= max, 100);
         IF pos < next THEN
            NEW(piece); piece.pos := pos; piece.len := next - pos;
            p := piece; pos := next
            ASSERT(pos = next, 101);
            NEW(part); rd.ReadStore(;
            ASSERT( > next, 102);
            p := part; pos :=;
            IF > 0 THEN
               ASSERT( > next, 103); next :=
            ELSE next := end
         IF h = NIL THEN comps := p ELSE := p END;
         h := p
      ASSERT(pos = end, 104);
   END InternalizeAlien;
   PROCEDURE ExternalizePiece (VAR wr: Writer; file: Files.File; p: AlienPiece);

      VAR r: Files.Reader; w: Files.Writer; b: BYTE; l, len: INTEGER;
      l := file.Length(); len := p.len;
      ASSERT(0 <= p.pos, 100); ASSERT(p.pos <= l, 101);
      ASSERT(0 <= len, 102); ASSERT(len <= l - p.pos, 103);
      r := file.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(p.pos);
      w := wr.rider;
      WHILE len # 0 DO r.ReadByte(b); w.WriteByte(b); DEC(len) END
   END ExternalizePiece;
   PROCEDURE ExternalizeAlien (VAR wr: Writer; file: Files.File; comps: AlienComp);

      VAR p: AlienComp;
      p := comps;
      WHILE p # NIL DO
         WITH p: AlienPiece DO
            ExternalizePiece(wr, file, p)
         | p: AlienPart DO
         p :=
   END ExternalizeAlien;
   (** Reader **)

   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ConnectTo* (f: Files.File), NEW;

   (** pre: rd.rider = NILORf = NIL **)
      IF f = NIL THEN
         rd.rider := NIL
         ASSERT(rd.rider = NIL, 20);
         rd.rider := f.NewReader(rd.rider); rd.SetPos(0);
         InitTypeDict(rd.tDict, rd.tHead, rd.nextTypeId);
         InitStoreDict(rd.eDict, rd.eHead, rd.nextElemId);
         InitStoreDict(rd.sDict, rd.sHead, rd.nextStoreId);
         rd.noDomain := TRUE
      rd.readAlien := FALSE
   END ConnectTo;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) SetPos* (pos: INTEGER), NEW;

   END SetPos;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) Pos* (): INTEGER, NEW;

      RETURN rd.rider.Pos()
   END Pos;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadBool* (OUT x: BOOLEAN), NEW;

      VAR b: BYTE;
      rd.rider.ReadByte(b); x := b # 0
   END ReadBool;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSChar* (OUT x: SHORTCHAR), NEW;

      rd.rider.ReadByte(SYSTEM.VAL(BYTE, x))
   END ReadSChar;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXChar* (OUT x: CHAR), NEW;

      rd.rider.ReadByte(SYSTEM.VAL(BYTE,c)); x := c
   END ReadXChar;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadChar* (OUT x: CHAR), NEW;

      VAR le: ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 2);
      x := CHR(le[0] MOD 256 + (le[1] MOD 256) * 256)
   END ReadChar;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadByte* (OUT x: BYTE), NEW;

   END ReadByte;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSInt* (OUT x: SHORTINT), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 2);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, le)
         be[0] := le[1]; be[1] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, be)
   END ReadSInt;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXInt* (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 2);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, le)
         be[0] := le[1]; be[1] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, be)
   END ReadXInt;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadInt* (OUT x: INTEGER), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 4);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, le)
         be[0] := le[3]; be[1] := le[2]; be[2] := le[1]; be[3] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, be)
   END ReadInt;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadLong* (OUT x: LONGINT), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 8 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 8);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, le)
         be[0] := le[7]; be[1] := le[6]; be[2] := le[5]; be[3] := le[4];
         be[4] := le[3]; be[5] := le[2]; be[6] := le[1]; be[7] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, be)
   END ReadLong;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSReal* (OUT x: SHORTREAL), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 4);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, le)
         be[0] := le[3]; be[1] := le[2]; be[2] := le[1]; be[3] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, be)
   END ReadSReal;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXReal* (OUT x: REAL), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 4);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, le)
         be[0] := le[3]; be[1] := le[2]; be[2] := le[1]; be[3] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, be)
   END ReadXReal;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadReal* (OUT x: REAL), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 8 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 8);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(REAL, le)
         be[0] := le[7]; be[1] := le[6]; be[2] := le[5]; be[3] := le[4];
         be[4] := le[3]; be[5] := le[2]; be[6] := le[1]; be[7] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(REAL, be)
   END ReadReal;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSet* (OUT x: SET), NEW;

      VAR le, be: ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      rd.rider.ReadBytes(le, 0, 4);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SET, le)
         be[0] := le[3]; be[1] := le[2]; be[2] := le[1]; be[3] := le[0];
         x := SYSTEM.VAL(SET, be)
   END ReadSet;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSString* (OUT x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR), NEW;

      i := 0; REPEAT rd.ReadSChar(ch); x[i] := ch; INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X
   END ReadSString;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadXString* (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;

      VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
      i := 0; REPEAT rd.ReadXChar(ch); x[i] := ch; INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X
   END ReadXString;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadString* (OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;

      VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
      i := 0; REPEAT rd.ReadChar(ch); x[i] := ch; INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X
   END ReadString;
   PROCEDURE AlienReport (cause: INTEGER);

      VAR s, e: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
      CASE cause OF
      | alienVersion: s := "#System:AlienVersion"
      | alienComponent: s := "#System:AlienComponent"
      | inconsistentVersion: s := "#System:InconsistentVersion"
      ELSE s := "#System:UnknownCause"
      Strings.IntToString(cause, e);
      Report("#System:AlienCause ^0 ^1 ^2", s, e, "")
   END AlienReport;
   PROCEDURE AlienTypeReport (cause: INTEGER; t: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR s: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
      CASE cause OF
      | inconsistentType: s := "#System:InconsistentType ^0"
      | moduleFileNotFound: s := "#System:CodeFileNotFound ^0"
      | invalidModuleFile: s := "#System:InvalidCodeFile ^0"
      | inconsModuleVersion: s := "#System:InconsistentModuleVersion ^0"
      | typeNotFound: s := "#System:TypeNotFound ^0"
      Report(s, t, "", "")
   END AlienTypeReport;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) TurnIntoAlien* (cause: INTEGER), NEW;

      ASSERT(cause > 0, 20);
      rd.cancelled := TRUE; rd.readAlien := TRUE; rd.cause := cause;
   END TurnIntoAlien;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadVersion* (min, max: INTEGER; OUT version: INTEGER), NEW;

      VAR v: BYTE;
      rd.ReadByte(v); version := v;
      IF (version < min) OR (version > max) THEN
   END ReadVersion;
   PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadStore* (OUT x: Store), NEW;

      VAR a: Alien; t: Kernel.Type;
         len, pos, pos1, id, comment, next, down, downPos, nextTypeId, nextElemId, nextStoreId: INTEGER;
         kind: SHORTCHAR; path: TypePath; type: TypeName;
         save: ReaderState;
      IF kind = nil THEN
         rd.ReadInt(comment); rd.ReadInt(next); := rd.Pos();
         IF (next > 0) OR ((next = 0) & ODD(comment)) THEN := + next ELSE := 0 END;
         x := NIL
      ELSIF kind = link THEN
         rd.ReadInt(id); rd.ReadInt(comment); rd.ReadInt(next); := rd.Pos();
         IF (next > 0) OR ((next = 0) & ODD(comment)) THEN := + next ELSE := 0 END;
         x := ThisStore(rd.eDict, id)
      ELSIF kind = newlink THEN
         rd.ReadInt(id); rd.ReadInt(comment); rd.ReadInt(next); := rd.Pos();
         IF (next > 0) OR ((next = 0) & ODD(comment)) THEN := + next ELSE := 0 END;
         x := ThisStore(rd.sDict, id)
      ELSIF (kind = store) OR (kind = elem) THEN
         IF kind = elem THEN
            id := rd.nextElemId; INC(rd.nextElemId)
            id := rd.nextStoreId; INC(rd.nextStoreId)
         ReadPath(rd, path); type := path[0];
         nextTypeId := rd.nextTypeId; nextElemId := rd.nextElemId; nextStoreId := rd.nextStoreId;
         pos1 := rd.Pos();
         rd.ReadInt(next); rd.ReadInt(down); rd.ReadInt(len);
         pos := rd.Pos();
         IF next > 0 THEN := pos1 + next + 4 ELSE := 0 END;
         IF down > 0 THEN downPos := pos1 + down + 8 ELSE downPos := 0 END; := pos + len;
         rd.cause := 0;
         ASSERT(len >= 0, 101);
         IF next # 0 THEN
            ASSERT( > pos1, 102);
            IF down # 0 THEN
               ASSERT(downPos <, 103)
         IF down # 0 THEN
            ASSERT(downPos > pos1, 104);
            ASSERT(downPos <, 105)
         t := ThisType(type);
         IF t # NIL THEN
            x := NewStore(t); x.isElem := kind = elem
            rd.cause := thisTypeRes; AlienTypeReport(rd.cause, type);
            x := NIL
         IF x # NIL THEN
            IF SamePath(t, path) THEN
               IF kind = elem THEN
         := id; AddStore(rd.eDict, rd.eHead, x)
         := id; AddStore(rd.sDict, rd.sHead, x)
               save :=; rd.cause := 0; rd.cancelled :=FALSE;
      := save;
               IF rd.cause # 0 THEN x := NIL
               ELSIF (rd.Pos() # OR rd.rider.eof THEN
                  rd.cause := inconsistentVersion; AlienReport(rd.cause);
                  x := NIL
               rd.cause := inconsistentType; AlienTypeReport(rd.cause, type);
               x := NIL
         IF x # NIL THEN
            IF rd.noDomain THEN
      := x;
               rd.noDomain := FALSE
               Join(, x)
         ELSE   (* x is an alien *)
            ASSERT(rd.cause # 0, 107);
            NEW(a); a.path := path; a.cause := rd.cause; a.file := rd.rider.Base();
            IF rd.noDomain THEN
      := a;
               rd.noDomain := FALSE
               Join(, a)
            IF kind = elem THEN
      := id; AddStore(rd.eDict, rd.eHead, a)
      := id; AddStore(rd.sDict, rd.sHead, a)
            save :=;
            rd.nextTypeId := nextTypeId; rd.nextElemId := nextElemId; rd.nextStoreId := nextStoreId;
            InternalizeAlien(rd, a.comps, downPos, pos, len);
   := save;
            x := a;
            ASSERT(rd.Pos() =, 108);
            rd.cause := 0; rd.cancelled :=FALSE; rd.readAlien := TRUE
         pos := rd.Pos();
   END ReadStore;
   (** Writer **)

   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) ConnectTo* (f: Files.File), NEW;

   (** pre: wr.rider = NILORf = NIL **)
      IF f = NIL THEN
         wr.rider := NIL
         ASSERT(wr.rider = NIL, 20);
         wr.rider := f.NewWriter(wr.rider); wr.SetPos(f.Length());
         wr.era := nextEra; INC(nextEra);
         wr.noDomain := TRUE;
         wr.modelType := ThisType(modelTName);
         InitTypeDict(wr.tDict, wr.tHead, wr.nextTypeId);
         wr.nextElemId := 0; wr.nextStoreId := 0; := -1
      wr.writtenStore := NIL
   END ConnectTo;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) SetPos* (pos: INTEGER), NEW;

   END SetPos;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) Pos* (): INTEGER, NEW;

      RETURN wr.rider.Pos()
   END Pos;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteBool* (x: BOOLEAN), NEW;

      IF x THEN wr.rider.WriteByte(1) ELSE wr.rider.WriteByte(0) END
   END WriteBool;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSChar* (x: SHORTCHAR), NEW;

      wr.rider.WriteByte(SYSTEM.VAL(BYTE, x))
   END WriteSChar;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXChar* (x: CHAR), NEW;

      c := SHORT(x); wr.rider.WriteByte(SYSTEM.VAL(BYTE, c))
   END WriteXChar;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteChar* (x: CHAR), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;
      VAR le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x);
         le[0] := be[1]; le[1] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 2)
   END WriteChar;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteByte* (x: BYTE), NEW;

   END WriteByte;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSInt* (x: SHORTINT), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;
      VAR le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x);
         le[0] := be[1]; le[1] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 2)
   END WriteSInt;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXInt* (x: INTEGER), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 2 OF BYTE;
      VAR y: SHORTINT; le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      y := SHORT(x);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, y)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, y);
         le[0] := be[1]; le[1] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 2)
   END WriteXInt;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteInt* (x: INTEGER), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;
      VAR le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x);
         le[0] := be[3]; le[1] := be[2]; le[2] := be[1]; le[3] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 4)
   END WriteInt;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteLong* (x: LONGINT), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 8 OF BYTE;
      VAR le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x);
         le[0] := be[7]; le[1] := be[6]; le[2] := be[5]; le[3] := be[4];
         le[4] := be[3]; le[5] := be[2]; le[6] := be[1]; le[7] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 8)
   END WriteLong;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSReal* (x: SHORTREAL), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;
      VAR le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x);
         le[0] := be[3]; le[1] := be[2]; le[2] := be[1]; le[3] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 4)
   END WriteSReal;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXReal* (x: REAL), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;
      VAR y: SHORTREAL; le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      y := SHORT(x);
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, y)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, y);
         le[0] := be[3]; le[1] := be[2]; le[2] := be[1]; le[3] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 4)
   END WriteXReal;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteReal* (x: REAL), NEW;

      TYPE a = ARRAY 8 OF BYTE;
      VAR le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x);
         le[0] := be[7]; le[1] := be[6]; le[2] := be[5]; le[3] := be[4];
         le[4] := be[3]; le[5] := be[2]; le[6] := be[1]; le[7] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 8)
   END WriteReal;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSet* (x: SET), NEW;

      (* SIZE(SET) = 4 *)
      TYPE a = ARRAY 4 OF BYTE;
      VAR le, be: a;   (* little endian, big endian *)
      IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN
         le := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x)
         be := SYSTEM.VAL(a, x);
         le[0] := be[3]; le[1] := be[2]; le[2] := be[1]; le[3] := be[0]
      wr.rider.WriteBytes(le, 0, 4)
   END WriteSet;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSString* (IN x: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR), NEW;

      i := 0; ch := x[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO wr.WriteSChar(ch); INC(i); ch := x[i] END;
   END WriteSString;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteXString* (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;

      VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
      i := 0; ch := x[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO wr.WriteXChar(ch); INC(i); ch := x[i] END;
   END WriteXString;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteString* (IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;

      VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
      i := 0; ch := x[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO wr.WriteChar(ch); INC(i); ch := x[i] END;
   END WriteString;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteVersion* (version: INTEGER), NEW;

   END WriteVersion;
   PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteStore* (x: Store), NEW;

      VAR t: Kernel.Type; pos1, pos2, pos: INTEGER;
         save: WriterState;
      ASSERT(wr.rider # NIL, 20);
      IF x # NIL THEN
         IF wr.noDomain THEN
            wr.domain := x.Domain(); wr.noDomain := FALSE
         ELSE ASSERT(x.Domain() = wr.domain, 21)
         x.ExternalizeAs(x); IF x = NIL THEN wr.writtenStore := NIL; RETURN END
      IF > 0 THEN   (* link to previous block's <next> or up block's <down> *)
         pos := wr.Pos();
         IF pos - = 4 THEN
            (* hack to resolve ambiguity between next = 0 because of end-of-chain, or because of offset = 0.
               above guard holds only if for the latter case.
                  this can happen only if linkpos points to a next (not a down)
                  and there is a comment byte just before
            wr.SetPos( - 4); wr.WriteInt(1); wr.WriteInt(pos - - 4)
            wr.SetPos(; wr.WriteInt(pos - - 4)
      IF x = NIL THEN
         wr.WriteInt(0);   (* <comment> *) := wr.Pos();
         wr.WriteInt(0)   (* <next> *)
      ELSIF x.era >= wr.era THEN
         ASSERT(x.era = wr.era, 23);
         IF x.isElem THEN wr.WriteSChar(link) ELSE wr.WriteSChar(newlink) END;
         wr.WriteInt(0);   (* <comment> *) := wr.Pos();
         wr.WriteInt(0)   (* <next> *)
         x.era := wr.era;
         WITH x: Alien DO
            IF x.isElem THEN
               wr.WriteSChar(elem); := wr.nextElemId; INC(wr.nextElemId)
               wr.WriteSChar(store); := wr.nextStoreId; INC(wr.nextStoreId)
            WritePath(wr, x.path)
            t := Kernel.TypeOf(x);
            x.isElem := t.base[1] = wr.modelType;
            IF x.isElem THEN
               wr.WriteSChar(elem); := wr.nextElemId; INC(wr.nextElemId)
               wr.WriteSChar(store); := wr.nextStoreId; INC(wr.nextStoreId)
            WriteType(wr, t)
         wr.WriteInt(0);   (* <comment> *)
         pos1 := wr.Pos(); wr.WriteInt(0); wr.WriteInt(0);   (* <next>, <down> *)
         pos2 := wr.Pos(); wr.WriteInt(0);   (* <len> *)
         save :=;   (* push current writer state; switch to structured *) := pos1 + 4;
         WITH x: Alien DO ExternalizeAlien(wr, x.file, x.comps)
         END; := save;   (* pop writer state *) := pos1;
         pos := wr.Pos();
         wr.SetPos(pos2); wr.WriteInt(pos - pos2 - 4);   (* patch <len> *)
      wr.writtenStore := x
   END WriteStore;
   (** miscellaneous **)

   PROCEDURE Report* (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      IF logReports THEN
         Dialog.ShowParamMsg(msg, p0, p1, p2)
   END Report;
   PROCEDURE BeginCloning (d: Domain);

      ASSERT(d # NIL, 20);
      IF d.level = 1 THEN
         d.copyera := nextEra; INC(nextEra); d.nextElemId := 0;
         IF d.cleaner = NIL THEN NEW(d.cleaner); d.cleaner.d := d END;
   END BeginCloning;
   PROCEDURE EndCloning (d: Domain);
      ASSERT(d # NIL, 20);
      IF d.level = 0 THEN
         d.sDict := NIL;
         d.s := NIL
   END EndCloning;
   PROCEDURE CopyOf* (s: Store): Store;

      VAR h: Store; c: StoreDict; d: Domain; k, org: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(s # NIL, 20);
      d := DomainOf(s);
      IF d = NIL THEN d := NewDomain(anonymousDomain); s.dlink := d; d.copyDomain := TRUE END;

      IF s.era >= d.copyera THEN   (* s has already been copied *)
         ASSERT(s.era = d.copyera, 21);
         k := MOD dictLineLen; org := - k;
         c := d.sDict;
         WHILE (c # NIL) & ( # org) DO c := END;
         ASSERT((c # NIL) & (c.elem[k] # NIL), 100);
         h := c.elem[k]
         s.era := d.copyera; := d.nextElemId; INC(d.nextElemId);
         Kernel.NewObj(h, Kernel.TypeOf(s));
         k := MOD dictLineLen;
         IF k = 0 THEN NEW(c); :=; := d.sDict; d.sDict := c
         ELSE c := d.sDict
         ASSERT((c # NIL) & ( = - k) & (c.elem[k] = NIL), 101);
         c.elem[k] := h;
         IF d.s = NIL THEN d.s := h ELSE Join(h, d.s) END;
      RETURN h
   END CopyOf;
   PROCEDURE ExternalizeProxy* (s: Store): Store;
      IF s # NIL THEN s.ExternalizeAs(s) END;
      RETURN s
   END ExternalizeProxy;
   PROCEDURE InitDomain* (s: Store);
      VAR d: Domain;
      ASSERT(s # NIL, 20);
      d := DomainOf(s);
      IF d = NIL THEN d := NewDomain(inited); s.dlink := d
      ELSE d.initialized := TRUE
   END InitDomain;
   PROCEDURE Join* (s0, s1: Store);
      VAR d0, d1: Domain;
      ASSERT(s0 # NIL, 20); ASSERT(s1 # NIL, 21);
      d0 := DomainOf(s0); d1 := DomainOf(s1);
      IF (d0 = NIL) & (d1 = NIL) THEN
         s0.dlink := NewDomain(anonymousDomain); s1.dlink := s0.dlink
      ELSIF d0 = NIL THEN
         s0.dlink := d1; d1.copyDomain := FALSE
      ELSIF d1 = NIL THEN
         s1.dlink := d0; d0.copyDomain := FALSE
      ELSIF d0 # d1 THEN
         ASSERT(~d0.initialized OR ~d1.initialized, 22);
            (* PRE 22   s0.Domain() = NIL OR s1.Domain() = NIL OR s0.Domain() = s1.Domain() *)
         IF ~d0.initialized & (d0.level = 0) THEN d0.dlink := d1; d1.copyDomain := FALSE
         ELSIF ~d1.initialized & (d1.level = 0) THEN d1.dlink := d0; d0.copyDomain := FALSE
         ELSE HALT(100)
   END Join;
   PROCEDURE Joined* (s0, s1: Store): BOOLEAN;
      VAR d0, d1: Domain;
      ASSERT(s0 # NIL, 20); ASSERT(s1 # NIL, 21);
      d0 := DomainOf(s0); d1 := DomainOf(s1);
      RETURN (s0 = s1) OR ((d0 = d1) & (d0 # NIL))
   END Joined;
   PROCEDURE Unattached* (s: Store): BOOLEAN;

      ASSERT(s # NIL, 20);
      RETURN(s.dlink = NIL) OR s.dlink.copyDomain
   END Unattached;

   nextEra := 1; logReports := FALSE
END Stores.