MODULE HostMechanisms;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""



      WinApi, WinOle, OleData,
      Services, Ports, Stores, Views, Controllers, Properties,
      Dialog, Mechanisms, Containers, Documents, Windows,

      handleSize = Ports.point * 11 DIV 2;
      clipMiddleHandle = handleSize DIV 2 + 2 * Ports.point;
      escape = -2;

      fixed = 31;   (* controller option *)

      IDropSource = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IDropSource)
         key: SET
      IDropTarget = POINTER TO RECORD (WinOle.IDropTarget)
         win: Windows.Window;
         wnd: WinApi.HWND;
         x, y: INTEGER;
         key, effect: SET;
         source: Views.Frame;
         srcX, srcY: INTEGER;
         type: Stores.TypeName;
         isSingle: BOOLEAN;
         w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER
      Hook = POINTER TO RECORD (Mechanisms.Hook) END;
      sourceFrame: Views.Frame;   (* source of drag & drop *)
      sourceX, sourceY: INTEGER;
      targetFrame: Views.Frame;   (* target of drag & drop *)
      targetX, targetY: INTEGER;
      dropView: Views.View;   (* view to drop *)
      isSingleton: BOOLEAN;
      dropW, dropH: INTEGER;
      relX, relY: INTEGER;
   (** focus borders **)
   PROCEDURE Fixed (host: Views.Frame; v: Views.View): BOOLEAN;

      VAR sp: Properties.ResizePref; c: Containers.Controller;
      c := host.view(Containers.View).ThisController();
      IF c.opts * {Containers.noCaret, Documents.pageWidth..Documents.winHeight, fixed} # {} THEN
         RETURN TRUE
      sp.fixed := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, sp); RETURN sp.fixed
   END Fixed;
   PROCEDURE PaintFocusBorder (f: Views.Frame; focus: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR u, s,w, h,mx, my,l0, t0, r0, b0: INTEGER;
      PROCEDURE PaintHandle (x, y: INTEGER; l, t, r, b: BOOLEAN);
         IF l THEN f.DrawRect(x - u, y, x, y + s, Ports.fill, Ports.background) END;
         IF t THEN f.DrawRect(x, y - u, x + s, y, Ports.fill, Ports.background) END;
         IF r THEN f.DrawRect(x + s, y, x + s + u, y + s, Ports.fill, Ports.background) END;
         IF b THEN f.DrawRect(x, y + s, x + s, y + s + u, Ports.fill, Ports.background) END;
         f.DrawRect(x, y, x + s, y + s, Ports.fill, Ports.defaultColor)
      END PaintHandle;
      f.rider.GetRect(l0, t0, r0, b0);
      s := (handleSize - DIV f.unit;
      f.rider.SetRect(l0 - s, t0 - s, r0 + s, b0 + s);
      u :=; s := s * f.unit;
      w := r - l; h := b - t;
      f.DrawRect(l, t - s, r, t, Ports.fill, Ports.background);
      f.DrawRect(l, b, r, b + s, Ports.fill, Ports.background);
      f.DrawRect(l - s, t - s, l, b + s, Ports.fill, Ports.background);
      f.DrawRect(r, t - s, r + s, b + s, Ports.fill, Ports.background);
      DEC(s, u);
      f.MarkRect(l, t - s, r, t, Ports.fill, HostPorts.focusPat,;
      f.MarkRect(l, b, r, b + s, Ports.fill, HostPorts.focusPat,;
      f.MarkRect(l - s, t - s, l, b + s, Ports.fill, HostPorts.focusPat,;
      f.MarkRect(r, t - s, r + s, b + s, Ports.fill, HostPorts.focusPat,;
      IF ~Fixed(f, focus) THEN
         PaintHandle(l - s, t - s, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
         PaintHandle(r, t - s, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
         PaintHandle(l - s, b, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
         PaintHandle(r, b, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
         IF w > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
            mx := (l + r - s) DIV 2;
            PaintHandle(mx, t - s, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
            PaintHandle(mx, b, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
         IF h > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
            my := (t + b - s) DIV 2;
            PaintHandle(l - s, my, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
            PaintHandle(r, my, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
      f.DrawRect(l - u, t - u, r + u, b + u, u, Ports.defaultColor);
      f.rider.SetRect(l0, t0, r0, b0)
   END PaintFocusBorder;
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) FocusBorderCursor* (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER;

                           x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER;
      VAR s, u, w, h, mx, my, cursor: INTEGER;
      PROCEDURE CheckHandle (x0, y0: INTEGER; c: INTEGER);
         IF (x >= x0 - u) & (x <= x0 + s) & (y >= y0 - u) & (y <= y0 + s) THEN
            cursor := c
      END CheckHandle;
      u :=; s := handleSize - 2 * u;
      IF (x < l - s) OR (x > r + s) OR (y < t - s) OR (y > b + s) THEN
         cursor := Mechanisms.outside
         cursor := Mechanisms.inside
      w := r - l; h := b - t;
      IF ~Fixed(f, view) THEN
         CheckHandle(l - s, t - s, HostPorts.resizeLCursor);
         CheckHandle(r, t - s, HostPorts.resizeRCursor);
         CheckHandle(l - s, b, HostPorts.resizeRCursor);
         CheckHandle(r, b, HostPorts.resizeLCursor);
         IF w > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
            mx := (l + r - s) DIV 2;
            CheckHandle(mx, t - s, HostPorts.resizeVCursor);
            CheckHandle(mx, b, HostPorts.resizeVCursor)
         IF h > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
            my := (t + b - s) DIV 2;
            CheckHandle(l - s, my, HostPorts.resizeHCursor);
            CheckHandle(r, my, HostPorts.resizeHCursor)
      RETURN cursor
   END FocusBorderCursor;
   PROCEDURE RestoreBorderArea (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

   (* restore area under destructive border mark *)
      VAR g: Views.RootFrame; s, dx, dy: INTEGER;
      g := Views.RootOf(f);
      dx := f.gx - g.gx; dy := -;
      s := (handleSize - DIV f.unit * f.unit;
      INC(l, dx); INC(t, dy); INC(r, dx); INC(b, dy);
      Views.UpdateRoot(g, l - s, t - s, r + s, b + s, FALSE);
      Views.RestoreRoot(g, l - s, t - s, r + s, b + s);
      Views.RestoreRoot(g, l - s, t - s, r + s, t);
      Views.RestoreRoot(g, l - s, t, l, b);
      Views.RestoreRoot(g, r, t, r + s, b);
      Views.RestoreRoot(g, l - s, b, r + s, b + s)
   END RestoreBorderArea;
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) MarkFocusBorder* (
      host: Views.Frame; focus: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN
      IF focus # NIL THEN
         IF show THEN
            PaintFocusBorder(host, focus, l, t, r, b)
            RestoreBorderArea(host, l, t, r, b)
   END MarkFocusBorder;
   (** selection borders **)

   PROCEDURE PaintSelBorder (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR u, d, w, h,mx, my, l0, t0, r0, b0: INTEGER; sizeable: BOOLEAN;
      PROCEDURE PaintHandle (x, y: INTEGER);
         VAR s: INTEGER; ci, co: Ports.Color;
         DEC(x, d); DEC(y, d); s := d * 2 + u;
         IF sizeable THEN ci := HostPorts.selBackground; co := HostPorts.selTextCol
         ELSE ci := HostPorts.selTextCol; co := HostPorts.selBackground
         f.DrawRect(x, y, x + s, y + s, Ports.fill, co);
         INC(x, u); INC(y, u); DEC(s, 2 * u);
         f.DrawRect(x, y, x + s, y + s, Ports.fill, ci);
         f.DrawRect(x, y, x + s, y + s, Ports.fill, ci);
         f.DrawRect(x, y, x + s, y + s, 0, co)
      END PaintHandle;
      d := (handleSize - DIV f.unit DIV 2;
      f.rider.GetRect(l0, t0, r0, b0);
      f.rider.SetRect(l0 - d - 1, t0 - d - 1, r0 + d + 1, b0 + d + 1);
      d := d * f.unit; u :=;
      w := r - l; h := b - t; sizeable := ~Fixed(f, view);
      DEC(l, u); DEC(t, u);
      f.SaveRect(l - d, t - d, r + u + d, b + u + d, res);
      f.DrawRect(l, t, r + u, b + u, u, HostPorts.selBackground);
      IF f.front THEN
         IF (w > clipMiddleHandle) & (h > clipMiddleHandle) THEN
            PaintHandle(l, t);
            PaintHandle(r, t);
            PaintHandle(l, b);
            PaintHandle(r, b);
            IF w > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
               mx := (l + r) DIV 2;
               PaintHandle(mx, t);
               PaintHandle(mx, b)
            IF h > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
               my := (t + b) DIV 2;
               PaintHandle(l, my);
               PaintHandle(r, my)
         ELSIF sizeable THEN
            PaintHandle(r, b)
      f.rider.SetRect(l0, t0, r0, b0)
   END PaintSelBorder;
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) SelBorderCursor* (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER;

                           x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER;
      VAR d, u, w, h, mx, my, cursor: INTEGER;
      PROCEDURE CheckHandle (x0, y0: INTEGER; c: INTEGER);
         IF (x >= x0 - d) & (x <= x0 + d) & (y >= y0 - d) & (y <= y0 + d) THEN
            cursor := c
      END CheckHandle;
      IF (x < l) OR (x > r) OR (y < t) OR (y > b) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.outside
      ELSE cursor := Mechanisms.inside
      IF (view # NIL) & ~Fixed(f, view) THEN
         d := (handleSize - DIV f.unit DIV 2 * f.unit;
         w := r - l; h := b - t; u :=;
         DEC(l, u); DEC(t, u);
         IF (w > clipMiddleHandle) & (h > clipMiddleHandle) THEN
            CheckHandle(l, t, HostPorts.resizeLCursor);
            CheckHandle(r, t, HostPorts.resizeRCursor);
            CheckHandle(l, b, HostPorts.resizeRCursor);
            CheckHandle(r, b, HostPorts.resizeLCursor);
            IF w > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
               mx := (l + r) DIV 2;
               CheckHandle(mx, t, HostPorts.resizeVCursor);
               CheckHandle(mx, b, HostPorts.resizeVCursor)
            IF h > 2 * clipMiddleHandle THEN
               my := (t + b) DIV 2;
               CheckHandle(l, my, HostPorts.resizeHCursor);
               CheckHandle(r, my, HostPorts.resizeHCursor)
            CheckHandle(r, b, HostPorts.resizeLCursor)
      RETURN cursor
   END SelBorderCursor;
   PROCEDURE RestoreViewArea (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

   (* restore area under destructive selection mark *)
      VAR g: Views.RootFrame; d, dx, dy: INTEGER;
      d := (handleSize - DIV f.unit DIV 2 * f.unit +;
      f.RestoreRect(l - d, t - d, r + d, b + d, TRUE)
      g := Views.RootOf(f);
      dx := f.gx - g.gx; dy := -;
      d := (handleSize - DIV f.unit DIV 2 * f.unit +;
      INC(l, dx); INC(t, dy); INC(r, dx); INC(b, dy);
      Views.RestoreRoot(g, l - d, t - d, r + d, b + d)
   END RestoreViewArea;
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) MarkSingletonBorder* (

      host: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN
      IF view # NIL THEN
         IF show THEN
            PaintSelBorder(host, view, l, t, r, b)
            RestoreViewArea(host, l, t, r, b)
      IF view # NIL THEN InvertSelBorder(host, view, l, t, r, b, show) END
   END MarkSingletonBorder;

   PROCEDURE MarkBorder* (host: Ports.Frame; view: Stores.Store; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
      VAR s: INTEGER;
      IF view # NIL THEN
         s := markBorderSize *;
         host.MarkRect(l - s, t - s, r + s, b + s, s, Ports.dim50,
   END MarkBorder;
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) TrackToResize* (host: Views.Frame; view: Views.View;

                              minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER;
                              VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; VAR op: INTEGER;
                              VAR x, y: INTEGER; VAR buttons: SET);
      VAR isDown: BOOLEAN; m: SET; p: Properties.SizePref;
         x1, y1,dx, dy,dl, dt, dr, db,l0, t0, r0, b0,l1, t1, r1, b1,w, h,dw, dh: INTEGER;
      l0 := l; t0 := t; r0 := r; b0 := b;dl := 0; dt := 0; dr := 0; db := 0;
      x1 := (l + r) DIV 2; y1 := (t + b) DIV 2;
      IF (r - l <= 2 * clipMiddleHandle) OR (ABS(x - x1) > handleSize DIV 2) THEN
         IF x < x1 THEN dl := 1 ELSE dr := 1 END
      IF (b - t <= 2 * clipMiddleHandle) OR (ABS(y - y1) > handleSize DIV 2) THEN
         IF y < y1 THEN dt := 1 ELSE db := 1 END
      IF (Controllers.extend IN buttons) & (dl # dr) THEN dl := 1; dr := 1 END;
      IF (Controllers.extend IN buttons) & (dt # db) THEN dt := 1; db := 1 END;
      host.MarkRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.dim50,;
         host.Input(x1, y1, m, isDown);
         IF x1 < host.l THEN x1 := host.l ELSIF x1 > host.r THEN x1 := host.r END;
         IF y1 < host.t THEN y1 := host.t ELSIF y1 > host.b THEN y1 := host.b END;
         dx := x1 - x; dy := y1 - y;
         l1 := l0 + dl * dx; t1 := t0 + dt * dy; r1 := r0 + dr * dx; b1 := b0 + db * dy;
         w := r1 - l1; h := b1 - t1;
         IF (w > 0) & (h > 0) THEN
            p.fixedH := (dl = 0) & (dr = 0); p.fixedW := (dt = 0) & (db = 0);
            p.w := w; p.h := h; Views.HandlePropMsg(view, p); w := p.w; h := p.h;
            IF w < minW THEN w := minW ELSIF w > maxW THEN w := maxW END;
            IF h < minH THEN h := minH ELSIF h > maxH THEN h := maxH END;
            dw := w - (r1 - l1); dh := h - (b1 - t1);
            DEC(l1, dl * dw); DEC(t1, dt * dh);
            IF (dl + dr = 0) & (dw # 0) THEN INC(r1, dw) ELSE INC(r1, dr * dw) END;
            IF (dt + db = 0) & (dh # 0) THEN INC(b1, dh) ELSE INC(b1, db * dh) END;
            IF (l1 # l) OR (t1 # t) OR (r1 # r) OR (b1 # b) THEN
               host.MarkRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.dim50, Ports.hide);
               l := l1; t := t1; r := r1; b := b1;
               host.MarkRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.dim50,
      UNTIL ~isDown;
      host.MarkRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.dim50, Ports.hide);
      x := x1; y := y1; buttons := {};
      IF (l # l0) OR (t # t0) OR (r # r0) OR (b # b0) THEN op := Mechanisms.resize
      ELSE op := Mechanisms.cancelResize
   END TrackToResize;

   (* IDropSource *)
   PROCEDURE (this: IDropSource) QueryContinueDrag (
      escapePressed: WinApi.BOOL; keyState: SET
      IF this.key = {} THEN
         this.key := keyState * (WinApi.MK_LBUTTON + WinApi.MK_MBUTTON + WinApi.MK_RBUTTON)
      IF escapePressed # 0 THEN RETURN WinApi.DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL
      ELSIF keyState * this.key = {} THEN RETURN WinApi.DRAGDROP_S_DROP
   END QueryContinueDrag;
   PROCEDURE (this: IDropSource) GiveFeedback (effect: SET): COM.RESULT;
   END GiveFeedback;
   (* IDropTarget *)

   PROCEDURE InstallDropTarget* (wnd: WinApi.HWND; win: Windows.Window);

      VAR drop: IDropTarget; res: COM.RESULT;
      NEW(drop); := win; drop.wnd := wnd;
      res := WinOle.RegisterDragDrop(wnd, drop)
   END InstallDropTarget;
   PROCEDURE RemoveDropTarget* (wnd: WinApi.HWND);
      VAR res: COM.RESULT;
      res := WinOle.RevokeDragDrop(wnd)
   END RemoveDropTarget;
   PROCEDURE PollDrop (d: IDropTarget; show: BOOLEAN);
      VAR msg: Controllers.PollDropMsg; w, h: INTEGER;
      (* x, y in port coordinates of w *), h);
      msg.x := d.x *;
      msg.y := d.y *;
      (* msg.x, msg.y in coordinates of target root frame *)
      msg.source := d.source; msg.sourceX := d.srcX; msg.sourceY := d.srcY;
      msg.mark := Controllers.mark; := show;
      msg.type := d.type; msg.isSingle := d.isSingle;
      msg.w := d.w; msg.h := d.h; msg.rx := d.rx; msg.ry := d.ry;
      msg.dest := NIL;;
      (* msg.x, msg.y in coordinates of target frame *)
      targetFrame := msg.dest; targetX := msg.x; targetY := msg.y
   END PollDrop;
   PROCEDURE Drop (d: IDropTarget; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER; isSingle: BOOLEAN);

      VAR msg: Controllers.DropMsg; pw, ph: INTEGER;
      (* x, y in port coordinates of w *), ph);
      msg.x := d.x *;
      msg.y := d.y *;
      (* msg.x, msg.y in coordinates of target root frame *)
      msg.source := d.source; msg.sourceX := d.srcX; msg.sourceY := d.srcY;
      msg.view := v; msg.isSingle := isSingle;
      msg.w := w; msg.h := h; msg.rx := d.rx; msg.ry := d.ry;
   END Drop;
   PROCEDURE AppendMenu (menu: WinApi.HANDLE; id: INTEGER; name: Dialog.String);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      Dialog.MapString(name, name);
      res := WinApi.AppendMenuW(menu, {}, id, name)
   END AppendMenu;
   PROCEDURE ShowPopup (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; VAR effect: SET);

      VAR res: INTEGER; menu, wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; msg: WinApi.MSG; pt: WinApi.POINT;
      menu := WinApi.CreatePopupMenu();
      AppendMenu(menu, 32000, "#Host:MoveHere");
      AppendMenu(menu, 32001, "#Host:CopyHere");
      AppendMenu(menu, 32002, "#Host:LinkHere");
      IF effect * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE = {} THEN
         res := WinApi.EnableMenuItem(menu, 32000, WinApi.MF_GRAYED)
      IF effect * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_COPY = {} THEN
         res := WinApi.EnableMenuItem(menu, 32001, WinApi.MF_GRAYED)
      IF effect * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_LINK = {} THEN
         res := WinApi.EnableMenuItem(menu, 32002, WinApi.MF_GRAYED)
      res := WinApi.AppendMenuW(menu, WinApi.MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NIL);
      AppendMenu(menu, 32003, "#System:Cancel");
      wnd := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port.wnd;
      pt.x := (x + f.gx) DIV f.unit; pt.y := (y + DIV f.unit;
      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(wnd, pt);
      res := WinApi.TrackPopupMenu(menu, {1}, pt.x, pt.y, 0, wnd, NIL);
      res := WinApi.DestroyMenu(menu);
      effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE;
      IF WinApi.PeekMessageW(msg, wnd, WinApi.WM_COMMAND, WinApi.WM_COMMAND, 1) # 0 THEN
         IF msg.wParam = 32000 THEN effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE
         ELSIF msg.wParam = 32001 THEN effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_COPY
         ELSIF msg.wParam = 32002 THEN effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_LINK
   END ShowPopup;
   PROCEDURE Effect (mask, keyState: SET): SET;
      VAR effect: SET;
      IF (mask * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_LINK # {})
         & (((WinApi.MK_SHIFT + WinApi.MK_CONTROL) - keyState = {})
            OR (mask * (WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE + WinOle.DROPEFFECT_COPY) = {})) THEN
               effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_LINK
      ELSIF (mask * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_COPY # {})
         & ((keyState * WinApi.MK_CONTROL # {})
            OR ((WinApi.MK_LBUTTON + WinApi.MK_RBUTTON) - keyState = {})
            OR (mask * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE = {})) THEN effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_COPY
      ELSIF mask * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE # {} THEN effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE
      ELSE effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE
      RETURN effect
   END Effect;
   PROCEDURE (this: IDropTarget) DragEnter (dataObj: WinOle.IDataObject; keyState: SET; pt: WinApi.POINT;
                                                VAR effect: SET): COM.RESULT;
      VAR res: INTEGER; s: BOOLEAN;
      IF sourceFrame # NIL THEN
         this.source := sourceFrame;
         this.srcX := sourceX; this.srcY := sourceY;
         Services.GetTypeName(dropView, this.type);
         this.isSingle := isSingleton;
         this.w := dropW; this.h := dropH;
         this.rx := relX; this.ry := relY
         OleData.GetDataType(dataObj, this.type, this.w, this.h, this.rx, this.ry, this.isSingle);
         this.source := NIL
      IF (this.type # "") & ( # NIL) THEN
         res := WinApi.ScreenToClient(this.wnd, pt);
         this.x := pt.x; this.y := pt.y; this.key := keyState;
      IF (this.type # "") & ( = NIL) OR (targetFrame # NIL) THEN
         effect := Effect(effect, keyState)
      ELSE effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE
       this.effect := effect;
      RETURN WinApi.S_OK
   END DragEnter;
   PROCEDURE (this: IDropTarget) DragOver (keyState: SET; pt: WinApi.POINT; VAR effect: SET): COM.RESULT;
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF (this.type # "") & ( # NIL) THEN
         res := WinApi.ScreenToClient(this.wnd, pt);
         IF (pt.x # this.x) OR (pt.y # this.y) THEN
            PollDrop(this, Controllers.hide);
            this.x := pt.x; this.y := pt.y;
      IF (this.type # "") & ( = NIL) OR (targetFrame # NIL) THEN
         effect := Effect(effect, keyState)
      ELSE effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE
      this.effect := effect;
      RETURN WinApi.S_OK
   END DragOver;
   PROCEDURE (this: IDropTarget) DragLeave (): COM.RESULT;
      IF (this.type # "") & ( # NIL) THEN
         PollDrop(this, Controllers.hide)
      targetFrame := NIL; this.source := NIL;
      RETURN WinApi.S_OK
   END DragLeave;
   PROCEDURE (this: IDropTarget) Drop (dataObj: WinOle.IDataObject; keyState: SET; pt: WinApi.POINT;
                                          VAR effect: SET): COM.RESULT;
      VAR res, w, h: INTEGER; v: Views.View; s: BOOLEAN;
         c: Containers.Controller; m: Containers.Model; p: Properties.BoundsPref;
      IF this.effect # WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE THEN
         IF # NIL THEN
            res := WinApi.ScreenToClient(this.wnd, pt);
            PollDrop(this, Controllers.hide);
            IF targetFrame # NIL THEN
               Windows.dir.Select(, Windows.eager);
               IF WinApi.MK_LBUTTON * this.key = {} THEN   (* nonstandard drag *)
                  ShowPopup(targetFrame, targetX, targetY, effect)
               ELSE effect := this.effect
               IF (effect # WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE) & (sourceFrame = NIL) THEN
                  IF Services.Is(targetFrame.view, "TextViews.View") THEN
                     OleData.GetTextDataView(dataObj, v, w, h, s)
                     OleData.GetDataView(dataObj, "", v, w, h, s)
                  IF v # NIL THEN Drop(this, v, w, h, s)
                  ELSE effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE
            ELSE effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE
         ELSE   (* drop to new window *)
            effect := this.effect;
            IF sourceFrame # NIL THEN
               w := dropW; h := dropH;
               IF isSingleton THEN
                  v := Views.CopyOf(dropView, Views.deep)
                  c := dropView(Containers.View).ThisController();
                  m := c.SelectionCopy();
                  v := Views.CopyWithNewModel(dropView, m);
                  p.w := w; p.h := h; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); w := p.w; h := p.h
            ELSE OleData.GetDataView(dataObj, "", v, w, h, s)
            IF v # NIL THEN Views.OpenView(Documents.dir.New(v, w, h));
            Views.BeginModification(Views.notUndoable, v);
            Views.EndModification(Views.notUndoable, v)
            ELSE effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE
      ELSE effect := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_NONE
      RETURN WinApi.S_OK
   END Drop;
   (* drag & drop *)
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) TrackToDrop* (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View;

                           isSingle: BOOLEAN; w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER;
                           VAR dest: Views.Frame; VAR destX, destY: INTEGER; VAR op: INTEGER;
                           VAR x, y: INTEGER; VAR buttons: SET);
      VAR res: COM.RESULT; mask, mode: SET; p: HostPorts.Port; pt: WinApi.POINT;
         dsrc: IDropSource; data: WinOle.IDataObject;
      sourceFrame := f; sourceX := x; sourceY := y;
      dropView := view; isSingleton := isSingle;
      dropW := w; dropH := h; relX := rx; relY := ry;
      data := OleData.ViewDropData(view, w, h, rx, ry, isSingle, ~isSingle);
      NEW(dsrc); dsrc.key := {};
      mask := WinOle.DROPEFFECT_COPY;
      IF op # Mechanisms.copy THEN mask := mask + WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE END;
      res := WinOle.DoDragDrop(data, dsrc, mask, mode);
      op := Mechanisms.cancelDrop;
      IF res = WinApi.DRAGDROP_S_DROP THEN
         IF mode * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_MOVE # {} THEN op := Mechanisms.move
         ELSIF mode * WinOle.DROPEFFECT_COPY # {} THEN op := Mechanisms.copy
      IF targetFrame # NIL THEN   (* reconstruct final mouse coordinates in f *)
         p := targetFrame.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port;
         pt.x := (targetX + targetFrame.gx) DIV p.unit;
         pt.y := (targetY + DIV p.unit;
         res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(p.wnd, pt);
         p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port;
         res := WinApi.ScreenToClient(p.wnd, pt);
         x := pt.x * p.unit - f.gx;
         y := pt.y * p.unit -
      dest := targetFrame; destX := targetX; destY := targetY;
      sourceFrame := NIL; targetFrame := NIL; dropView := NIL
   END TrackToDrop;
   PROCEDURE PickMode (f, dest: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER;

      VAR mode, cursor: INTEGER;
      IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(1BH) < 0 THEN mode := escape; cursor := Ports.arrowCursor
      ELSIF Home(f, x, y) THEN mode := Mechanisms.cancelPick; cursor := Ports.arrowCursor
      ELSIF dest = NIL THEN mode := Mechanisms.cancelPick; cursor := HostPorts.stopCursor
         cursor := HostPorts.pickCursor;
         IF Services.SameType(dest.view, f.view) THEN
            mode := Mechanisms.pick
         ELSE mode := Mechanisms.pickForeign
      RETURN mode
   END PickMode;
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) TrackToPick* (f: Views.Frame;

                           VAR dest: Views.Frame; VAR destX, destY: INTEGER; VAR op: INTEGER;
                           VAR x, y: INTEGER; VAR buttons: SET);
      VAR d, d0: Views.Frame;
         dx, dy,x0, y0,x1, y1: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; m: SET;
      x0 := x; y0 := y;
      Properties.PollPick(x, y, f, x0, y0, Properties.mark,, dest, destX, destY);
      (* MarkTarget(dest, dest # f); *)
      op := PickMode(f, dest, x, y);
         (* CheckWindow(TRUE); *)
         f.Input(x1, y1, m, isDown);
         IF (x1 # x) OR (y1 # y) THEN
            Properties.PollPick(x1, y1, f, x0, y0, Properties.noMark,, d, dx, dy);
            IF (d # dest) OR (dx # destX) OR (dy # destY) THEN
               d0 := dest;
               (* MarkTarget(dest, (dest # f) & (d # d0)); *)
               Properties.PollPick(x, y, f, x0, y0, Properties.mark, Properties.hide, dest, destX, destY);
               x := x1; y := y1;
               Properties.PollPick(x, y, f, x0, y0, Properties.mark,, d, dx, dy);
               dest := d; destX := dx; destY := dy;
               (* MarkTarget(dest, (dest # f) (* ~home *) & (d # d0)); *)
               Properties.PollPick(x, y, f, x0, y0, Properties.mark, Properties.hide, d, dx, dy);
               x := x1; y := y1;
               Properties.PollPick(x, y, f, x0, y0, Properties.mark,, d, dx, dy)
         op := PickMode(f, dest, x, y)
      UNTIL ~isDown OR (op = escape);
      Properties.PollPick(x, y, f, x0, y0, Properties.mark, Properties.hide, d, dx, dy);
      IF op = escape THEN
         REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown;
         op := Mechanisms.cancelPick
      (* MarkTarget(dest, dest # f); *)
      (* CheckWindow(FALSE) *)
      buttons := {}
   END TrackToPick;
   PROCEDURE (hook: Hook) PopUpAndSelect* (f: Views.Frame;

                              n, this: INTEGER;
                              string: ARRAY OF ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              enabled, checked: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN;
                              VAR i: INTEGER;
                              VAR x, y: INTEGER; VAR buttons: SET);
      VAR res, j: INTEGER; menu, wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; pt: WinApi.POINT;
         t: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; s: SET;
      ASSERT(0 < n, 20); ASSERT(n <= LEN(string), 21);
      ASSERT(LEN(enabled) = LEN(string), 22);
      ASSERT(LEN(checked) = LEN(string), 23);
      wnd := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port.wnd;
      ASSERT(wnd # 0, 100);
      menu := WinApi.CreatePopupMenu(); j := 0;
      WHILE j < n DO
         IF string[j] = "-" THEN
            res := WinApi.AppendMenuW(menu, WinApi.MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NIL)
            Dialog.MapString(string[j], t);
            res := WinApi.AppendMenuW(menu, {}, 32000 + j, t);
            IF ~enabled[j] THEN
               res := WinApi.EnableMenuItem(menu, 32000 + j, WinApi.MF_GRAYED)
            ELSIF checked[j] THEN
               res := WinApi.CheckMenuItem(menu, 32000 + j, WinApi.MF_GRAYED)
      pt.x := (x + f.gx) DIV f.unit; pt.y := (y + DIV f.unit;
      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(wnd, pt);
      s := {1, 2};   (* track right, center align *)
      res := WinApi.TrackPopupMenu(menu, s, pt.x, pt.y + 2, 0, wnd, NIL);
      res := WinApi.DestroyMenu(menu)
   END PopUpAndSelect;

      VAR h: Hook;
      NEW(h); Mechanisms.SetHook(h)
   END Init;

END HostMechanisms.