MODULE HostDialog;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""



      WinApi, WinDlg,SYSTEM,
      Kernel, Strings, Dates, Fonts, Ports, Files, Stores, Views, Controllers, Properties,
      Printers, Dialog, Windows, Converters, Services,
      HostFonts, HostFiles, HostRegistry, HostPorts, HostWindows, HostPrinters,
      HostCFrames (* don't remove *);

      (** CloseDialog res **)
      save* = 1; cancel* = 2;
      dirtyString = "#Host:SaveChanges";


      Preview = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END;
      UpdateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) END;

      DatesHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dates.Hook) END;

      DialogHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.GetHook) END;
      ShowHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.ShowHook) END;
      GetSpecHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.GetSpecHook) END;
      LanguageHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.LanguageHook) END;

      window-: Windows.Window;   (** window created/selected by most recent Old or Open **)
      oldWindow-: BOOLEAN;   (** most recent Old or Open selected existing window **)
      osVersion-: INTEGER;

      extType*: Files.Type;
      impType*: RECORD

         list*: Dialog.List;
         done: BOOLEAN
      setup*: RECORD

         decorate*: BOOLEAN;
         landscape*: BOOLEAN;
         left*, right*, top*, bottom*: REAL;
         w, h: INTEGER;
         hs, vs: REAL
      prefs*: RECORD

         useTTMetric*: BOOLEAN;
         visualScroll*: BOOLEAN;
         statusbar*: INTEGER;
         thickCaret*: BOOLEAN;
         caretPeriod*: INTEGER
      ShowOleStatus*: PROCEDURE (w: Windows.Window; s: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      actualPath*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;

      fn: WinDlg.OPENFILENAMEW;

      ftype: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
      filter: ARRAY 2048 OF CHAR;
      fname: ARRAY 260 OF CHAR;
      prt: WinDlg.PRINTDLGW;
      font: WinDlg.CHOOSEFONTW;
      logFont: WinApi.LOGFONTW;
      col: WinDlg.CHOOSECOLORW;
      customColors: ARRAY 16 OF Ports.Color;
      prefFName, prefDName: Fonts.Typeface;
      prefFSize, prefDSize, prefDWght: INTEGER;
      prefDStyle: SET;
      typeList: ARRAY 64 OF Converters.Converter;
      defConv: Converters.Converter;
      all: Converters.Converter;
      dialogHook: DialogHook;


      VAR len, i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
      i := 0; ch := t[0]; len := LEN(s) - 1;
      WHILE (idx < len) & (ch # 0X) DO s[idx] := ch; INC(idx); INC(i); ch := t[i] END;
      s[idx] := 0X
   END Append;

      VAR len, i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
      i := 0; ch := t[0]; len := LEN(s) - 1;
      WHILE (idx < len) & (ch # 0X) DO s[idx] := ch; INC(idx); INC(i); ch := t[i] END;
      s[idx] := 0X
   END SAppend;

      VAR i: INTEGER; sub, str: Dialog.String;
      str := cmd$; i := 0;
      WHILE str[i] >= "0" DO INC(i) END;
      str[i] := 0X;
      Kernel.SplitName(str, sub, str);
      IF sub = "" THEN sub := "System" END;
      str := "#"; i := 1;
      Append(str, i, sub);
      Append(str, i, ":");
      Append(str, i, cmd);
      Dialog.MapString(str, name)
   END MapConv;
   PROCEDURE WaitDialogClose;

   (* simulates modal dialog *)
      VAR res: INTEGER; w: HostWindows.Window; msg: WinApi.MSG;
      w := HostWindows.dir.First();
         IF WinApi.PeekMessageW(msg, 0, 0, 0, 1) # 0 THEN
            IF (msg.hwnd = w.wnd) OR (msg.message = WinApi.WM_PAINT) THEN
               res := WinApi.TranslateMessage(msg);
               res := WinApi.DispatchMessageW(msg)
      UNTIL w.wnd = 0
   END WaitDialogClose;
   PROCEDURE ShowParamStatus* (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER; st: ARRAY 513 OF CHAR; w: Windows.Window;
      Dialog.MapParamString(str, p0, p1, p2, st);
      w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath);
      IF (w # NIL) & (HostWindows.inPlace IN w.flags) & (ShowOleStatus # NIL) THEN
         ShowOleStatus(w, " " + st)
         st := " " + st;
         res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(HostWindows.status, st);
         res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(HostWindows.status)
   END ShowParamStatus;
   PROCEDURE ShowParamMsg* (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER; st: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR;
      ASSERT(str # "", 20);
      IF Dialog.showsStatus THEN
         ShowParamStatus(str, p0, p1, p2)
         Dialog.MapParamString(str, p0, p1, p2, st);
         res := WinApi.MessageBoxW(HostWindows.ActualWnd(), st, Dialog.appName, {4, 5})
   END ShowParamMsg;
   PROCEDURE (h: ShowHook) ShowParamMsg (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      ShowParamMsg(str, p0, p1, p2)
   END ShowParamMsg;
   PROCEDURE (h: ShowHook) ShowParamStatus (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      ShowParamStatus(str, p0, p1, p2)
   END ShowParamStatus;
   (** general OK dialog **)

   PROCEDURE (hook: DialogHook) GetOK (IN str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR; form: SET; OUT res: INTEGER);

      VAR r: INTEGER; st: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; type: SET;
      ASSERT(str # "", 20);
      Dialog.MapParamString(str, p0, p1, p2, st);
      IF Dialog.yes IN form THEN
         IF Dialog.cancel IN form THEN type := WinApi.MB_YESNOCANCEL + WinApi.MB_ICONQUESTION
         ELSE type := WinApi.MB_YESNO + WinApi.MB_ICONQUESTION
         IF Dialog.cancel IN form THEN type := WinApi.MB_OKCANCEL + WinApi.MB_ICONWARNING
         ELSE type := WinApi.MB_OK + WinApi.MB_ICONWARNING
      r := WinApi.MessageBoxW(HostWindows.ActualWnd(), st, Dialog.appName, type);
      IF r = WinApi.IDOK THEN res := Dialog.ok
      ELSIF r = WinApi.IDCANCEL THEN res := Dialog.cancel
      ELSIF r = WinApi.IDYES THEN res := Dialog.yes
      ELSIF r = WinApi.IDNO THEN res :=
      ELSE res := 0
   END GetOK;
   (** time **)

   PROCEDURE (hook: DatesHook) GetTime (OUT d: Dates.Date; OUT t: Dates.Time);

      VAR dt: WinApi.SYSTEMTIME;
      d.year := dt.wYear; d.month := dt.wMonth; := dt.wDay;
      t.hour := dt.wHour; t.minute := dt.wMinute; t.second := dt.wSecond
   END GetTime;
   PROCEDURE (hook: DatesHook) GetUTCTime (OUT d: Dates.Date; OUT t: Dates.Time);

      VAR dt: WinApi.SYSTEMTIME;
      d.year := dt.wYear; d.month := dt.wMonth; := dt.wDay;
      t.hour := dt.wHour; t.minute := dt.wMinute; t.second := dt.wSecond
   END GetUTCTime;
   PROCEDURE (hook: DatesHook) GetUTCBias (OUT bias: INTEGER);

      bias := 0;
      res := WinApi.GetTimeZoneInformation(info);
      IF res # -1 THEN
         IF BITS(res) = WinApi.TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT THEN bias := info.Bias + info.DaylightBias
         ELSE bias := info.Bias + info.StandardBias
   END GetUTCBias;
   (** import type dialog **)


      impType.done := TRUE;
   END ImpOk;
   (** file dialogs **)

   PROCEDURE (hook: DialogHook) GetIntSpec (

      IN defType: Files.Type; VAR loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name
   (* asks user for a file name (for file internalization) *)
      VAR res, i, j: INTEGER; lfn: ARRAY 260 OF CHAR;
      (* set filter *)
      ftype := defType$; i := 0;
      IF ftype = "" THEN ftype := "odc" END;
      IF ftype # "*" THEN
         SAppend(filter, i, "*."); SAppend(filter, i, ftype); INC(i);
         SAppend(filter, i, "*."); SAppend(filter, i, ftype); INC(i)
      ELSE ftype := ""
      SAppend(filter, i, "*.*"); INC(i);
      SAppend(filter, i, "*.*"); INC(i);
      filter[i] := 0X;
      (* open dialog *)
      fn.nFilterIndex := 1;
      fname := "";
      IF loc # NIL THEN   (* set old dir *)
         actualPath := loc(HostFiles.Locator).path$; i := 0
         WHILE actualPath[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
         actualPath[i] := "\"; actualPath[i+1] := 0X
      fn.Flags := {2, 3, 11, 12, 19};   (* hideReadOnly, noChangeDir, pathMustExist, fileMustExist, new look *)
      fn.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      IF WinDlg.GetOpenFileNameW(fn) # 0 THEN
         i := 0; j := fn.nFileOffset;
         WHILE fname[j] # 0X DO name[i] := fname[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END;
         name[i] := 0X; fname[fn.nFileOffset - 1] := 0X;
         actualPath := fname$; lfn := fname$;
         loc := HostFiles.NewLocator(lfn)
         loc := NIL;
         res := WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError();
         ASSERT(res = 0, 100)
      res := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor])
   END GetIntSpec;
   PROCEDURE GetIntSpec* (VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter);

   (* asks user for a file name (for file internalization) *)
      VAR res, i, j, n: INTEGER; t: Dialog.String; c: Converters.Converter; lfn: ARRAY 260 OF CHAR;
      (* set filter *)
      ftype := "odc";
      IF loc # NIL THEN
         defConv := conv;
         IF conv # NIL THEN ftype := conv.fileType$ END
      typeList[0] := Converters.list;   (* document converter *)
      Dialog.MapString("#Host:Document", t);
      i := 0; SAppend(filter, i, t); SAppend(filter, i, " (*.odc)"); INC(i);
      SAppend(filter, i, "*.odc"); INC(i); n := 1;
      fn.nFilterIndex := 1;
      c := Converters.list;
      WHILE c # NIL DO
         IF (c.imp # "") & (c.fileType # "odc") THEN
            typeList[n] := c;
            MapConv(c.imp, t); SAppend(filter, i, t);
            SAppend(filter, i, " (*."); SAppend(filter, i, c.fileType);
            SAppend(filter, i, ")"); INC(i);
            SAppend(filter, i, "*."); SAppend(filter, i, c.fileType); INC(i);
            IF defConv = c THEN fn.nFilterIndex := n + 1 END;
         c :=
      Dialog.MapString("#Host:AllFiles", t);
      SAppend(filter, i, t); SAppend(filter, i, " (*.*)"); INC(i);
      SAppend(filter, i, "*.*"); INC(i);
      filter[i] := 0X;
      IF defConv = all THEN fn.nFilterIndex := n + 1 END;
      (* open dialog *)
      IF loc # NIL THEN fname := name$
      ELSE fname := ""
      IF loc # NIL THEN   (* set old dir *)
         actualPath := loc(HostFiles.Locator).path$; i := 0;
         WHILE actualPath[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
         actualPath[i] := "\"; actualPath[i+1] := 0X
      fn.Flags := {2, 3, 11, 12, 19};   (* hideReadOnly, noChangeDir, pathMustExist, fileMustExist, new look *)
      fn.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      IF WinDlg.GetOpenFileNameW(fn) # 0 THEN
         i := 0; j := fn.nFileOffset;
         WHILE fname[j] # 0X DO name[i] := fname[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END;
         name[i] := 0X; fname[fn.nFileOffset - 1] := 0X;
         actualPath := fname$; lfn := fname$;
         loc := HostFiles.NewLocator(lfn);
         IF fn.nFilterIndex <= n THEN
            conv := typeList[fn.nFilterIndex - 1];
            defConv := conv
         ELSE   (* ask for desired file type *)
            Dialog.MapString("#Host:Document", t); impType.list.SetItem(0, t);
            i := 1;
            WHILE i < n DO
               MapConv(typeList[i].imp, t); impType.list.SetItem(i, t);
            impType.list.index := 0;
            impType.done := FALSE;
            Dialog.Call("StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('HostDialog.impType', '#Host:OpenFile')", " ", res);
            IF impType.done THEN
               conv := typeList[impType.list.index]
               loc := NIL; conv := NIL
            defConv := all
         loc := NIL; conv := NIL;
         res := WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError();
         ASSERT(res = 0, 100)
      res := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor])
   END GetIntSpec;
   PROCEDURE (h: GetSpecHook) GetIntSpec (VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name;

                                             VAR conv: Converters.Converter);
      GetIntSpec(loc, name, conv)
   END GetIntSpec;
   PROCEDURE [2] HookProc (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; msg, wParam, lParam: INTEGER): INTEGER;

   (* 06.11.02. not needed anymore.*)
      VAR i, j: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; t: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; edit: WinApi.HANDLE;
      IF (msg = WinApi.WM_COMMAND) & (lParam # 0) & (wParam = 10470H) THEN
         i := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(lParam, s, LEN(s));
         IF s[i] = ")" THEN DEC(i) END;
         j := i;
         WHILE (j >= 0) & (s[j] # ".") DO DEC(j) END;
         IF (j > 0) & (s[j-1] = "*") & (j >= i - 3) & (j < i) THEN
            t[0] := s[j+1]; t[1] := s[j+2]; t[2] := s[j+3]; t[i-j] := 0X;
            edit := WinApi.GetDlgItem(WinApi.GetParent(lParam), 480H);
            IF edit # 0 THEN
               i := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(edit, s, LEN(s)); j := i - 1;
               WHILE (j >= 0) & (s[j] # ".") DO DEC(j) END;
               IF j < 0 THEN j := i END;
               s[j] := "."; s[j+1] := t[0]; s[j+2] := t[1]; s[j+3] := t[2]; s[j+4] := 0X;
               i := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(edit, s)
      RETURN 0
   END HookProc;
   PROCEDURE (hook: DialogHook) GetExtSpec (

      IN default: Files.Name; IN defType: Files.Type; VAR loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name
   (* ask user for a file name (for file externalization) *)
      VAR res, i, j: INTEGER; lfn: ARRAY 260 OF CHAR;
      (* set filter *)
      ftype := defType$; i := 0;
      IF ftype = "" THEN ftype := "odc" END;
      IF ftype # "*" THEN
         SAppend(filter, i, "*."); SAppend(filter, i, ftype); INC(i);
         SAppend(filter, i, "*."); SAppend(filter, i, ftype); INC(i)
      ELSE ftype := ""
      SAppend(filter, i, "*.*"); INC(i);
      SAppend(filter, i, "*.*"); INC(i);
      filter[i] := 0X;
      (* open dialog *)
      fn.nFilterIndex := 1;
      fname := default$;
      IF loc # NIL THEN   (* set old dir *)
         actualPath := loc(HostFiles.Locator).path$; i := 0
         WHILE actualPath[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
         actualPath[i] := "\"; actualPath[i+1] := 0X
      fn.Flags := {1, 2, 3, 11, 19};   (* overwritePrompt, hideReadOnly, noChangeDir, pathMustExist, new look *)
      fn.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      res := WinDlg.GetSaveFileNameW(fn);
      IF (res = 0) & (WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError() = 3002H) THEN
         fname := "";
         res := WinDlg.GetSaveFileNameW(fn)
      IF res # 0 THEN
         i := 0; j := fn.nFileOffset;
         WHILE fname[j] # 0X DO name[i] := fname[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END;
         name[i] := 0X; fname[fn.nFileOffset - 1] := 0X;
         actualPath := fname$; lfn := fname$;
         loc := HostFiles.NewLocator(lfn)
         loc := NIL;
         res := WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError();
         ASSERT(res = 0, 100)
      res := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor])
   END GetExtSpec;
   PROCEDURE GetExtSpec* (

      s: Stores.Store; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter
   (* ask user for a file name (for file externalization) *)
      VAR res, i, j, n: INTEGER; t: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; c: Converters.Converter;
         lfn: ARRAY 260 OF CHAR;
      (* set filter *)
      IF conv # NIL THEN ftype := conv.fileType$ ELSE ftype := "odc" END;
      typeList[0] := Converters.list;   (* document converter *)
      c := Converters.list; fn.nFilterIndex := 1;
      Dialog.MapString("#Host:Document", t);
      i := 0; SAppend(filter, i, t); SAppend(filter, i, " (*.odc)"); INC(i);
      SAppend(filter, i, "*.odc"); INC(i); n := 1;
      WHILE c # NIL DO
         IF (c.exp # "") & ((c.storeType = "") OR Services.Is(s, c.storeType)) & (c.fileType # "odc") THEN
            typeList[n] := c;
            MapConv(c.exp, t); SAppend(filter, i, t);
            SAppend(filter, i, " (*."); SAppend(filter, i, c.fileType);
            SAppend(filter, i, ")"); INC(i);
            SAppend(filter, i, "*."); SAppend(filter, i, c.fileType); INC(i);
            IF c = conv THEN fn.nFilterIndex := n + 1 END;
         c :=
      filter[i] := 0X;
      (* open dialog *)
      fname := name$; i := 0;
      (* overwritePrompt, hideReadOnly, noChangeDir, (* en hook, *) pathMustExist *)
      fn.Flags := {1, 2, 3, (* 5 ,*) 11, 19};
      WHILE fname[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
      WHILE (i > 0) & (fname[i] # ".") DO DEC(i) END;
      IF i > 0 THEN
         IF (conv # NIL) & (conv.exp = "") THEN
            ftype := "odc"; fname[i] := 0X
            j := 0;
            WHILE (ftype[j] # 0X) & (CAP(fname[i+j+1]) = CAP(ftype[j])) DO INC(j) END;
            IF fname[i+j+1] = ftype[j] THEN fname[i] := 0X END
      IF loc # NIL THEN   (* set old dir *)
         actualPath := loc(HostFiles.Locator).path$; i := 0;
         WHILE actualPath[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
         actualPath[i] := "\"; actualPath[i+1] := 0X
      fn.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      res := WinDlg.GetSaveFileNameW(fn);
      IF (res = 0) & (WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError() = 3002H) THEN
         fname := "";
         res := WinDlg.GetSaveFileNameW(fn)
      IF res # 0 THEN
         i := 0; j := fn.nFileOffset;
         WHILE fname[j] # 0X DO name[i] := fname[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END;
         name[i] := 0X; fname[fn.nFileOffset - 1] := 0X;
         actualPath := fname$; lfn := fname$;
         loc := HostFiles.NewLocator(lfn);
         conv := typeList[fn.nFilterIndex - 1]
         loc := NIL;
         res := WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError();
         ASSERT(res = 0, 100)
      res := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor])
   END GetExtSpec;
   PROCEDURE (h: GetSpecHook) GetExtSpec (

      s: Stores.Store; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; VAR conv: Converters.Converter
      GetExtSpec(s, loc, name, conv)
   END GetExtSpec;
   (* printer dialogs *)

   (* page setup previewer view *)

   PROCEDURE (v: Preview) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      CONST scale = 16; rmm = DIV scale; size = 460 * rmm;
      VAR u, w, h, x, y, uu: INTEGER;
      u := f.unit;
      IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN uu := 10 * rmm ELSE uu := Ports.inch DIV scale END;
      w := setup.w DIV scale;
      h := setup.h DIV scale;
      x := (size - w) DIV 2;
      y := (size - h) DIV 2;
      l := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.left * uu));
      t := SHORT(ENTIER( * uu));
      r := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.right * uu));
      b := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.bottom * uu));
      f.DrawRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, Ports.fill, Ports.background);
      f.DrawRect(x - u, y - u, x + w + u, y + h + u, 0, Ports.defaultColor);
      IF setup.decorate THEN
         IF t < 14 * rmm THEN t := 14 * rmm END;
         f.DrawRect(x + l, y + 10 * rmm, x + l + 20 * rmm, y + 10 * rmm + u, Ports.fill, Ports.defaultColor);
         f.DrawRect(x + w - r - 8 * rmm, y + 10 * rmm, x + w - r, y + 10 * rmm + u, Ports.fill, Ports.defaultColor)
      IF (w - r > l) & (h - b > t) THEN
         f.DrawRect(x + l, y + t, x + w - r, y + h - b, 0, Ports.defaultColor)
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (v: Preview) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message);

      WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO
         Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames)
   END HandleViewMsg;
   PROCEDURE Deposit*;

      VAR v: Preview;
      NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v)
   END Deposit;
   (* page setup dialog *)

   PROCEDURE SetupNotify* (op, from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR msg: UpdateMsg; t: INTEGER;
      IF op = Dialog.changed THEN
         IF setup.landscape # (setup.w > setup.h) THEN
            t := setup.w; setup.w := setup.h; setup.h := t
   END SetupNotify;
   PROCEDURE SetupOk*;

      VAR win: Windows.Window; w, h, l, t, r, b, uu: INTEGER;
      win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath);
      IF win # NIL THEN
         IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN uu := 10 * ELSE uu := Ports.inch END;
         w := setup.w; h := setup.h;
         l := SHORT(ENTIER(setup.left * uu));
         t := SHORT(ENTIER( * uu));
         r := w - SHORT(ENTIER(setup.right * uu));
         b := h - SHORT(ENTIER(setup.bottom * uu));
         IF (0 <= l) & (l < r) & (r <= w) & (0 <= t) & (t < b) & (b <= h) THEN
            win.doc.SetPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, setup.decorate);
   END SetupOk;
   PROCEDURE InitPageSetup*;

      VAR win: Windows.Window; w, h, pw, ph, l, t, r, b, uu: INTEGER; p: Printers.Printer;
      win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.targetPath);
      IF win # NIL THEN
         IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN uu := DIV 10 ELSE uu := Ports.inch DIV 100 END;
         win.doc.PollPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, setup.decorate);
         p := Printers.dir.Current();
         IF p # NIL THEN HostPrinters.GetPage(p, pw, ph);
            IF (pw > ph) = (w > h) THEN w := pw; h := ph ELSE w := ph; h := pw END
         r := w - r; b := h - b;
         setup.left := l DIV uu / 100;
         setup.right := r DIV uu / 100; := t DIV uu / 100;
         setup.bottom := b DIV uu / 100;
         setup.w := w; setup.h := h;
         setup.hs := setup.right + setup.left;
         setup.vs := setup.bottom +;
         setup.landscape := w > h
   END InitPageSetup;
   PROCEDURE PrintDialog* (

      hasSelection: BOOLEAN; VAR from, to, copies: INTEGER; VAR selection: BOOLEAN
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      prt.Flags := {18 (*, 20 *)};   (* use dev mode copies, hide print to file *)
      IF ~hasSelection THEN INCL(prt.Flags, 2) END;   (* no selection *)
      prt.nCopies := 1;
      prt.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      prt.nFromPage := 1; prt.nToPage := 1;
      res := WinDlg.PrintDlgW(prt);
      IF (res = 0) & (WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError() = 4106) THEN
         prt.hDevMode := 0;
         res := WinDlg.PrintDlgW(prt)
      IF (res = 0) & (WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError() = 4108) THEN
         prt.hDevMode := 0; prt.hDevNames := 0;
         res := WinDlg.PrintDlgW(prt)
      HostPrinters.SetCurrent(prt.hDevNames, prt.hDevMode);
      IF res # 0 THEN
         IF 0 IN prt.Flags THEN selection := TRUE; from := 0; to := 0   (* print selection *)
         ELSIF 1 IN prt.Flags THEN selection := FALSE; from := prt.nFromPage - 1; to := prt.nToPage - 1 (* print pages *)
         ELSE selection := FALSE; from := 0; to := 32767   (* print all *)
         copies := prt.nCopies
         copies := 0;
         res := WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError();
         ASSERT(res = 0, 100)
   END PrintDialog;
   PROCEDURE PrintSetup*;

      VAR res: INTEGER; pt: Printers.Printer;
      pt := Printers.dir.Current();
      IF pt # NIL THEN
         HostPrinters.GetCurrent(prt.hDevNames, prt.hDevMode)
      prt.Flags := {6};   (* PrintSetup *)
      prt.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      res := WinDlg.PrintDlgW(prt);
      IF (res = 0) & (WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError() = 4108) THEN
         prt.hDevMode := 0; prt.hDevNames := 0;
         res := WinDlg.PrintDlgW(prt)
      HostPrinters.SetCurrent(prt.hDevNames, prt.hDevMode);
      pt := Printers.dir.Current();
      IF pt # NIL THEN
         HostPrinters.GetPage(pt, setup.w, setup.h);
         setup.landscape := setup.w > setup.h
      SetupNotify(Dialog.changed, 0, 0)
   END PrintSetup;
   PROCEDURE CloseDialog* (w: Windows.Window; quit: BOOLEAN; VAR res: INTEGER);

      VAR r: INTEGER; title: Views.Title; text: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
      Dialog.MapParamString(dirtyString, title, 0DX, 0DX, text);
      r := WinApi.MessageBoxW(w(HostWindows.Window).wnd, text, Dialog.appName, {0, 1, 5});
      IF r = 6 THEN res := save
      ELSIF r = 2 THEN res := cancel
      ELSE res := 0
      r := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor])
   END CloseDialog;
   PROCEDURE (hook: DialogHook) GetColor (in: Ports.Color; OUT out: Ports.Color; OUT set: BOOLEAN);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      col.rgbResult := in;
      IF col.rgbResult = Ports.defaultColor THEN col.rgbResult := HostPorts.textCol END;
      col.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      set := WinDlg.ChooseColorW(col) # 0;
      out := col.rgbResult;
      IF ~set THEN
         res := WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError();
         ASSERT(res = 0, 100)
      res := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor])
   END GetColor;
   PROCEDURE ColorDialog*;

   (* open color dialog and set selection to choosen color *)
      VAR set: BOOLEAN; p: Properties.StdProp; col: Ports.Color;
      IF ~(Properties.color IN p.known) THEN p.color.val := END;
      (* ColorDialog0(p.color.val, col, set); *)
      dialogHook.GetColor(p.color.val, col, set);
      IF set THEN StdCmds.Color(col) END
   END ColorDialog;
   PROCEDURE FontDialog0 (full: BOOLEAN; VAR typeface: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR size: INTEGER;

      VAR color: Ports.Color; VAR weight: INTEGER; VAR style: SET; VAR set: BOOLEAN
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      logFont.lfHeight := -((size + HostWindows.unit DIV 2) DIV HostWindows.unit);
      logFont.lfWeight := weight;
      IF Fonts.italic IN style THEN logFont.lfItalic := 1X ELSE logFont.lfItalic := 0X END;
      IF Fonts.underline IN style THEN logFont.lfUnderline := 1X ELSE logFont.lfUnderline := 0X END;
      IF Fonts.strikeout IN style THEN logFont.lfStrikeOut := 1X ELSE logFont.lfStrikeOut := 0X END;
      logFont.lfFaceName := typeface$;
      font.hwndOwner := HostWindows.ActualWnd();
      IF full THEN
         font.Flags := {0, 6, 8, 11, 16}   (* screenFonts, initToLogFont, effects, noVectorFonts, forceFontExist *)
         font.Flags := {0, 6, 11, 20, 21}   (* screenFonts, initToLogFont, noVectorFonts, no style, no size *)
      IF color = Ports.defaultColor THEN font.rgbColors := HostPorts.textCol ELSE font.rgbColors := color END;
      set := WinDlg.ChooseFontW(font) # 0;
      IF set THEN
         typeface := logFont.lfFaceName$;
         size := font.iPointSize * Ports.point DIV 10;
         ASSERT((size + HostWindows.unit DIV 2) DIV HostWindows.unit = ABS(logFont.lfHeight), 120);
         weight := logFont.lfWeight;
         style := {};
         IF logFont.lfItalic # 0X THEN INCL(style, Fonts.italic) END;
         IF logFont.lfUnderline # 0X THEN INCL(style, Fonts.underline) END;
         IF logFont.lfStrikeOut # 0X THEN INCL(style, Fonts.strikeout) END;
         IF font.rgbColors = HostPorts.textCol THEN color := Ports.defaultColor ELSE color := font.rgbColors END
         res := WinDlg.CommDlgExtendedError();
         ASSERT(res = 0, 100)
      res := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor])
   END FontDialog0;
   PROCEDURE FontDialog*;

   (** open font dialog and set selection to choosen attributes **)
      VAR set: BOOLEAN; p, p0: Properties.StdProp;
      IF Properties.typeface IN p0.known THEN
         NEW(p); p.typeface := p0.typeface$;
         p.size := p0.size; p.color.val := p0.color.val;
         p.weight := p0.weight; :=;
         FontDialog0(TRUE, p.typeface, p.size, p.color.val, p.weight,, set);
         IF set THEN
            p.valid := {Properties.typeface,, Properties.weight, Properties.size, Properties.color};
   := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout};
            Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
   END FontDialog;
   PROCEDURE TypefaceDialog*;

   (** open font dialog and set selection to choosen typeface **)
      VAR set: BOOLEAN; p, p0: Properties.StdProp; s: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color; w: INTEGER; st: SET;
      IF Properties.typeface IN p0.known THEN
         NEW(p); p.typeface := p0.typeface$;
         FontDialog0(FALSE, p.typeface, s, c, w, st, set);
         IF set THEN
            p.valid := {Properties.typeface};
            Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
   END TypefaceDialog;
   (* preferences dialog *)

   PROCEDURE DefFont*;

      VAR tf: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color; w: INTEGER; style: SET; set: BOOLEAN;
      tf := prefFName;
      size := prefFSize;
      w := Fonts.normal;
      style := {};
      color := Ports.defaultColor;
      FontDialog0(TRUE, tf, size, color, w, style, set);
      IF set THEN
         prefFName := tf; prefFSize := size
   END DefFont;
   PROCEDURE DlgFont*;

      VAR tf: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; color: Ports.Color; w: INTEGER; style: SET; set: BOOLEAN;
      tf := prefDName;
      size := prefDSize;
      w := prefDWght;
      style := prefDStyle;
      color := Ports.defaultColor;
      FontDialog0(TRUE, tf, size, color, w, style, set);
      IF set THEN
         prefDName := tf; prefDSize := size; prefDStyle := style; prefDWght := w
   END DlgFont;

      VAR res: INTEGER; rect: WinApi.RECT;
      HostFonts.SetDefaultFont(prefFName, prefFSize);
      HostFonts.SetDialogFont(prefDName, prefDSize, prefDStyle, prefDWght);
      IF prefs.statusbar = 1 THEN Dialog.showsStatus := TRUE; HostWindows.memInStatus := FALSE
      ELSIF prefs.statusbar = 2 THEN Dialog.showsStatus := TRUE; HostWindows.memInStatus := TRUE
      ELSE Dialog.showsStatus := FALSE
      Dialog.Call("StdCmds.UpdateAll", "", res);
      Dialog.Call("StdCmds.RecalcAllSizes", "", res);
      Dialog.Call("TextCmds.UpdateDefaultAttr", "", res);
      HostRegistry.WriteBool("noStatus", ~Dialog.showsStatus);
      HostRegistry.WriteBool("memStatus", HostWindows.memInStatus);
      res := WinApi.GetClientRect(HostWindows.main, rect);
      HostWindows.ResizeMainWindow(0, rect.right, rect.bottom);
      Dialog.thickCaret := prefs.thickCaret;
      Dialog.caretPeriod := prefs.caretPeriod;
      HostRegistry.WriteBool("thickCaret", Dialog.thickCaret);
      HostRegistry.WriteInt("caretPeriod", Dialog.caretPeriod)
   END PrefOk;
   PROCEDURE InitPrefDialog*;

      prefFName := HostFonts.defFont.alias;
      prefFSize := HostFonts.defFont.size;
      prefDName := HostFonts.dlgFont.typeface;
      prefDSize := HostFonts.dlgFont.size;
      prefDStyle :=;
      prefDWght := HostFonts.dlgFont.weight;
      prefs.useTTMetric := HostFonts.useTTMetric;
      prefs.visualScroll := HostWindows.visualScroll;
      IF ~Dialog.showsStatus THEN prefs.statusbar := 0
      ELSIF HostWindows.memInStatus THEN prefs.statusbar := 2
      ELSE prefs.statusbar := 1
      prefs.thickCaret := Dialog.thickCaret;
      prefs.caretPeriod := Dialog.caretPeriod
   END InitPrefDialog;
   (* date / time *)

   PROCEDURE (hook: DatesHook) DateToString (d: Dates.Date; format: INTEGER; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR res, pos, i: INTEGER; time: WinApi.SYSTEMTIME; fmt: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
      time.wYear := SHORT(d.year); time.wMonth := SHORT(d.month); time.wDay := SHORT(;
      IF format = Dates.short THEN
         res := WinApi.GetDateFormatW(
            HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.DATE_SHORTDATE, time, NIL, str, LEN(str))
      ELSIF format = Dates.long THEN
         res := WinApi.GetDateFormatW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.DATE_LONGDATE, time, NIL, str, LEN(str))
         res := WinApi.GetLocaleInfoW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.LOCALE_SLONGDATE, fmt, LEN(fmt));
         IF format # Dates.abbreviated THEN   (* remove weekday *)
            Strings.Find(fmt, "dddd", 0, pos); i := pos + 4;
            IF pos < 0 THEN Strings.Find(fmt, "ddd", 0, pos); i := pos + 3 END;
            IF pos >= 0 THEN
               WHILE (fmt[i] # 0X) & (CAP(fmt[i]) < "A") OR (CAP(fmt[i]) > "Z") DO INC(i) END;
               Strings.Replace(fmt, pos, i - pos, "")
         IF format # Dates.plainLong THEN   (* abbreviated *)
            Strings.Find(fmt, "dddd", 0, pos);
            IF pos >= 0 THEN Strings.Replace(fmt, pos, 4, "ddd") END;
            Strings.Find(fmt, "MMMM", 0, pos);
            IF pos >= 0 THEN Strings.Replace(fmt, pos, 4, "MMM") END
         res := WinApi.GetDateFormatW(HostRegistry.localeId, {}, time, fmt, str, LEN(str))
      IF res = 0 THEN str := "?" END
   END DateToString;
   PROCEDURE (hook: DatesHook) TimeToString (t: Dates.Time; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER; time: WinApi.SYSTEMTIME;
      time.wHour := SHORT(t.hour); time.wMinute := SHORT(t.minute);
      time.wSecond := SHORT(t.second); time.wMilliseconds := 0;
      res := WinApi.GetTimeFormatW(HostRegistry.localeId, {}, time, NIL, str, LEN(str));
      IF res = 0 THEN str := "?" END
   END TimeToString;
   PROCEDURE (hook: LanguageHook) SetLanguage (

      lang: Dialog.Language; persistent: BOOLEAN; OUT ok: BOOLEAN
      ok := (lang = "") OR (LEN(lang$) = 2);
      IF ok & persistent THEN HostRegistry.WriteString("language", lang) END
   END SetLanguage;
   PROCEDURE (hook: LanguageHook) GetPersistentLanguage (OUT lang: Dialog.Language);

      VAR res: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
      HostRegistry.ReadString("language", s, res);
      IF res = 0 THEN
         ASSERT((s = "") OR (LEN(s$) = 2), 100);
         lang := s$
      ELSE lang := ""
   END GetPersistentLanguage;
   PROCEDURE Start* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      (* res := WinApi.WinExec(name, WinApi.SW_NORMAL) *)
      info.wShowWindow := WinApi.SW_NORMAL;
      res := WinApi.CreateProcessW(NIL, name, NIL, NIL, WinApi.FALSE, {}, 0, NIL, info, process)
   END Start;
   (* initialization *)

   PROCEDURE InitDialogs;

      VAR i: INTEGER;
      (* file dialog data structure *)
      fn.lStructSize := SIZE(WinDlg.OPENFILENAMEW);
      fn.hInstance := 0;
      fn.lpstrCustomFilter := NIL;
      fn.lpstrFilter := filter; fn.nFilterIndex := 1;
      i := WinApi.GetCurrentDirectoryW(LEN(actualPath), actualPath);
      fn.lpstrInitialDir := actualPath;
      fn.lpstrTitle := NIL; fn.lpstrFileTitle := NIL;
      fn.lpstrFile := fname; fn.nMaxFile := LEN(fname);
      fn.lpstrDefExt := ftype; ftype := "$";
      fn.lpfnHook := HookProc;
      (* print dialog data structure *)
      prt.lStructSize := SIZE(WinDlg.PRINTDLGW);
      prt.hDevMode := 0;
      prt.hDevNames := 0;
      prt.nMinPage := 1;
      prt.nMaxPage := -1;
      (* font dialog data structure *)
      font.lStructSize := SIZE(WinDlg.CHOOSEFONTW);
      font.hDC := 0;
      font.lpLogFont := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrLOGFONTW, SYSTEM.ADR(logFont));
      font.rgbColors := 0;
      font.hInstance := 0;
      font.lpszStyle := NIL;
      font.nFontType := 2000H;   (* screenFontType *)
      logFont.lfWidth := 0;
      logFont.lfEscapement := 0;
      logFont.lfOrientation := 0;
      logFont.lfCharSet := 0X;
      logFont.lfOutPrecision := 0X;
      logFont.lfClipPrecision := 0X;
      logFont.lfQuality := 0X;
      logFont.lfPitchAndFamily := 0X;
      (* color dialog data structure *)
      col.lStructSize := SIZE(WinDlg.CHOOSECOLORW);
      col.lpCustColors := customColors;
      col.Flags := {0};   (* rgbInit *)
      i := 0;
      WHILE i < 16 DO customColors[i] := 0FFFFFFH; INC(i) END
   END InitDialogs;

      VAR n, v, res: INTEGER; b: BOOLEAN;
         getSpecHook: GetSpecHook;
         datesHook: DatesHook;
         showHook: ShowHook;
         languageHook: LanguageHook;
      v := WinApi.GetVersion();
      osVersion := v MOD 256 * 100 + v DIV 256 MOD 256;
      IF v >= 0 THEN
         IF osVersion < 400 THEN Dialog.platform := Dialog.windowsNT3
         ELSIF osVersion < 500 THEN Dialog.platform := Dialog.windowsNT4
         ELSIF osVersion = 500 THEN Dialog.platform := Dialog.windows2000
         ELSIF osVersion < 600 THEN Dialog.platform := Dialog.windowsXP
         ELSE Dialog.platform := Dialog.windowsVista
      ELSE Dialog.platform := Dialog.windows98
      HostRegistry.ReadBool("noStatus", b, res); Dialog.showsStatus := (res # 0) OR ~b;

      HostRegistry.ReadBool("memStatus", b, res); HostWindows.memInStatus := (res = 0) & b;
      HostRegistry.ReadBool("thickCaret", b, res); IF res = 0 THEN Dialog.thickCaret := b END;

      HostRegistry.ReadInt("caretPeriod", n, res); IF res = 0 THEN Dialog.caretPeriod := n END;
      NEW(showHook); Dialog.SetShowHook(showHook);

      Hooks.showParamMsg := ShowParamMsg;
      Hooks.showParamStatus := ShowParamStatus;
      NEW(dialogHook); Dialog.SetGetHook(dialogHook);

      Hooks.getOK := GetOK;
      Hooks.getIntSpec := GetIntSpec0;
      Hooks.getExtSpec := GetExtSpec0;
      Hooks.getColor := ColorDialog0;

      Sequencers.GetIntSpec := GetIntSpec;
      Sequencers.GetExtSpec := GetExtSpec;
      NEW(getSpecHook); Views.SetGetSpecHook(getSpecHook);
      HostFiles.MapParamString := Dialog.MapParamString;

      NEW(datesHook); Dates.SetHook(datesHook);

      Hooks.getTime := GetTime;
      Hooks.dateToString := DateToString;
      Hooks.timeToString := TimeToString
      NEW(languageHook); Dialog.SetLanguageHook(languageHook); Dialog.ResetLanguage
   END Init;

END HostDialog.