MODULE HostCFrames;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


   (* ColorField, DateField, TimeField, UpDownField *)


      SYSTEM, WinApi, WinCtl,
      Kernel, Strings, Dates, Fonts, Ports, Views,
      Controllers, Dialog, HostFonts, HostRegistry, HostPorts, HostWindows, StdCFrames;

      ENTER = 0DX; ESC = 1BX; DEL = 07X; BS = 08X; TAB = 09X; LTAB = 0AX;
      AL = 1CX; AR = 1DX; AU = 1EX; AD = 1FX;
      PL = 10X; PR = 11X; PU = 12X; PD = 13X;
      DL = 14X; DR = 15X; DU = 16X; DD = 17X;
      dlgWindowExtra = 30;
      dropDownHeight = 30 * Ports.point;
      upDownWidth = 11 * Ports.point;
      numColors = 7;
      scrollRange = 16384;

      Procedure = PROCEDURE;
      Info = RECORD

         wnd, ctrl, ud: WinApi.HANDLE;
         x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2: INTEGER;
         hasFocus, dropDown, readOnly, undef: BOOLEAN;
         bkgnd: Ports.Color
      PushButton = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.PushButton)

         i: Info
      CheckBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.CheckBox)

         i: Info
      RadioButton = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.RadioButton)

         i: Info
      ScrollBar = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ScrollBar)

         i: Info
      Field = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Field)

         i: Info;
         isUpdate: BOOLEAN;
         del: BOOLEAN (* needed know when an empty field is allowed. not perfect. *)
      UpDownField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.UpDownField)

         i: Info;
         val: INTEGER;
         isUpdate: BOOLEAN
      DateField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.DateField)

         i: Info;
         isUpdate: BOOLEAN;
         cnt, val: INTEGER   (* input state: val = current val, cnt = number of key strokes *)
      TimeField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.TimeField)

         i: Info;
         isUpdate: BOOLEAN;
         cur: INTEGER
      ColorField = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ColorField)

         i: Info;
         color: Ports.Color
      ListBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ListBox)

         i: Info
      SelectionBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.SelectionBox)

         i: Info;
         num: INTEGER
      ComboBox = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.ComboBox)

         i: Info;
         edit: WinApi.HANDLE
      Caption = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Caption)

         i: Info
      Group = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Group)

         i: Info
      TFInfo = RECORD

         tn: Dialog.TreeNode;
         wndAdr: INTEGER
      TreeFrame = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.TreeFrame)

         i: Info;
         inUpdateList: BOOLEAN;
         treeArray: POINTER TO ARRAY OF TFInfo;
         curindex, selIndex: INTEGER;
         folderimg, openimg, leafimg: INTEGER;
         himl: WinCtl.Ptr_IMAGELIST
      Directory = POINTER TO RECORD (StdCFrames.Directory) END;

      TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner) END;

      BrushCache = POINTER TO RECORD

         next: BrushCache;
         col: Ports.Color;
         brush: WinApi.HANDLE

      instance: WinApi.HANDLE;
      SubclassCtl: PROCEDURE(wnd: WinApi.HANDLE);
      CtlColor: PROCEDURE(msg, wPar, lPar: INTEGER): INTEGER;
      scW, scH: INTEGER;   (* screen width and height *)
      updateAllowed: BOOLEAN;
      colors: ARRAY numColors OF Ports.Color;
      (* date format *)
      dateSep: CHAR;   (* separator character *)
      yearPart, monthPart, dayPart: INTEGER;   (* first = 1, last = 3 *)
      del1, del2: INTEGER;   (* position of separators *)
      (* time format *)
      timeSep: CHAR;   (* separator character *)
      lastPart: INTEGER;   (* 3 for 24h format, 4 for 12h format *)
      desig: ARRAY 2, 8 OF CHAR;   (* AM, PM strings *)
      inHandleMouse*: BOOLEAN; (* to disable the main window handler in HostMenus *)
      brushes: BrushCache;
   (* auxiliary procedures *)

   PROCEDURE ConvertFromUnicode (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR i: INTEGER;
      i := 0;
      WHILE s[i] # 0X DO
   END ConvertFromUnicode;
   PROCEDURE ConvertToUnicode (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR i: INTEGER;
      i := 0;
      WHILE s[i] # 0X DO
   END ConvertToUnicode;
   PROCEDURE GetSize (f: StdCFrames.Frame; VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER);

      VAR u, x0, y0: INTEGER;
      u := f.unit; f.view.context.GetSize(w, h); x0 := f.gx; y0 :=;
      x := x0 DIV u; y := y0 DIV u;
      w := (x0 + w) DIV u - x; h := (y0 + h) DIV u - y;
      IF (SubclassCtl # NIL)
         & ((f IS Field) OR (f IS UpDownField) OR (f IS TimeField) OR (f IS DateField)
            OR (f IS ColorField) OR (f IS ListBox) OR (f IS SelectionBox) OR (f IS ComboBox)) THEN
         INC(x, 1); INC(y, 1); DEC(w, 2); DEC(h, 2)   (* space for 3d border *)
   END GetSize;
   PROCEDURE Adapt (f: StdCFrames.Frame; VAR i: Info);

      VAR res, x, y, w, h, cx, cy, cw, ch, udw, n, h0, h1: INTEGER; r: HostPorts.Rider;
      IF i.wnd # 0 THEN
         r := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider);
         IF r.port.wnd # 0 THEN   (* port is a window *)
            GetSize(f, x, y, w, h);
            IF i.dropDown THEN
               n := WinApi.SendMessageW(i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
               h0 := WinApi.SendMessageW(i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, -1, 0);
               h1 := WinApi.SendMessageW(i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
               IF n < 1 THEN n := 1 ELSIF n > 8 THEN n := 8 END;
               h := h0 + h1 * n + 8
            cx := r.l; cy := r.t; cw := r.r - r.l; ch := r.b - r.t;
            IF (cx # i.x1) OR (cy # i.y1) OR (cw # i.w1) OR (ch # i.h1) THEN
               i.x1 := cx; i.y1 := cy; i.w1 := cw; i.h1 := ch;
               res := WinApi.MoveWindow(i.wnd, cx, cy, cw, ch, 0)
            DEC(x, cx); DEC(y, cy);
            IF (x # i.x2) OR (y # i.y2) OR (w # i.w2) OR (h # i.h2) THEN
               i.x2 := x; i.y2 := y; i.w2 := w; i.h2 := h;
               IF i.ud # 0 THEN
                  udw := upDownWidth DIV f.unit;
                  res := WinApi.MoveWindow(i.ud, x + w - udw, y + 1, udw, h - 2, 0);
                  DEC(w, udw);
                  IF SubclassCtl # NIL THEN DEC(w) END
               res := WinApi.MoveWindow(i.ctrl, x, y, w, h, 0)
   END Adapt;
   PROCEDURE BkGndColor (f: Views.Frame): Ports.Color;

      VAR bgnd: Ports.Color; g: Views.Frame;
      g := f;
         g := Views.HostOf(g);
         bgnd := Views.transparent;
      UNTIL bgnd # Views.transparent;
      RETURN bgnd
   END BkGndColor;
   PROCEDURE Open (f: StdCFrames.Frame; class, name: WinApi.PtrWSTR;

                                                style, ex: SET; VAR i: Info);
      VAR res, x, y, w, h, cx, cy, cw, ch, udw: INTEGER; p: HostPorts.Port; s: SET; r: Ports.Rider;
      f.noRedraw := TRUE;
      r := f.rider; GetSize(f, x, y, w, h);
      r.GetRect(cx, cy, cw, ch); cw := cw - cx; ch := ch - cy;
      p := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider).port;
      IF p.wnd # 0 THEN   (* port is a window *)
         i.bkgnd := BkGndColor(f);
         s := {27, 30};   (* disabled, child *)
         i.wnd := WinApi.CreateWindowExW({}, "Oberon Ctrl", "", s, cx, cy, cw, ch, p.wnd, 0, instance, 0);
         IF i.wnd # 0 THEN
            DEC(x, cx); DEC(y, cy);
            res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(i.wnd, dlgWindowExtra, SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, f));
            i.ctrl := WinApi.CreateWindowExW(ex, class, name, style, x, y, w, h, i.wnd, 0, instance, 0);
            IF i.ctrl # 0 THEN
               IF (SubclassCtl # NIL) & ~(f IS PushButton) THEN SubclassCtl(i.ctrl) END;
               IF f.font # NIL THEN
                  res := WinApi.SendMessageW(i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFONT, f.font(HostFonts.Font), 0)
               IF (f IS UpDownField) OR (f IS TimeField) OR (f IS DateField) THEN
                  style := {23, 28, 30} + WinCtl.UDS_ALIGNRIGHT + WinCtl.UDS_ARROWKEYS;
                  udw := upDownWidth DIV f.unit;
                  i.ud := WinCtl.CreateUpDownControl(style, x + w - udw, y, udw, h, i.wnd, 0, instance, 0, 1, 0, 0)
               Adapt(f, i);
               res := WinApi.ShowWindow(i.wnd, 1);
               res := WinApi.ShowWindow(i.ctrl, 1);
               IF i.ud # 0 THEN res := WinApi.ShowWindow(i.ud, 1) END
            ELSE res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(i.wnd); i.wnd := 0
         ELSE i.ctrl := 0
      ELSE   (* port is a printer -> define temp windows *)
         i.wnd := 0; i.ctrl := 0
         s := {27, 31};   (* disabled, popup *)
         i.wnd := WinApi.CreateWindowExW({}, "Oberon Ctrl", "", s, scW - cw, scH - ch, cw, ch, 0, 0, instance, 0);
         res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(i.wnd, dlgWindowExtra, SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, f));
         i.ctrl := WinApi.CreateWindowExW({}, class, name, style, x - cx, y - cy, w, h, i.wnd, 0, instance, 0)
   END Open;
   PROCEDURE Paint (f: StdCFrames.Frame; VAR i: Info);

      VAR res, u: INTEGER; r: HostPorts.Rider;
      r := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider); u := f.unit;
      updateAllowed := TRUE;
      res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(i.wnd, NIL, 0);
      res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(i.ctrl, NIL, 0);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(i.wnd);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(i.ctrl);
      IF i.ud # 0 THEN res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(i.ud) END;
      updateAllowed := FALSE
   END Paint;
   PROCEDURE PaintRect (f: StdCFrames.Frame; VAR i: Info; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, u: INTEGER; ri: HostPorts.Rider; rect: WinApi.RECT;
      ri := f.rider(HostPorts.Rider); u := f.unit;
      updateAllowed := TRUE;
      rect.left := l DIV f.unit; := t DIV f.unit; rect.right := r DIV f.unit; rect.bottom := b DIV f.unit;
      rect.left := rect.left; :=; rect.right := rect.right; rect.bottom := rect.bottom ;
      (* round up if possible *)
      IF rect.left > i.x1 THEN rect.left := rect.left - 1 END;
      IF > i.y1 THEN := - 1 END;
      IF rect.right < i.x1 + i.w1 THEN rect.right := rect.right + 1 END;
      IF rect.bottom < i.y1 + i.h1 THEN rect.bottom := rect.bottom + 1 END;
      res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(i.wnd, rect, 0);
      res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(i.ctrl, rect, 0);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(i.wnd);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(i.ctrl);
      IF i.ud # 0 THEN res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(i.ud) END;
      updateAllowed := FALSE
   END PaintRect;
   PROCEDURE ExtractLine (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; beg: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; maxW: INTEGER;

      OUT line: Dialog.String; OUT lineW, end: INTEGER
      VAR i, len, w: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
      len := LEN(s$);
      ASSERT(beg >= 0, 20); ASSERT(beg < LEN(s$), 21); ASSERT(maxW > 0, 22); ASSERT(fnt # NIL, 23);
      i := 0; end := beg; lineW := 0; w := 0;
         ch := s[i + beg];
         IF ch <= " " THEN end := i + beg; lineW := w END;
         line[i] := ch; INC(i); line[i] := 0X; w := fnt.StringWidth(line);
         IF (w <= maxW) & ((ch = "-") OR (ch = "_")) THEN end := i + beg; lineW := w END
      UNTIL (i + beg = len) OR (w > maxW);
      IF w <= maxW THEN end := beg + i; line[end - beg] := 0X; lineW := w
      ELSIF end # beg THEN line[end - beg] := 0X
      ELSE end := beg + i - 1; line[i - 1] := 0X; lineW := fnt.StringWidth(line)
      ASSERT(end > beg, 80)
   END ExtractLine;
   PROCEDURE PrintString (f: Views.Frame; w: INTEGER;

      IN string: ARRAY OF CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font; col: Ports.Color;
      x0, y0: INTEGER; left, right, multiLine: BOOLEAN
      VAR x, sw, asc, dsc, fw, beg, end, len, n: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String;
      fnt.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); sw := fnt.StringWidth(string);
      w := MAX(fw, w - 2 * x0); (* ensures that always at least one character fits *)
      beg := 0; len := LEN(string$); n := 0;
      WHILE beg < len DO
         IF multiLine THEN ExtractLine(string, beg, fnt, w, s, sw, end)
         ELSE s := string$; sw := fnt.StringWidth(s); end := len
         IF ~left & ~right THEN x := (w - sw) DIV 2 ELSIF right & ~left THEN x := w - sw ELSE x := 0 END;
         f.DrawString(x0 + x, n * (asc + dsc) + y0, col, s, fnt);
         beg := end; INC(n);
         IF (beg < len) & (string[beg] = " ") THEN INC(beg) END
   END PrintString;
   PROCEDURE Print (f: StdCFrames.Frame; d, x, y: INTEGER; label: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR w, h, sw, a, asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; font: Fonts.Font; on: BOOLEAN;
      IF f.font # NIL THEN font := f.font ELSE font := HostFonts.dlgFont END;
      f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
      font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw);
      IF x < 0 THEN sw := font.StringWidth(label); x := (w - sw) DIV 2 END;
      IF y < 0 THEN y := (h + asc - dsc) DIV 2
      ELSIF y = 0 THEN y := asc
      a := (h - 8 * Ports.point) DIV 2;
      IF d = -1 THEN
         f.DrawRect(2 * Ports.point, a, 10 * Ports.point, a + 8 * Ports.point,, Ports.defaultColor);
         IF (f IS CheckBox) & (f(CheckBox).Get # NIL) THEN
            f(CheckBox).Get(f(CheckBox), on);
            IF on THEN
                  2 * Ports.point + 2 *, a + 4 * Ports.point, 5 * Ports.point, a + 8 * Ports.point - 2 *,
                  2 * Ports.point, Ports.defaultColor
                  5 * Ports.point, a + 8 * Ports.point - 2 *, 10 * Ports.point - 2 *, a + 2 *,
                  2 * Ports.point, Ports.defaultColor
      ELSIF d = -2 THEN f.DrawOval(2 * Ports.point, a, 10 * Ports.point, a + 8 * Ports.point,, Ports.defaultColor);
         IF f(RadioButton).Get # NIL THEN f(RadioButton).Get(f(RadioButton), on);
            IF on THEN f.DrawOval(2*Ports.point + 2*, a+2*,
                                 10*Ports.point - 2*, a + 8*Ports.point-2*, Ports.fill,
      ELSIF d = -3 THEN
         f.DrawRect(0, MIN(asc -, h), w, MAX(asc -, h),, Ports.defaultColor);
         f.DrawRect(x, y - asc, x + font.StringWidth(label), y + dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.background)
      ELSIF d > 0 THEN f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, d, Ports.defaultColor)
      WITH f: Field DO
         IF f.right & ~f.left THEN x := w - x - font.SStringWidth(label)
         ELSIF ~f.right & ~f.left THEN x := (w DIV 2) - (font.SStringWidth(label) DIV 2)
      | f: Caption DO
         IF f.right & ~f.left THEN x := w - x - font.SStringWidth(label)
         ELSIF ~f.right & ~f.left THEN x := (w DIV 2) - (font.SStringWidth(label) DIV 2)
      f.DrawSString(x, y, Ports.defaultColor, label, font)
      WITH f: Field DO
         PrintString(f, w, label, font, Ports.defaultColor, x, y, f.left, f.right, f.multiLine)
      | f: Caption DO
         PrintString(f, w, label, font, Ports.defaultColor, x, y, f.left, f.right, TRUE)
         PrintString(f, w, label, font, Ports.defaultColor, x, y, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
   END Print;
   PROCEDURE SendKey (ch: CHAR; wnd: WinApi.HANDLE);

      VAR res, code: INTEGER;
      CASE ch OF
      | 10X: code := 21H
      | 11X: code := 22H
      | 12X: code := 21H
      | 13X: code := 22H
      | 14X: code := 24H
      | 15X: code := 23H
      | 16X: code := 24H
      | 17X: code := 23H
      | 1CX: code := 25H
      | 1DX: code := 27H
      | 1EX: code := 26H
      | 1FX: code := 28H
      | DEL: code := 2EH
      ELSE code := 0
      IF code # 0 THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, code, 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WM_KEYUP, code, 0)
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WM_CHAR, ORD(ch), 0)
   END SendKey;
   PROCEDURE (t: TrapCleaner) Cleanup;

      inHandleMouse := FALSE
   END Cleanup;
   PROCEDURE HandleMouse (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      VAR res, b, hc, m: INTEGER; pt: WinApi.POINT; w: WinApi.HANDLE; msg: WinApi.MSG;
         tc: TrapCleaner;
      NEW(tc); Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(tc); inHandleMouse := TRUE;
      res := WinApi.ReleaseCapture(); b := 0;
      IF HostPorts.left IN buttons THEN INC(b) END;
      IF HostPorts.right IN buttons THEN INC(b, 2) END;
      IF Controllers.extend IN buttons THEN INC(b, 4) END;
      IF Controllers.modify IN buttons THEN INC(b, 8) END;
      pt.x := x; pt.y := y;
         w := wnd; wnd := WinApi.ChildWindowFromPoint(wnd, pt);
         res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(w, pt);
         hc := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST, 0, pt.x + pt.y * 65536);
         res := WinApi.ScreenToClient(wnd, pt)
      UNTIL (hc # 1) OR (w = wnd);
      IF hc > 1 THEN
         res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(wnd, pt);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, m, hc, pt.x + pt.y * 65536)
         res := WinApi.GetClassLongW(wnd, -26);   (* classStyle *)
         IF (Controllers.doubleClick IN buttons) & ODD(res DIV 8) THEN   (* DblClks IN classStyle *)
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, m, b, pt.x + pt.y * 65536)
         res := WinApi.GetMessageW(msg, 0, 0, 0);
         IF (msg.message >= WinApi.WM_MOUSEMOVE) & (msg.message <= WinApi.WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK) THEN
            b := msg.wParam
         res := WinApi.TranslateMessage(msg);
         res := WinApi.DispatchMessageW(msg)
      UNTIL b MOD 4 = 0;
      inHandleMouse := FALSE; Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(tc)
   END HandleMouse;
   PROCEDURE HandleWheel (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; x, y: INTEGER; op, nofLines: INTEGER;

      VAR done: BOOLEAN
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF op = Controllers.incPage THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WM_VSCROLL, WinApi.SB_PAGEDOWN, WinApi.NULL)
      ELSIF op = Controllers.decPage THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WM_VSCROLL, WinApi.SB_PAGEUP, WinApi.NULL)
         IF op = Controllers.incLine THEN
            op := WinApi.SB_LINEDOWN
            op := WinApi.SB_LINEUP
         WHILE nofLines > 0 DO
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WM_VSCROLL, op, WinApi.NULL);
      done := TRUE
   END HandleWheel;
   PROCEDURE Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN; VAR i: Info);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF focus THEN
         IF on THEN
            IF ~i.hasFocus THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
               i.hasFocus := TRUE
            IF i.hasFocus THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0);
               i.hasFocus := FALSE
   END Mark;

      Dialog.MapString(in, out); ConvertFromUnicode(out);
   END SetLabel;
   PROCEDURE CheckLabel (IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR; ctrl: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER; lbl, s: Dialog.String;
      Dialog.MapString(label, lbl);
      res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(ctrl, s, LEN(s));
      IF s # lbl THEN res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(ctrl, lbl) END
   END CheckLabel;
   (* PushButton *)

   PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER; style: SET;
      IF ~f.disabled & ~f.readOnly THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN
            IF f.default THEN
               style := BITS(WinApi.GetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16));   (* window style *)
               res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16, ORD(style + {0}))
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            IF f.default THEN
               style := BITS(WinApi.GetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16));   (* window style *)
               res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16, ORD(style - {0}))
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      CheckLabel(f.label, f.i.ctrl);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR style: SET; lbl: Dialog.String;
      SetLabel(f.label, lbl);
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         style := {16, 30};   (* pushbutton, tabstop, child *)
         IF f.default & ~f.disabled THEN INCL(style, 0) END;   (* default *)
         Open(f, "BUTTON", lbl, style, {}, f.i)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f,, -1, -1, lbl) END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE Execute (f: PushButton);

      VAR old: WinApi.HANDLE;
      IF f.Do # NIL THEN
         old := WinApi.SetCursor(HostPorts.cursors[HostPorts.busyCursor]);
         old := WinApi.SetCursor(old)
   END Execute;
   PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: PushButton) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   (* CheckBox *)

   PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER; value: BOOLEAN;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         f.Get(f, value);
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         IF f.undef THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 2, 0)
         ELSIF value THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 1, 0)
         ELSE res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 0, 0)
         IF f.readOnly THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETSTATE, WinApi.TRUE, 0)
         ELSE res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETSTATE, WinApi.FALSE, 0)
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 0, 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETSTATE, WinApi.FALSE, 0);
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      CheckLabel(f.label, f.i.ctrl);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR style: SET; lbl: Dialog.String;
      SetLabel(f.label, lbl);
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.Get(f, value);   (* update f.undef *)
         IF f.undef THEN style := {1, 2, 16, 30}   (* auto 3state, tabstop, child *)
         ELSE style := {0, 1, 16, 30}   (* auto checkbox, tabstop, child *)
         style := {0, 2, 16, 30};   (* 3state, tabstop, child *)
         Open(f, "BUTTON", lbl, style, {}, f.i)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f, -1, 12 * Ports.point, -1, lbl) END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF ch >= " " THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, ORD(" "), 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYUP, ORD(" "), 0)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   (* RadioButton *)

   PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER; value: BOOLEAN;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         f.Get(f, value);
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         IF f.undef THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 0, 0)
         ELSIF value THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 1, 0)
         ELSE res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 0, 0)
         IF f.readOnly THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETSTATE, WinApi.TRUE, 0)
         ELSE res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETSTATE, WinApi.FALSE, 0)
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, 0, 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETSTATE, WinApi.FALSE, 0);
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0) END
      CheckLabel(f.label, f.i.ctrl);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR lbl: Dialog.String;
      SetLabel(f.label, lbl);
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         Open(f, "BUTTON", lbl, {0, 3, 16, 30}, {}, f.i)   (* auto radiobutton, tabstop, child *)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f, -2, 12 * Ports.point, -1, lbl) END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, ORD(" "), 0);
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYUP, ORD(" "), 0)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   (* ScrollBar *)

   PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar) Update;

      VAR res, size, sect, pos, p, q, m: INTEGER; i: WinApi.SCROLLINFO;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         f.Get(f, size, sect, pos);
         IF size > sect THEN
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
            p := WinApi.MulDiv(pos, scrollRange, size - sect);

            i.cbSize := SIZE(WinApi.SCROLLINFO); i.fMask := {0, 1, 2};   (* range, page, pos *)
            res := WinApi.GetScrollInfo(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SB_CTL, i);
            IF (res # 0) THEN
               IF sect > 0 THEN q := WinApi.MulDiv(sect, scrollRange, size - sect); m := scrollRange + q
               ELSE q := -1; m := scrollRange
               IF (i.nPos # p) OR (i.nPage # q + 1) THEN
                  i.nPos := p; i.nPage := q + 1; i.nMax := m;
                  res := WinApi.SetScrollInfo(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SB_CTL, i, 1)
            ELSIF p # WinApi.GetScrollPos(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SB_CTL) THEN
               res := WinApi.SetScrollPos(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SB_CTL, p, 1)
            IF WinApi.GetScrollPos(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SBCtl) # pos THEN
               res := WinApi.SetScrollRange(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SBCtl, 0, size, 1);
               res := WinApi.SetScrollPos(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SBCtl, pos, 1)
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0) END
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0) END
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, w, h: INTEGER; style: SET;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         style := {(*1,*) 16, 30};   (* topalign, tabstop, child *)
         f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         IF h > w THEN INCL(style, 0) END;   (* vertical *)
         Open(f, "SCROLLBAR", "", style, {}, f.i);
         res := WinApi.SetScrollRange(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.SB_CTL, 0, scrollRange, 1)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f,, -1, -1, "") END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      SendKey(ch, f.i.ctrl)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   (* Field *)

   PROCEDURE (f: Field) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;

      VAR i, j: INTEGER;
      i := 0; j := 0;
      WHILE x[i] # 0X DO
         IF x[i] = 0DX THEN INC(j) END;
         INC(i); INC(j)
      x[j] := 0X;
      WHILE i # j DO
         DEC(i); DEC(j);
         IF x[i] = 0DX THEN x[j] := 0AX; DEC(j) END;
         x[j] := x[i]
   END InsLF;

      VAR i, j: INTEGER;
      i := 0; j := 0;
      WHILE x[i] # 0X DO
         IF x[i] = 0AX THEN INC(i) END;
         x[j] := x[i]; INC(i); INC(j)
      x[j] := 0X
   END DelLF;
   PROCEDURE Equal (f: Field; VAR x, y: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;

      RETURN f.Equal(f, x, y)
   END Equal;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER; s, s1: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; ps, ps1: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; style: SET;
      IF f.maxLen > 255 THEN
         NEW(ps, 2 * f.maxLen + 1); NEW(ps1, 2 * f.maxLen + 1);
         IF f.undef OR f.disabled THEN ps[0] := 0X ELSE f.Get(f, ps^) END;
         res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, ps1^, LEN(ps1^)); ConvertToUnicode(ps1^);
         IF (WinApi.GetWindowTextLengthW(f.i.ctrl) >= LEN(ps^)) OR ~Equal(f, ps^, ps1^) THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            IF f.multiLine THEN InsLF(ps^) END;
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, ps^);
            f.isUpdate := FALSE
         IF f.undef OR f.disabled THEN s := "" ELSE f.Get(f, s) END;
         res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s1, LEN(s1)); ConvertToUnicode(s1);
         IF (WinApi.GetWindowTextLengthW(f.i.ctrl) >= LEN(s)) OR ~Equal(f, s, s1) THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            IF f.multiLine THEN InsLF(s) END;
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s);
            f.isUpdate := FALSE
      style := BITS(WinApi.GetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16));   (* window style *)
      IF (f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly) OR (f.undef # f.i.undef) THEN
         res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16, ORD(style / {11}));
         res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(f.i.ctrl, NIL, 1);
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef
      IF f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0) END
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, w, h: INTEGER; style: SET; s: Dialog.String;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         IF h > dropDownHeight THEN
            style := {2, 6, 16, 23, 30};   (* multiline, autovscroll, tabstop, border, child *)
            IF f.multiLine THEN INCL(style, 21) END   (* ver scroll *)
            style := {7, 16, 23, 30}   (* autohscroll, tabstop, border, child *)
         IF f.readOnly THEN INCL(style, 11) END;   (* readonly *)
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef;
         IF f.right & ~f.left THEN style := style + {1, 2}   (* right align, multiline *)
         ELSIF ~f.left THEN style := style + {0, 2}   (* center, multiline *)
         IF f.password THEN INCL(style, 5) END;   (* password *)
         Open(f, "EDIT", "", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_LIMITTEXT, f.maxLen, 0);
         IF f.front & ~f.disabled THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, 23H, 0)
      ELSE f.Update
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN
         Paint(f, f.i)
         f.Get(f, s);
         Print(f,, 2 * Ports.point, 0, s)
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.multiLine OR (ch # 0DX) THEN
         f.del := FALSE;
         IF (ch = DEL) OR (ch = BS) THEN f.del := TRUE END;
         SendKey(ch, f.i.ctrl)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER;

                              VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN);
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF clipboard THEN
         IF op = Controllers.cut THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_CUT, 0, 0)
         ELSIF op = Controllers.copy THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_COPY, 0, 0)
         ELSIF op = Controllers.paste THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_PASTE, 0, 0)
   END Edit;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Idle, EMPTY;

   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Select (from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF to = MAX(INTEGER) THEN to := -1 END;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_SETSEL, from, to)
   END Select;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_GETSEL, SYSTEM.ADR(from), SYSTEM.ADR(to));
      IF from = -1 THEN to := -1 ELSIF to = -1 THEN to := MAX(INTEGER) END
   END GetSelection;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) Length (): INTEGER;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      res := WinApi.GetWindowTextLengthW(f.i.ctrl);
      RETURN res
   END Length;
   PROCEDURE (f: Field) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER);

      VAR res, hc: INTEGER; pt: WinApi.POINT;
      pt.x := (x - 1) DIV f.unit + 1; pt.y := (y - 1) DIV f.unit + 1;
      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(f.i.wnd, pt);
      hc := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST, 0, pt.x + pt.y * 65536);
      IF hc = 1 THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor END
   END GetCursor;
   (* UpDownField *)

   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0; f.i.ud := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Update;

      VAR res, val: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; style: SET; upd: BOOLEAN;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF f.undef THEN upd := TRUE ELSE f.Get(f, val); upd := val # f.val END;
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1); upd := TRUE
         IF f.readOnly THEN
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 0) END
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 1) END
         IF upd THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            IF f.undef THEN s := ""
            ELSE Strings.IntToString(val, s)
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s);
            f.val := val; f.isUpdate := FALSE
         style := BITS(WinApi.GetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16));   (* window style *)
      IF (f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly) OR (f.undef # f.i.undef) THEN
         res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16, ORD(style / {11}));
         res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(f.i.ctrl, NIL, 1);
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, "");
            f.isUpdate := FALSE;
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 0) END
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, w, h: INTEGER; style: SET; s: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         style := {7, 16, 23, 30};   (* autohscroll, tabstop, border, child *)
         IF f.readOnly THEN INCL(style, 11) END;   (* readonly *)
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef;
         f.val := 0;
         Open(f, "EDIT", "0", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_LIMITTEXT, 16, 0);
         IF f.front & ~f.disabled THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, 23H, 0)
      ELSE f.Update
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN
         Paint(f, f.i)
         f.Get(f, w);
         Strings.IntToString(w, s);
         Print(f,, 2 * Ports.point, 0, s)
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR val: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF (ch = AU) OR (ch = AD) THEN
         val := f.val;
         IF ch = AU THEN
            IF val <= f.max - THEN val := val + ELSE val := f.max END
            IF val >= f.min + THEN val := val - ELSE val := f.min END
         IF val # f.val THEN f.Set(f, val); f.Update END
      ELSIF (ch # 0DX) THEN
         SendKey(ch, f.i.ctrl)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER;

                              VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN);
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF clipboard THEN
         IF op = Controllers.cut THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_CUT, 0, 0)
         ELSIF op = Controllers.copy THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_COPY, 0, 0)
         ELSIF op = Controllers.paste THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_PASTE, 0, 0)
   END Edit;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Idle, EMPTY;

   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Select (from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF to = MAX(INTEGER) THEN to := -1 END;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_SETSEL, from, to)
   END Select;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_GETSEL, SYSTEM.ADR(from), SYSTEM.ADR(to));
      IF from = -1 THEN to := -1 ELSIF to = -1 THEN to := MAX(INTEGER) END
   END GetSelection;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER);

      VAR res, hc: INTEGER; pt: WinApi.POINT;
      pt.x := (x - 1) DIV f.unit + 1; pt.y := (y - 1) DIV f.unit + 1;
      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(f.i.wnd, pt);
      hc := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST, 0, pt.x + pt.y * 65536);
      IF hc = 1 THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor END
   END GetCursor;
   (* TimeField *)

   PROCEDURE GetTimePart (VAR time: Dates.Time; part: INTEGER; VAR val, min, max: INTEGER);

      IF part = -1 THEN part := lastPart END;
      IF part = 4 THEN val := time.hour DIV 12; min := 0; max := 1
      ELSIF part = 3 THEN val := time.second; min := 0; max := 59
      ELSIF part = 2 THEN val := time.minute; min := 0; max := 59
      ELSIF lastPart = 3 THEN val := time.hour; min := 0; max := 23
      ELSE val := (time.hour - 1) MOD 12 + 1; min := 1; max := 12
   END GetTimePart;
   PROCEDURE SetTimePart (VAR time: Dates.Time; part: INTEGER; val: INTEGER);

      IF part = -1 THEN part := lastPart END;
      IF part = 4 THEN time.hour := val * 12 + time.hour MOD 12
      ELSIF part = 3 THEN time.second := val
      ELSIF part = 2 THEN time.minute := val
      ELSIF lastPart = 3 THEN time.hour := val
      ELSE time.hour := time.hour DIV 12 * 12 + val MOD 12
   END SetTimePart;
   PROCEDURE TimeToString (VAR time: Dates.Time; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR val, min, max, i, j, k: INTEGER;
      GetTimePart(time, 1, val, min, max);
      str[0] := CHR(val DIV 10 + ORD("0"));
      str[1] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0"));
      str[2] := timeSep;
      GetTimePart(time, 2, val, min, max);
      str[3] := CHR(val DIV 10 + ORD("0"));
      str[4] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0"));
      str[5] := timeSep;
      GetTimePart(time, 3, val, min, max);
      str[6] := CHR(val DIV 10 + ORD("0"));
      str[7] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0"));
      IF lastPart = 3 THEN
         str[8] := 0X
         str[8] := " ";
         i := 9; j := 0; k := time.hour DIV 12;
         WHILE desig[k, j] # 0X DO str[i] := desig[k, j]; INC(i); INC(j) END;
         str[i] := 0X
   END TimeToString;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) Select, NEW;

      VAR res: INTEGER; sel: INTEGER;
      f.GetSel(f, sel);
      IF sel = -1 THEN sel := lastPart END;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_SETSEL, 3 * sel - 3, 3 * sel - 1)
   END Select;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0; f.i.ud := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER; s, s1: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; time: Dates.Time; style: SET;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF f.undef THEN s := "" ELSE f.Get(f, time); TimeToString(time, s) END;
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         IF f.readOnly THEN
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 0) END
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 1) END
         res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s1, LEN(s1));
         IF s # s1 THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s);
            f.isUpdate := FALSE
         style := BITS(WinApi.GetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16));   (* window style *)
      IF (f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly) OR (f.undef # f.i.undef) THEN
         res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16, ORD(style / {11}));
         res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(f.i.ctrl, NIL, 1);
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, "");
            f.isUpdate := FALSE;
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 0) END
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, w, h: INTEGER; style: SET; s: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; time: Dates.Time;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         style := {7, 16, 23, 30};   (* autohscroll, tabstop, border, child *)
         IF f.readOnly THEN INCL(style, 11) END;   (* readonly *)
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef;
         Open(f, "EDIT", "", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_LIMITTEXT, 16, 0);
         IF f.front & ~f.disabled THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, 23H, 0)
      ELSE f.Update
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN
         Paint(f, f.i)
         f.Get(f, time);
         TimeToString(time, s);
         Print(f,, 2 * Ports.point, 0, s)
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      VAR res: INTEGER; sel: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         f.GetSel(f, sel);
         IF sel = 0 THEN f.SetSel(f, 1); f.Select END;
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_GETSEL, 0, 0);
         sel := res MOD 65536 DIV 3 + 1;
         IF sel >= lastPart THEN sel := -1 END;
         f.cur := 0; f.SetSel(f, sel); f.Select
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR sel, s, val, v, min, max: INTEGER; time: Dates.Time;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      f.GetSel(f, sel); s := sel;
      IF s = -1 THEN s := lastPart END;
      f.Get(f, time);
      GetTimePart(time, s, val, min, max); v := val;
      IF (ch = TAB) OR (ch = AR) THEN
         s := s MOD lastPart + 1; f.cur := 0
      ELSIF (ch = LTAB) OR (ch = AL) THEN
         DEC(s); f.cur := 0;
         IF s <= 0 THEN s := lastPart END
      ELSIF (ch = PL) OR (ch = DL) THEN
         s := 1; f.cur := 0
      ELSIF (ch = PR) OR (ch = DR) THEN
         s := lastPart; f.cur := 0
      ELSIF (ch = DEL) OR (ch = BS) THEN
         v := min
      ELSIF ch = AU THEN
         IF v < max THEN INC(v) ELSE v := min END
      ELSIF ch = AD THEN
         IF v > min THEN DEC(v) ELSE v := max END
      ELSIF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") & (s < 4) THEN
         v := v * 10 MOD 100 + ORD(ch) - ORD("0");
         IF v > max THEN v := v MOD 10 ELSIF v < min THEN v := min END
      ELSIF s = 4 THEN
         IF (ch = " ") OR (CAP(ch) = CAP(desig[1 - v, 0])) THEN v := 1 - v END
      IF s = lastPart THEN s := -1 END;
      IF v # val THEN
         SetTimePart(time, s, v); f.Set(f, time); f.Update
      ELSIF s # sel THEN
         f.SetSel(f, s); f.Select
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER;

                              VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN);
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF clipboard THEN
         IF op = Controllers.copy THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_COPY, 0, 0)
   END Edit;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      Mark(on, f.front, f.i);
      IF ~on & focus THEN
         f.SetSel(f, 0); f.cur := 0;
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_SETSEL, 0, 0)
   END Mark;
   PROCEDURE (f: TimeField) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER);

      VAR res, hc: INTEGER; pt: WinApi.POINT;
      pt.x := (x - 1) DIV f.unit + 1; pt.y := (y - 1) DIV f.unit + 1;
      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(f.i.wnd, pt);
      hc := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST, 0, pt.x + pt.y * 65536);
      IF hc = 1 THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor END
   END GetCursor;
   (* DateField *)

   PROCEDURE GetDatePart (VAR date: Dates.Date; part: INTEGER; OUT val, min, max: INTEGER);

   (* GetDatePart picks the day, month or year part out of a given date and asigns it to the out
      parameter val, together with the min and max possible values for this part
      IF part = -1 THEN part := 3 END;
      IF part = yearPart THEN val := date.year; min := 1; max := 9999
      ELSIF part = monthPart THEN val := date.month; min := 1; max := 12
         val :=; min := 1;
         IF date.month = 0 THEN
            max := 31
         ELSIF date.month = 2 THEN
            IF (date.year MOD 4 = 0)
               & ((date.year < 1583) OR (date.year MOD 100 # 0) OR (date.year MOD 400 = 0))
               max := 29
            ELSE max := 28
         ELSIF date.month IN {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12} THEN max := 31
         ELSE max := 30
   END GetDatePart;
   PROCEDURE SetDatePart (VAR date: Dates.Date; part: INTEGER; val: INTEGER);

   (* SetDatePart sets the day, month or year part in a given date to the value specivied
      by the parameter val.
      If the month is set, the day is adjusted to the possible range of days in this month.
      If the day is set, then the month may be changed in order to obtain a valid date
      VAR v, min, max: INTEGER;
      IF part = -1 THEN part := 3 END;
      IF part = yearPart THEN date.year := val
      ELSIF part = monthPart THEN date.month := val
      ELSE := val
      GetDatePart(date, dayPart, v, min, max);
      IF (part = monthPart) THEN (* adjust day if month value is set and day > max *)
         IF v > max THEN := max END
      ELSIF part = yearPart THEN (* adjust month is day value is set and day > max *)
         IF v > max THEN INC(date.month) END
   END SetDatePart;
   PROCEDURE DateToString (VAR date: Dates.Date; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      VAR val, min, max, p, i: INTEGER;
      p := 1; i := 0;
      WHILE p <= 3 DO
         IF p > 1 THEN str[i] := dateSep; INC(i) END;
         GetDatePart(date, p, val, min, max);
         IF max = 9999 THEN
            str[i] := CHR(val DIV 1000 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i);
            str[i] := CHR(val DIV 100 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i)
         str[i] := CHR(val DIV 10 MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i);
         str[i] := CHR(val MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(i);
      str[i] := 0X
   END DateToString;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) Select, NEW;

      VAR res: INTEGER; sel, a, b: INTEGER;
      f.GetSel(f, sel);
      IF sel = 1 THEN a := 0; b := del1
      ELSIF sel = 2 THEN a := del1 + 1; b := del2
      ELSE a := del2 + 1; b := del2 + 5
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_SETSEL, a, b)
   END Select;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0; f.i.ud := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER; s, s1: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; date: Dates.Date; style: SET; sel: INTEGER;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF f.undef THEN s := ""
         ELSE f.Get(f, date);
            IF f.cnt > 0 THEN f.GetSel(f, sel); SetDatePart(date, sel, f.val) END;
            DateToString(date, s)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         IF f.readOnly THEN
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 0) END
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 1) END
         res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s1, LEN(s1));
         IF s # s1 THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s);
            f.isUpdate := FALSE
         style := BITS(WinApi.GetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16));   (* window style *)
         IF (f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly) OR (f.undef # f.i.undef) THEN
            res := WinApi.SetWindowLongW(f.i.ctrl, -16, ORD(style / {11}));
            res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(f.i.ctrl, NIL, 1);
            f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            f.isUpdate := TRUE;
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, "");
            f.isUpdate := FALSE;
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ud) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ud, 0) END
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, w, h: INTEGER; style: SET; s: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; date: Dates.Date;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         style := {7, 16, 23, 30};   (* autohscroll, tabstop, border, child *)
         IF f.readOnly THEN INCL(style, 11) END;   (* readonly *)
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly; f.i.undef := f.undef;
         Open(f, "EDIT", "", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_LIMITTEXT, 16, 0);
         IF f.front & ~f.disabled THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, 23H, 0)
      ELSE f.Update
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN
         Paint(f, f.i)
         f.Get(f, date);
         DateToString(date, s);
         Print(f,, 2 * Ports.point, 0, s)
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE ActualizeDate(f: DateField);

      VAR sel: INTEGER; date: Dates.Date; val, min, max: INTEGER;
      IF f.cnt > 0 THEN
         f.GetSel(f, sel); IF sel = -1 THEN sel := 3 END;
         f.Get(f, date);
         IF (sel = yearPart) & (f.cnt <= 2) THEN
            IF f.val < 50 THEN f.val := f.val + 2000
            ELSIF f.val < 100 THEN f.val := f.val + 1900
         GetDatePart(date, sel, val, min, max);
         IF (min <= f.val) & (f.val <= max) THEN
            SetDatePart(date, sel, f.val); f.Set(f, date)
         f.cnt := 0;
   END ActualizeDate;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      VAR res: INTEGER; sel: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         f.GetSel(f, sel);
         IF sel = 0 THEN f.SetSel(f, 1); f.Select END;
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_GETSEL, 0, 0);
         res := res MOD 65536;
         IF res <= del1 THEN sel := 1
         ELSIF res <= del2 THEN sel := 2
         ELSE sel := -1
         f.SetSel(f, sel); f.Select
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR sel, s, val, min, max: INTEGER; date: Dates.Date;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      f.GetSel(f, sel); s := sel;
      IF s = -1 THEN s := 3 END;
      f.Get(f, date);
      GetDatePart(date, s, val, min, max);
      IF (ch = TAB) OR (ch = AR) THEN

         s := s MOD 3 + 1;
      ELSIF ((ch = ".") OR (ch = ",")) & (f.cnt > 0) THEN
         s := s MOD 3 + 1;
      ELSIF (ch = LTAB) OR (ch = AL) THEN
         IF s = 0 THEN s := 1 END;
         s := (s - 2) MOD 3 + 1;
      ELSIF (ch = PL) OR (ch = DL) THEN
         s := 1;
      ELSIF (ch = PR) OR (ch = DR) THEN
         s := 3;
      ELSIF (ch = DEL) OR (ch = BS) THEN
         f.cnt := 4; f.val := min;
      ELSIF ch = AU THEN
         IF f.cnt = 0 THEN f.cnt := 4; f.val := val END;
         IF f.val < max THEN INC(f.val) ELSE f.val := min END;
      ELSIF ch = AD THEN
         IF f.cnt = 0 THEN f.cnt := 4; f.val := val END;
         IF f.val > min THEN DEC(f.val) ELSE f.val := max END;
      ELSIF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") THEN
         IF s = yearPart THEN
            IF f.cnt = 0 THEN
               f.val := ORD(ch) - ORD("0"); INC(f.cnt);
               f.val := f.val * 10 + ORD(ch) - ORD("0");
               IF f.cnt = 4 THEN ActualizeDate(f) ELSE f.Update END
            IF f.cnt = 0 THEN
               f.val := ORD(ch) - ORD("0"); f.cnt := 1;
               f.val := f.val * 10 MOD 100 + ORD(ch) - ORD("0");
               IF (s = dayPart) & (max < f.val) & (f.val <= 31) THEN
                  INC(date.month); f.Set(f, date); max := 31
               IF f.val > max THEN f.val := f.val MOD 10 END;
      IF s = 3 THEN s := -1 END;

      IF s # sel THEN
         f.SetSel(f, s); f.Select
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) Edit (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER;

                              VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN);
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF clipboard THEN
         IF op = Controllers.copy THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_COPY, 0, 0)
   END Edit;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF ~on THEN ActualizeDate(f) END;
      Mark(on, f.front, f.i);

      IF ~on & focus THEN
         f.SetSel(f, 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.EM_SETSEL, 0, 0)
   END Mark;
   PROCEDURE (f: DateField) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER);

      VAR res, hc: INTEGER; pt: WinApi.POINT;
      pt.x := (x - 1) DIV f.unit + 1; pt.y := (y - 1) DIV f.unit + 1;
      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(f.i.wnd, pt);
      hc := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST, 0, pt.x + pt.y * 65536);
      IF hc = 1 THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor END
   END GetCursor;
   (* ColorField *)

   PROCEDURE (f: ColorField) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: ColorField) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: ColorField) Update;

      VAR res, i, j: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         IF f.undef THEN j := -1
            f.Get(f, c); j := 0;
            WHILE (j < numColors) & (c # colors[j]) DO INC(j) END
         i := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
         IF (i # j) OR (j = numColors) & (c # f.color) THEN
            f.color := c;
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETCURSEL, j, 0)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0);
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      IF f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly THEN
         res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(f.i.ctrl, NIL, 1);
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: ColorField) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, w, h, i: INTEGER; style: SET;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         f.i.dropDown := TRUE; f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly;
         (* drop down list, auto scroll, ownerdrawn, tabstop, ver scroll, border, child *)
         style := {0, 1, 4, 6, 16, 21, 23, 30};
         Open(f, "COMBOBOX", "", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i); i := 0;
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETEXTENDEDUI, 1, 0);
         WHILE i < numColors DO
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_ADDSTRING, 0, colors[i]);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_ADDSTRING, 0, -1);
         Adapt(f, f.i)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f,, -1, -1, "") END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: ColorField) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ColorField) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF ch = " " THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, ORD(ch), 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYUP, ORD(ch), 0)
      ELSE SendKey(ch, f.i.ctrl)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ColorField) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   (* ListBox *)

   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) Update;

      VAR res, i, j: INTEGER;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         IF f.undef THEN i := -1 ELSE f.Get(f, i) END; j := i;
         IF f.i.dropDown THEN
            IF (i < 0) OR (i >= WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)) THEN j := -1
            ELSIF f.sorted THEN
               j := 0;
               WHILE i # WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETITEMDATA, j, 0) DO INC(j) END
            i := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETCURSEL, j, 0);
            IF i # j THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETCURSEL, j, 0) END
            IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
            IF (i < 0) OR (i >= WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)) THEN j := -1
            ELSIF f.sorted THEN
               j := 0;
               WHILE i # WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETITEMDATA, j, 0) DO INC(j) END
            i := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETCURSEL, j, 0);
            IF i # j THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_SETCURSEL, j, 0) END
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            IF f.i.dropDown THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0)
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0)
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      IF f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly THEN
         res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(f.i.ctrl, NIL, 1);
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) UpdateList;

      VAR res, i: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String;
      IF f.i.dropDown THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
         i := 0; f.GetName(f, i, s);
         Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
         WHILE s # "" DO
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_ADDSTRING, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(s));
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETITEMDATA, res, i);
            INC(i); f.GetName(f, i, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
         Adapt(f, f.i)
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
         i := 0; f.GetName(f, i, s);
         Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
         WHILE s # "" DO
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_ADDSTRING, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(s));
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_SETITEMDATA, res, i);
            INC(i); f.GetName(f, i, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
   END UpdateList;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR i, res, w, h: INTEGER; style: SET; s: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         IF h > dropDownHeight THEN
            f.i.dropDown := FALSE; f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly;
            style := {0, 16, 21, 23, 30};   (* notify, tabstop, ver scroll, border, child *)
            IF f.sorted THEN INCL(style, 1) END;   (* sort *)
            Open(f, "LISTBOX", "", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i)
            f.i.dropDown := TRUE;
            style := {0, 1, 6, 16, 21, 23, 30};   (* drop down list, auto scroll, tabstop, ver scroll, border, child *)
            IF f.sorted THEN INCL(style, 8) END;   (* sort *)
            Open(f, "COMBOBOX", "", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i);
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETEXTENDEDUI, WinApi.TRUE, 0)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i)
         f.Get(f, i); f.GetName(f, i, s);
         Print(f,, 2 * Ports.point, 0, s)
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;

      VAR res, i, j, msg: INTEGER; rect: WinApi.RECT;
      f.Get(f, i); j := i;
      IF f.sorted THEN
         IF f.i.dropDown THEN msg := WinApi.CB_GETITEMDATA ELSE msg := WinApi.LB_GETITEMDATA END;
         j := 0;
         WHILE i # WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, msg, j, 0) DO INC(j) END
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETITEMRECT, j, SYSTEM.ADR(rect));
      x := x DIV f.unit; y := y DIV f.unit;
      RETURN (x >= rect.left) & (x <= rect.right) & (y >= & (y <= rect.bottom)
   END DblClickOk;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) WheelMove (x, y: INTEGER; op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleWheel(f.i.ctrl, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, op, nofLines, done)
   END WheelMove;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF ch = " " THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, ORD(ch), 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYUP, ORD(ch), 0)
         SendKey(ch, f.i.ctrl)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ListBox) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   (* SelectionBox *)

   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;

      VAR res, i: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String;
      sel: BOOLEAN; rect: WinApi.RECT;
      i := 0; f.GetName(f, i, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
      x := x DIV f.unit; y := y DIV f.unit;
      WHILE s # "" DO
         f.Get(f, i, sel);
         IF sel THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETITEMRECT, i, SYSTEM.ADR(rect));
            IF res = WinApi.LB_ERR THEN RETURN FALSE END;
            IF (x >= rect.left) & (x <= rect.right) & (y >= & (y <= rect.bottom) THEN RETURN TRUE END
         INC(i); f.GetName(f, i, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s)
   END DblClickOk;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) Update;

      VAR res, i, j, a, b: INTEGER; sel: BOOLEAN;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         i := 0;
         WHILE i < f.num DO j := i;
            IF f.sorted THEN
               j := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0)
            f.Get(f, j, sel);
            IF sel & ~f.undef THEN a := 1 ELSE a := 0 END;
            b := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETSEL, i, 0);
            IF a # b THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_SETSEL, a, i) END;
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_SETSEL, 0, -1);
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      IF f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly THEN
         res := WinApi.InvalidateRect(f.i.ctrl, NIL, 1);
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) UpdateRange (op, from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR res, i, a, b: INTEGER; sel: BOOLEAN;
      ASSERT((from >= 0) & (from <= to) & (to < f.num), 100);
      IF (op = Dialog.set) OR (from # to) THEN f.Update; RETURN END;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         i := from;
         IF f.sorted THEN
            i := 0;
            WHILE WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0) # from DO INC(i) END
         f.Get(f, from, sel);
         IF sel THEN a := 1 ELSE a := 0 END;
         b := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETSEL, i, 0);
         IF a # b THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_SETSEL, a, i) END
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0) END
   END UpdateRange;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) UpdateList;

      VAR res, i: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
      i := 0; f.GetName(f, i, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
      WHILE s # "" DO
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_ADDSTRING, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(s));
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_SETITEMDATA, res, i);
         INC(i); f.GetName(f, i, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s)
      f.num := i;
   END UpdateList;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR style: SET;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly;
         style := {0, 3, 16, 21, 23, 30} + WinApi.LBS_EXTENDEDSEL;
            (* notify, multiple sel, tabstop, ver scroll, border, child *)
         IF f.sorted THEN INCL(style, 1) END;   (* sort *)
         Open(f, "LISTBOX", "", style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i);
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f,, -1, -1, "") END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) WheelMove (x, y: INTEGER; op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleWheel(f.i.ctrl, x, y, op, nofLines, done)
   END WheelMove;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF ch = " " THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, ORD(ch), 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYUP, ORD(ch), 0)
         SendKey(ch, f.i.ctrl)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) Select (from, to: INTEGER), EMPTY;

   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER);

      from := 0; to := MAX(INTEGER)
   END GetSelection;
   PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   (* ComboBox *)

   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER; s, s1: Dialog.String;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF f.undef THEN s := "" ELSE f.Get(f, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s) END;
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END;
         res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s1, LEN(s1));
         IF (WinApi.GetWindowTextLengthW(f.i.ctrl) >= LEN(s)) OR (s # s1) THEN
            IF ~f.i.dropDown THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, SYSTEM.ADR(s));
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETCURSEL, res, 0)
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, s)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0);
            res := WinApi.SetWindowTextW(f.i.ctrl, "");
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) UpdateList;

      VAR res, i: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
      i := 0; f.GetName(f, i, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
      WHILE s # "" DO
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_ADDSTRING, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(s));
         INC(i); f.GetName(f, i, s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s)
      Adapt(f, f.i);
   END UpdateList;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR res, w, h: INTEGER; s: Dialog.String;
         style: SET; pt: WinApi.POINT;
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         f.Get(f, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s); f.view.context.GetSize(w, h);
         style := {6, 16, 21, 23, 30};   (* auto scroll, tabstop, ver scroll, border, child *)
         IF f.sorted THEN INCL(style, 8) END;   (* sort *)
         f.i.dropDown := h <= dropDownHeight;
         IF f.i.dropDown THEN INCL(style, 1) ELSE INCL(style, 0) END;   (* dropdown / simple *)
         Open(f, "COMBOBOX", s, style, WinApi.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, f.i);
         pt.x := 4; pt.y := 4;
         f.edit := WinApi.ChildWindowFromPoint(f.i.ctrl, pt);   (* hack found in win api manual ! *)
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETEXTENDEDUI, 1, 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_LIMITTEXT, 255, 0);
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f,, -1, -1, "") END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      SendKey(ch, f.edit)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Edit (op: INTEGER;

      VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER; VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN
      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF clipboard THEN
         IF op = Controllers.cut THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.edit, WinApi.WM_CUT, 0, 0)
         ELSIF op = Controllers.copy THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.edit, WinApi.WM_COPY, 0, 0)
         ELSIF op = Controllers.paste THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.edit, WinApi.WM_PASTE, 0, 0)
   END Edit;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Idle, EMPTY;

   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Select (from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF to > 32767 THEN to := -1 END;
      IF from < 0 THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETEDITSEL, 0, 65535)
      ELSE res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_SETEDITSEL, 0, from MOD 65536 + to * 65536)
   END Select;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) GetSelection (OUT from, to: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETEDITSEL, SYSTEM.ADR(from), SYSTEM.ADR(to));
      IF from = -1 THEN to := -1 ELSIF to = -1 THEN to := MAX(INTEGER) END
   END GetSelection;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.front THEN
         IF on THEN
            IF ~f.i.hasFocus THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.edit, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
               f.i.hasFocus := TRUE
            IF f.i.hasFocus THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.edit, WinApi.WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0);
               f.i.hasFocus := FALSE
   END Mark;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Length (): INTEGER;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      res := WinApi.GetWindowTextLengthW(f.i.ctrl);
      RETURN res
   END Length;
   PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) GetCursor (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER);

      VAR res, hc: INTEGER; pt: WinApi.POINT;
      pt.x := (x - 1) DIV f.unit + 1; pt.y := (y - 1) DIV f.unit + 1;
      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(f.i.wnd, pt);
      hc := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.edit, WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST, 0, pt.x + pt.y * 65536);
      IF hc = 1 THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor END
      u := f.unit; pt.x := x DIV u - 1; pt.y := y DIV u - 1;
      wnd := WinApi.ChildWindowFromPoint(f.i.ctrl, pt);
      IF wnd = f.edit THEN cursor := Ports.textCursor
      ELSE cursor := Ports.arrowCursor
      u := f.unit; pt.x := x DIV u; pt.y := y DIV u;

      res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(f.i.wnd, pt);
      ChildWindowAt(f.i.wnd, pt, wnd, hc);
      res := WinApi.ScreenToClient(wnd, pt);
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(wnd, WinApi.WMSetCursor, wnd, hc + WinApi.WMMouseMove * 65536);
      cursor := -1
   END GetCursor;
   (* Caption *)

   PROCEDURE (f: Caption) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: Caption) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f:Caption ) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0) END
      CheckLabel(f.label, f.i.ctrl);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: Caption) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR lbl: Dialog.String; style: SET;
      SetLabel(f.label, lbl);
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         style := {30};
         IF f.left THEN style := style + WinApi.SS_LEFT
         ELSIF f.right THEN style := style + WinApi.SS_RIGHT
         ELSE style := style + WinApi.SS_CENTER
         Open(f, "STATIC", lbl, style, {}, f.i)   (* left, child *)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f, 0, 2 * Ports.point, 0, lbl) END
   END Restore;
   (* Group *)

   PROCEDURE (f: Group) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: Group) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: Group) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1) END
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0) END
      CheckLabel(f.label, f.i.ctrl);
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: Group) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR lbl: Dialog.String;
      SetLabel(f.label, lbl);
      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
         Open(f, "BUTTON", lbl, {0, 1, 2, 30}, {}, f.i)   (* group box, child *)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN Paint(f, f.i) ELSE Print(f, -3, 2 * Ports.point, 0, lbl) END
   END Restore;
   (* TreeFrame *)

   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) SetOffset (x, y: INTEGER);

      f.SetOffset^(x, y);
      Adapt(f, f.i)
   END SetOffset;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) Close;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN   (* deallocate *)
         ASSERT(f.rider # NIL, 100); ASSERT(f.rider.Base() # NIL, 101);
         res := WinApi.DestroyWindow(f.i.wnd);
         f.i.wnd := 0; f.i.ctrl := 0
      IF f.himl # NIL THEN res := WinCtl.ImageList_Destroy(f.himl) END
   END Close;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) Recreate (), NEW;

      VAR res: INTEGER; style: SET;
         icex: WinCtl.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX; ok: WinApi.BOOL; hbmp: WinApi.HANDLE;
      f.Close(); f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly;
      icex.dwSize := SIZE(WinCtl.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);
      icex.dwICC := WinCtl.ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES;
      ok := WinCtl.InitCommonControlsEx(icex);
      style := WinApi.WS_VISIBLE + WinApi.WS_CHILD + WinApi.WS_BORDER + WinCtl.TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS
            + WinCtl.TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP;
      IF f.haslines THEN style := style + WinCtl.TVS_HASLINES END;
      IF f.hasbuttons THEN style := style + WinCtl.TVS_HASBUTTONS END;
      IF f.atroot THEN style := style + WinCtl.TVS_LINESATROOT END;
      Open(f, WinCtl.WC_TREEVIEWW, "", style, {}, f.i);   (* 3 *)
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TV_FIRST + 033, 100, 0); (* TVM_SETSCROLLTIME*)
      IF f.foldericons THEN
         (* Create an imagelist and associate it with the control *)
         IF f.himl # NIL THEN ok := WinCtl.ImageList_Destroy(f.himl) END;
         f.himl := WinCtl.ImageList_Create(16, 16, {}, 3, 0);
         IF f.himl # NIL THEN
            hbmp := WinApi.LoadImageW(
               instance, "#6", WinApi.IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, ORD(WinApi.LR_LOADTRANSPARENT));
            f.folderimg := WinCtl.ImageList_ReplaceIcon(f.himl, -1, hbmp);
            ok := WinApi.DestroyIcon(hbmp);
            hbmp := WinApi.LoadImageW(
               instance, "#7", WinApi.IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, ORD(WinApi.LR_LOADTRANSPARENT));
            f.openimg := WinCtl.ImageList_ReplaceIcon(f.himl, -1, hbmp);
            ok := WinApi.DestroyIcon(hbmp);
            hbmp := WinApi.LoadImageW(
               instance, "#8", WinApi.IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, ORD(WinApi.LR_LOADTRANSPARENT));
            f.leafimg := WinCtl.ImageList_ReplaceIcon(f.himl, -1, hbmp);
            ok := WinApi.DestroyIcon(hbmp);
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(
               f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_SETIMAGELIST, WinCtl.TVSIL_NORMAL, SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, f.himl))
   END Recreate;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) UpdateNT4, NEW;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF ~f.disabled THEN
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl);
      IF ~f.disabled & (f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly) THEN
         IF f.readOnly OR ~f.i.hasFocus THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0)
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly
   END UpdateNT4;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) Update;

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windowsNT4 THEN f.UpdateNT4; RETURN END;
      IF ~f.disabled & ~f.readOnly THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TV_FIRST + 029, 0, -1); (* TVM_SETBKCOLOR *)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1)
      ELSIF ~f.disabled & f.readOnly THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(
            f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TV_FIRST + 029, 0, Ports.dialogBackground); (* TVM_SETBKCOLOR *)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) = 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 1)
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(
            f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TV_FIRST + 029, 0, Ports.dialogBackground); (* TVM_SETBKCOLOR *)
         IF WinApi.IsWindowEnabled(f.i.ctrl) # 0 THEN
            res := WinApi.EnableWindow(f.i.ctrl, 0)
      res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(f.i.ctrl);
      IF ~f.disabled & (f.readOnly # f.i.readOnly) THEN
         IF f.readOnly THEN
            (* Selection has to be focused since it won't be visible on a gray backround otherwise *)
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0)
            IF ~f.i.hasFocus THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0) END
         f.i.readOnly := f.readOnly
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) WinInsertItem (

      VAR tn: Dialog.TreeNode; pWndAdr: INTEGER; OUT wndAdr: INTEGER
   ), NEW;
      VAR res: INTEGER; p: Dialog.TreeNode; s: Dialog.String;
         tvi: WinCtl.TVITEMW; tvins: WinCtl.TVINSERTSTRUCTW;
      ASSERT(tn # NIL, 20);
      f.treeArray[f.curindex].tn := tn;
      p := f.Parent(f, tn);
      tvi.mask := WinCtl.TVIF_TEXT + WinCtl.TVIF_PARAM + WinCtl.TVIF_IMAGE + WinCtl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE;
      tn.GetName(s); Dialog.MapString(s, s); ConvertFromUnicode(s);
      tvi.pszText := s; tvi.cchTextMax := LEN(s); tvi.lParam := f.curindex;
      IF tn.IsFolder() THEN
         IF tn.IsExpanded() THEN tvi.iImage := f.openimg
         ELSE tvi.iImage := f.folderimg
         tvi.iImage := f.leafimg
      tvi.iSelectedImage := tvi.iImage; tvins.item := tvi;
      tvins.hParent := SYSTEM.VAL(WinCtl.Ptr_TREEITEM, pWndAdr);
      IF f.sorted THEN tvins.hInsertAfter := SYSTEM.VAL(WinCtl.Ptr_TREEITEM, WinCtl.TVI_SORT)
      ELSE tvins.hInsertAfter := SYSTEM.VAL(WinCtl.Ptr_TREEITEM, WinCtl.TVI_LAST)
      wndAdr := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(tvins));
      f.treeArray[f.curindex].wndAdr := wndAdr;
      IF p # NIL THEN
         IF p.IsExpanded() THEN
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_EXPAND, WinCtl.TVE_EXPAND, pWndAdr)
            res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_EXPAND, WinCtl.TVE_COLLAPSE, pWndAdr)
   END WinInsertItem;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) InsertNode(tn: Dialog.TreeNode; pWndAdr: INTEGER), NEW;

      VAR wndAdr: INTEGER;
      IF tn # NIL THEN
         f.WinInsertItem(tn, pWndAdr, wndAdr);
         f.InsertNode(f.Child(f, tn), wndAdr);
         f.InsertNode(f.Next(f, tn), pWndAdr)
   END InsertNode;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) UpdateList;

      VAR res, len, i: INTEGER; done: BOOLEAN; sel: Dialog.TreeNode;
      f.inUpdateList := TRUE;
      len := 0; f.curindex := 0; sel := f.Selected(f);
      len := f.NofNodes(f); IF len > 0 THEN NEW(f.treeArray, len) END;
      (* Throw away the old windows control and create a new one *)
      (* Go through the tree and insert new nodes into the treeview *)
      f.InsertNode(f.Child(f, NIL), WinCtl.TVI_ROOT);
      (* Select the node that is selected *)
      IF sel = NIL THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_SELECTITEM, WinCtl.TVGN_CARET, 0)
         i := 0; done := FALSE;
         WHILE (i < len) & (~done) DO
            IF sel = f.treeArray[i].tn THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(
                  f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_SELECTITEM, WinCtl.TVGN_CARET, f.treeArray[i].wndAdr);
               done := TRUE
      f.Select(f, sel);
      IF f.i.hasFocus THEN res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0) END;
      f.inUpdateList := FALSE
   END UpdateList;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) ExpandCollapse(index, action: INTEGER), NEW;

      VAR res: INTEGER; tn: Dialog.TreeNode; tvi: WinCtl.TVITEMW;
      tn := f.treeArray[index].tn;
      IF action = WinCtl.TVE_COLLAPSE THEN
         f.SetExpansion(f, tn, FALSE)
      ELSIF action = WinCtl.TVE_EXPAND THEN
         f.SetExpansion(f, tn, TRUE)
      ELSIF action = WinCtl.TVE_TOGGLE THEN
         f.SetExpansion(f, tn, ~tn.IsExpanded())
      tvi.mask := WinCtl.TVIF_IMAGE + WinCtl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE;
      tvi.hItem := SYSTEM.VAL(WinCtl.Ptr_TREEITEM, f.treeArray[index].wndAdr);
      IF tn.IsExpanded() THEN
         tvi.iImage := f.openimg; tvi.iSelectedImage := f.openimg
         tvi.iImage := f.folderimg; tvi.iSelectedImage := f.folderimg
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_SETITEMW, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(tvi))
   END ExpandCollapse;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) DblClickOk (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;

      VAR res: INTEGER; hinf: WinCtl.TVHITTESTINFO;
   BEGIN := x DIV f.unit; := y DIV f.unit;
      res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinCtl.TVM_HITTEST, 0, SYSTEM.ADR(hinf));
      IF hinf.hItem = NIL THEN
         RETURN SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, hinf.hItem) = f.treeArray[f.selIndex].wndAdr
   END DblClickOk;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) MouseDown (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleMouse(f.i.wnd, x DIV f.unit, y DIV f.unit, buttons)
   END MouseDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) WheelMove (x, y: INTEGER; op, nofLines: INTEGER; VAR done: BOOLEAN);

      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF f.rider # NIL THEN
         HandleWheel(f.i.ctrl, x, y, op, nofLines, done)
   END WheelMove;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) Restore (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      IF f.i.ctrl = 0 THEN   (* lazy allocation *)
      IF f.i.wnd # 0 THEN PaintRect(f, f.i, l, t, r, b) ELSE Print(f,, -1, -1, "") END
   END Restore;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) KeyDown (ch: CHAR);

      VAR res: INTEGER;
      ASSERT(~f.disabled, 100);
      IF ch = " " THEN
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, ORD(ch), 0);
         res := WinApi.SendMessageW(f.i.ctrl, WinApi.WM_KEYUP, ORD(ch), 0)
         SendKey(ch, f.i.ctrl)
   END KeyDown;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) Mark (on, focus: BOOLEAN);

      Mark(on, f.front, f.i)
   END Mark;
   PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER);

      VAR rect: WinApi.RECT; res: INTEGER;
      res := WinApi.GetWindowRect(f.i.wnd, rect);
      w := (rect.right - rect.left) * f.unit; h := (rect.bottom - * f.unit
   END GetSize;
   (* Directory *)

   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetPushButtonSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 56 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 18 * Ports.point END
   END GetPushButtonSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCheckBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 60 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END
   END GetCheckBoxSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetRadioButtonSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 60 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END
   END GetRadioButtonSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetScrollBarSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 120 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END
   END GetScrollBarSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetFieldSize (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN
         IF max = 0 THEN w := 80 * Ports.point
         ELSIF max < 10 THEN w := 32 * Ports.point
         ELSIF max < 15 THEN w := 56 * Ports.point
         ELSIF max < 30 THEN w := 80 * Ports.point
         ELSIF max < 100 THEN w := 120 * Ports.point
         ELSE w := 150 * Ports.point
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END
   END GetFieldSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetUpDownFieldSize (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 56 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END
   END GetUpDownFieldSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetDateFieldSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 72 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END
   END GetDateFieldSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTimeFieldSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 72 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 17 * Ports.point END
   END GetTimeFieldSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetColorFieldSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 36 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 18 * Ports.point END
   END GetColorFieldSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetListBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 18 * Ports.point END
   END GetListBoxSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetSelectionBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 54 * Ports.point END
   END GetSelectionBoxSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetComboBoxSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 18 * Ports.point END
   END GetComboBoxSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCaptionSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 50 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 12 * Ports.point END
   END GetCaptionSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetGroupSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 100 * Ports.point END
   END GetGroupSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTreeFrameSize (VAR w, h: INTEGER);

      IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.point END;
      IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 100 * Ports.point END
   END GetTreeFrameSize;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewPushButton (): StdCFrames.PushButton;

      VAR f: PushButton;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewPushButton;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCheckBox (): StdCFrames.CheckBox;

      VAR f: CheckBox;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewCheckBox;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewRadioButton (): StdCFrames.RadioButton;

      VAR f: RadioButton;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewRadioButton;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewScrollBar (): StdCFrames.ScrollBar;

      VAR f: ScrollBar;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewScrollBar;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewField (): StdCFrames.Field;

      VAR f: Field;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewField;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewUpDownField (): StdCFrames.UpDownField;

      VAR f: UpDownField;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewUpDownField;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewDateField (): StdCFrames.DateField;

      VAR f: DateField;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewDateField;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTimeField (): StdCFrames.TimeField;

      VAR f: TimeField;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewTimeField;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewColorField (): StdCFrames.ColorField;

      VAR f: ColorField;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewColorField;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewListBox (): StdCFrames.ListBox;

      VAR f: ListBox;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewListBox;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewSelectionBox (): StdCFrames.SelectionBox;

      VAR f: SelectionBox;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewSelectionBox;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewComboBox (): StdCFrames.ComboBox;

      VAR f: ComboBox;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewComboBox;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCaption (): StdCFrames.Caption;

      VAR f: Caption;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewCaption;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewGroup (): StdCFrames.Group;

      VAR f: Group;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END NewGroup;
   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTreeFrame (): StdCFrames.TreeFrame;

      VAR f: TreeFrame;
      NEW(f); f.inUpdateList := FALSE; RETURN f
   END NewTreeFrame;
   (* control window class *)

   (* Used for common controls, not standard controls *)

   PROCEDURE HandleNotifyMsg (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; lParam, out: INTEGER);
         c: StdCFrames.Frame; ret: INTEGER;
         pnmhdr: WinApi.PtrNMHDR; pnmtv: WinCtl.PtrNMTREEVIEWW;
      ret := WinApi.FALSE;
      c := SYSTEM.VAL(StdCFrames.Frame, WinApi.GetWindowLongW(wnd, dlgWindowExtra));
      pnmhdr := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrNMHDR, lParam);
      WITH c: TreeFrame DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF ~c.inUpdateList & c.readOnly & (pnmhdr.code = WinCtl.TVN_SELCHANGINGW) THEN
               ret := WinApi.TRUE
            ELSIF pnmhdr.code = WinCtl.TVN_SELCHANGEDW THEN
               pnmtv := SYSTEM.VAL(WinCtl.PtrNMTREEVIEWW, lParam);
               c.selIndex := pnmtv.itemNew.lParam;
               c.Select(c, c.treeArray[c.selIndex].tn)
            ELSIF pnmhdr.code = WinCtl.TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDW THEN
               pnmtv := SYSTEM.VAL(WinCtl.PtrNMTREEVIEWW, lParam);
               c.ExpandCollapse(pnmtv.itemNew.lParam, pnmtv.action)
      SYSTEM.PUT(out, ret)
   END HandleNotifyMsg;
   PROCEDURE HandleCommand (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; wParam, lParam: INTEGER);

      VAR res, nc, i, j: INTEGER; c: StdCFrames.Frame; s: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR;
      c := SYSTEM.VAL(StdCFrames.Frame, WinApi.GetWindowLongW(wnd, dlgWindowExtra));
      nc := wParam DIV 65536;
      WITH c: PushButton DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF nc = WinApi.BN_CLICKED THEN Execute(c)
      | c: CheckBox DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF nc = WinApi.BN_CLICKED THEN
               i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
               IF i = 0 THEN i := 1 ELSE i := 0 END;
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_SETCHECK, i, 0);
               c.undef := FALSE; c.Set(c, i = 1)
               c.undef := res = 2;
               c.Set(c, res = 1)
      | c: RadioButton DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF nc = WinApi.BN_CLICKED THEN
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
               c.Set(c, res # 0)
      | c: Field DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF (nc = WinApi.EN_CHANGE) & ~c.isUpdate THEN
               IF ~c.left THEN (* right center alignment implies multiline which sends two update messages *)
                  IF c.maxLen > 255 THEN
                     NEW(ps, 2 * c.maxLen + 1);
                     res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(c.i.ctrl, ps^, LEN(ps^));
                     IF c.multiLine THEN DelLF(ps^) END;
                     IF c.del OR (ps$ # "") THEN c.Set(c, ps^) END
                     res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(c.i.ctrl, s, LEN(s));
                     IF c.multiLine THEN DelLF(s) END;
                     IF c.del OR (s$ # "") THEN c.Set(c, s) END
                  IF c.maxLen > 255 THEN
                     NEW(ps, 2 * c.maxLen + 1);
                     res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(c.i.ctrl, ps^, LEN(ps^));
                     IF c.multiLine THEN DelLF(ps^) END;
                     c.Set(c, ps^)
                     res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(c.i.ctrl, s, LEN(s));
                     IF c.multiLine THEN DelLF(s) END;
                     c.Set(c, s)
      | c: UpDownField DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF (nc = WinApi.EN_CHANGE) & ~c.isUpdate THEN
               res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(c.i.ctrl, s, LEN(s));
               Strings.StringToInt(s, c.val, res);
               c.Set(c, c.val)
      | c: ColorField DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF nc = WinApi.CBN_SELCHANGE THEN
               i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
               IF i = numColors THEN
                  Dialog.GetColor(c.color, i, b);
                  IF b THEN c.Set(c, i); c.Update END
               ELSIF i >= 0 THEN
                  c.color := colors[i]; c.Set(c, c.color)
      | c: ListBox DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF c.i.dropDown THEN
               IF nc = WinApi.CBN_SELCHANGE THEN
                  i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
                  IF c.sorted THEN i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0) END;
                  IF i >= 0 THEN c.Set(c, i) END
               IF nc = WinApi.LBN_SELCHANGE THEN
                  i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
                  IF c.sorted THEN i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0) END;
                  IF i >= 0 THEN c.Set(c, i) END
      | c: SelectionBox DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF nc = WinApi.LBN_SELCHANGE THEN
               i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LBGetAnchorIndex, 0, 0);
               j := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LBGetCaretIndex, 0, 0);
               res := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LBGetSel, i, 0);
               IF c.sorted THEN
                  i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LBGetItemData, i, 0);
                  j := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LBGetItemData, j, 0)
               IF (i >= 0) & (i < c.num) THEN
                  Log.Int(i); Log.Int(j); Log.Ln; Log.Int(wParam); Log.Int(lParam); Log.Int(res); Log.Ln;
                  IF (res # 0) THEN c.Incl(c, i, i) ELSE c.Excl(c, i, i) END
               i := 0;
               WHILE i < c.num DO
                  j := i;
                  res := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETSEL, j, 0);
                  IF c.sorted THEN j := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.LB_GETITEMDATA, j, 0) END;
                  c.Get(c, j, b);
                  IF (res # 0) & ~b THEN c.Incl(c, j, j)
                  ELSIF (res = 0) & b THEN c.Excl(c, j, j)
      | c: ComboBox DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            IF nc = WinApi.CBN_EDITCHANGE THEN
               res := WinApi.GetWindowTextW(c.i.ctrl, s, LEN(s));
               c.Set(c, s)
            ELSIF nc = WinApi.CBN_SELCHANGE THEN
               i := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
               IF i >= 0 THEN
                  res := WinApi.SendMessageW(c.i.ctrl, WinApi.CB_GETLBTEXT, i, SYSTEM.ADR(s));
                  c.Set(c, s)
   END HandleCommand;
   PROCEDURE HandleScroll (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; wParam, lParam: INTEGER);

      VAR nc, size, sect, pos: INTEGER; c: StdCFrames.Frame; arrows: BOOLEAN;
      arrows := FALSE;
      c := SYSTEM.VAL(StdCFrames.Frame, WinApi.GetWindowLongW(wnd, dlgWindowExtra));
      WITH c: ScrollBar DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN
            nc := wParam MOD 65536; c.Get(c, size, sect, pos);
            IF (nc = WinApi.SB_THUMBPOSITION) OR
               HostWindows.visualScroll & (nc = WinApi.SB_THUMBTRACK) THEN
                  c.Set(c, WinApi.MulDiv(wParam DIV 65536, size - sect, scrollRange))
            ELSIF nc = WinApi.SB_LINEUP THEN c.Track(c, StdCFrames.lineUp, pos)
            ELSIF nc = WinApi.SB_LINEDOWN THEN c.Track(c, StdCFrames.lineDown, pos)
            ELSIF nc = WinApi.SB_PAGEUP THEN c.Track(c, StdCFrames.pageUp, pos)
            ELSIF nc = WinApi.SB_PAGEDOWN THEN c.Track(c, StdCFrames.pageDown, pos)
      | c: UpDownField DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN arrows := TRUE END
      | c: TimeField DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN arrows := TRUE END
      | c: DateField DO
         IF c.i.ctrl # 0 THEN arrows := TRUE END
      IF arrows THEN
         nc := wParam MOD 65536;
            IF wParam DIV 65536 # 0 THEN c.KeyDown(AU)
            ELSE c.KeyDown(AD)
   END HandleScroll;
   PROCEDURE HandleDraw (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; wParam, lParam: INTEGER);

      VAR res: INTEGER; c: StdCFrames.Frame; p: WinApi.PtrDRAWITEMSTRUCT;
         brush: WinApi.HANDLE; rect: WinApi.RECT; col: Ports.Color;
      c := SYSTEM.VAL(StdCFrames.Frame, WinApi.GetWindowLongW(wnd, dlgWindowExtra));
      p := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrDRAWITEMSTRUCT, lParam);
      WITH c: ColorField DO
         IF 0 IN p.itemState THEN
            rect := p.rcItem;
            brush := WinApi.CreateSolidBrush(HostPorts.selBackground);
            res := WinApi.FillRect(p.hDC, rect, brush);
            res := WinApi.DeleteObject(brush);
            INC(rect.left); INC(; DEC(rect.right); DEC(rect.bottom);
            brush := WinApi.CreateSolidBrush(Ports.background);
            res := WinApi.FillRect(p.hDC, rect, brush);
            res := WinApi.DeleteObject(brush)
            IF c.disabled OR c.readOnly THEN
               brush := WinApi.CreateSolidBrush(Ports.dialogBackground)
               brush := WinApi.CreateSolidBrush(Ports.background)
            res := WinApi.FillRect(p.hDC, p.rcItem, brush);
            res := WinApi.DeleteObject(brush)
         IF (p.itemID = numColors) & ( > 20) THEN
            brush := WinApi.CreateSolidBrush(HostPorts.textCol);
   := p.rcItem.bottom - 6; rect.bottom := + 2;
            rect.left := p.rcItem.left + 4; rect.right := rect.left + 2;
            res := WinApi.FillRect(p.hDC, rect, brush);
            rect.left := p.rcItem.left + 8; rect.right := rect.left + 2;
            res := WinApi.FillRect(p.hDC, rect, brush);
            rect.left := p.rcItem.left + 12; rect.right := rect.left + 2;
            res := WinApi.FillRect(p.hDC, rect, brush)
         ELSIF p.itemID >= 0 THEN
            rect := p.rcItem; INC(rect.left, 2); INC(, 2); DEC(rect.right, 2); DEC(rect.bottom, 2);
            IF p.itemID = numColors THEN col := c.color
            ELSIF (p.itemID >= 0) & (p.itemID < LEN(colors)) THEN col := colors[p.itemID]
            ELSE col := HostPorts.textCol
            brush := WinApi.CreateSolidBrush(col);
            res := WinApi.FillRect(p.hDC, rect, brush);
            res := WinApi.DeleteObject(brush)
   END HandleDraw;
   PROCEDURE ColorBrush (col: Ports.Color): WinApi.HANDLE;

      VAR p: BrushCache;
      IF col = Ports.white THEN RETURN WinApi.GetStockObject(WinApi.WHITE_BRUSH)
      ELSIF col = Ports.dialogBackground THEN RETURN HostPorts.dialogBrush
         p := brushes;
         WHILE (p # NIL) & (p.col # col) DO p := END;
         IF p # NIL THEN RETURN p.brush
            NEW(p); p.col := col; p.brush := WinApi.CreateSolidBrush(col); := brushes; brushes := p;
            RETURN p.brush
   END ColorBrush;
   PROCEDURE [2] CtrlHandler (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; message, wParam, lParam: INTEGER): INTEGER;

      VAR res: INTEGER; c: StdCFrames.Frame; p: WinApi.PtrMEASUREITEMSTRUCT;
      IF message = WinApi.WM_COMMAND THEN
         Kernel.Try(HandleCommand, wnd, wParam, lParam);
         RETURN 0
      ELSIF message = WinApi.WM_NOTIFY THEN
         res := -1;
         Kernel.Try(HandleNotifyMsg, wnd, lParam, SYSTEM.ADR(res));
         IF res # -1 THEN RETURN res ELSE RETURN 0 END
      ELSIF (message = WinApi.WM_HSCROLL) OR (message = WinApi.WM_VSCROLL) THEN
         Kernel.Try(HandleScroll, wnd, wParam, lParam);
         RETURN 0
      ELSIF message = WinApi.WM_DRAWITEM THEN
         Kernel.Try(HandleDraw, wnd, wParam, lParam);
         RETURN 1
      ELSIF message = WinApi.WM_MEASUREITEM THEN
         c := SYSTEM.VAL(StdCFrames.Frame, WinApi.GetWindowLongW(wnd, dlgWindowExtra));
         WITH c: ColorField DO
            p := SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrMEASUREITEMSTRUCT, lParam);
            IF p.itemID = -1 THEN p.itemHeight := 11 * Ports.point DIV c.unit + 1
            ELSE p.itemHeight := 11 * Ports.point DIV c.unit - 1
            RETURN 1
      ELSIF (message >= WinApi.WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX) & (message <= WinApi.WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC) THEN
         c := SYSTEM.VAL(StdCFrames.Frame, WinApi.GetWindowLongW(wnd, dlgWindowExtra));
         IF ((c IS Field) OR (c IS UpDownField) OR (c IS TimeField) OR (c IS DateField)
               OR (c IS ListBox) OR (c IS SelectionBox) OR (c IS ColorField))
               & (c.disabled OR c.readOnly) THEN
            res := WinApi.SetBkColor(wParam, Ports.dialogBackground);
            res := WinApi.SetBkMode(wParam, 2);   (* opaque *)
            RETURN HostPorts.dialogBrush
         ELSIF (c IS TreeFrame) & (c.disabled OR c.readOnly) & (Dialog.platform # Dialog.windowsNT4) THEN
            res := WinApi.SetBkColor(wParam, Ports.dialogBackground);
            res := WinApi.SetBkMode(wParam, 2);   (* opaque *)
            RETURN HostPorts.dialogBrush
         ELSIF ((c IS Field) OR (c IS UpDownField) OR (c IS TimeField) OR (c IS DateField))
               & ~c.disabled & c.undef THEN
            res := WinApi.SetBkMode(wParam, 1); (* transparent *)
            res := WinApi.SetTextColor(wParam, 0C0C0C0H);
            RETURN HostPorts.dim50Brush
         ELSIF c IS Caption THEN
            res := WinApi.SetTextColor(wParam, HostPorts.dialogTextCol);
            res := WinApi.SetBkColor(wParam, c(Caption).i.bkgnd);
            res := WinApi.SetBkMode(wParam, 2);   (* opaque *)
            RETURN ColorBrush(c(Caption).i.bkgnd)
         ELSIF CtlColor # NIL THEN
            res := CtlColor(message, wParam, lParam);
            IF res # 0 THEN RETURN res END
         ELSIF c IS CheckBox THEN
            res := WinApi.SetTextColor(wParam, HostPorts.dialogTextCol);
            res := WinApi.SetBkColor(wParam, c(CheckBox).i.bkgnd);
            res := WinApi.SetBkMode(wParam, 2);   (* opaque *)
            RETURN ColorBrush(c(CheckBox).i.bkgnd)
         ELSIF c IS RadioButton THEN
            res := WinApi.SetTextColor(wParam, HostPorts.dialogTextCol);
            res := WinApi.SetBkColor(wParam, c(RadioButton).i.bkgnd);
            res := WinApi.SetBkMode(wParam, 2);   (* opaque *)
            RETURN ColorBrush(c(RadioButton).i.bkgnd)
         ELSIF c IS Group THEN
            res := WinApi.SetTextColor(wParam, HostPorts.dialogTextCol);
            res := WinApi.SetBkColor(wParam, c(Group).i.bkgnd);
            res := WinApi.SetBkMode(wParam, 2);   (* opaque *)
            RETURN ColorBrush(c(Group).i.bkgnd)
      ELSIF message = WinApi.WM_ERASEBKGND THEN
         RETURN 1
      RETURN WinApi.DefWindowProcW(wnd, message, wParam, lParam)
   END CtrlHandler;
   PROCEDURE SetDefFonts*;

      StdCFrames.defaultFont := HostFonts.dlgFont;
      StdCFrames.defaultLightFont := Fonts.dir.This(
         HostFonts.dlgFont.typeface, HostFonts.dlgFont.size,, Fonts.normal)
   END SetDefFonts;
   PROCEDURE Install;

      VAR dir: Directory;
      NEW(dir); StdCFrames.SetDir(dir)
   END Install;
   PROCEDURE InitClass;

      VAR res: INTEGER; class: WinApi.WNDCLASSW;
      class.hCursor := WinApi.LoadCursorW(0, SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrWSTR, WinApi.IDC_ARROW));
      class.hIcon := WinApi.LoadIconW(instance, SYSTEM.VAL(WinApi.PtrWSTR, 1));
      class.lpszMenuName := NIL;
      class.lpszClassName := "Oberon Ctrl";
      class.hbrBackground := 0;   (* no background *) := {};
      class.hInstance := instance;
      class.lpfnWndProc := CtrlHandler;
      class.cbClsExtra := 0;
      class.cbWndExtra := dlgWindowExtra + 4;
      res := WinApi.RegisterClassW(class)
   END InitClass;
   PROCEDURE InitNationalInfo;

      VAR res: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
      res := WinApi.GetLocaleInfoW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.LOCALE_SDATE, str, LEN(str));
      dateSep := str[0];
      res := WinApi.GetLocaleInfoW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.LOCALE_STIME, str, LEN(str));
      timeSep := str[0];
      res := WinApi.GetLocaleInfoW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.LOCALE_IDATE, str, LEN(str));
      IF str = "1" THEN dayPart := 1; monthPart := 2; yearPart := 3; del1 := 2; del2 := 5
      ELSIF str = "2" THEN yearPart := 1; monthPart := 2; dayPart := 3; del1 := 4; del2 := 7
      ELSE monthPart := 1; dayPart := 2; yearPart := 3; del1 := 2; del2 := 5
      res := WinApi.GetLocaleInfoW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.LOCALE_ITIME, str, LEN(str));
      IF str = "1" THEN
         lastPart := 3
         lastPart := 4;
         res := WinApi.GetLocaleInfoW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.LOCALE_S1159, str, LEN(str));
         desig[0] := str$;
         res := WinApi.GetLocaleInfoW(HostRegistry.localeId, WinApi.LOCALE_S2359, str, LEN(str));
         desig[1] := str$
   END InitNationalInfo;
   PROCEDURE InitColors;

      colors[0] := 000000FFH;
      colors[1] := 0000FF00H;
      colors[2] := 00FF0000H;
      colors[3] := 0000FFFFH;
      colors[4] := 00FFFF00H;
      colors[5] := 00FF00FFH;
      colors[6] := 00000000H
   END InitColors;

      StdCFrames.setFocus := TRUE;
      scW := WinApi.GetSystemMetrics(0);   (* screen width *)
      scH := WinApi.GetSystemMetrics(1);   (* screen height *)
      instance := WinApi.GetModuleHandleW(NIL);
   END Init;

END HostCFrames.