MODULE FormModels;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   purpose   = ""
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


   IMPORT Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Properties, Containers;


      minViewSize* = 4 * Ports.point;   (** size of smallest embedded view **)
      maxViewSize* = 1000 *;   (** size of largest embedded view **)
      (* range of currently supported versions *)
      minVersion = 0; maxBaseVersion = 0; maxStdVersion = 0;

      (* interface types *)
      Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Model) END;


      Context* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Context) END;

         view*: Views.View;   (** most recently read view **)
         l*, t*, r*, b*: INTEGER   (** bounding box of most recently read view **)

      UpdateMsg* = RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg)

         (** the receiver of this message must not switch on any marks **)
         l*, t*, r*, b*: INTEGER   (** (l < r) & (b < t) **)
      (* concrete types *)

      StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END;

      StdModel = POINTER TO RECORD (Model)

         contexts: StdContext   (* list of views in form, ordered from bottom to top *)
      StdContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Context)

         next: StdContext;   (* next upper view *)
         form: StdModel;   (* form # NIL *)
         view: Views.View;   (* view # NIL *)
         l, t, r, b: INTEGER   (* (r - l >= minViewSize) & (b - t >= minViewSize) *)
      StdReader = POINTER TO RECORD (Reader)

         form: StdModel;   (* form # NIL *)
         pos: StdContext   (* next ReadView: read view above pos *)
      StdWriter = POINTER TO RECORD (Writer)

         form: StdModel;   (* form # NIL *)
         pos: StdContext   (* next WriteView: insert view above pos *)
      FormOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)

         del, ins: StdContext;   (* ((del = NIL) # (ins = NIL)) OR (del = ins) *)
         pos: StdContext   (* ins # NIL => next Do: insert ins above pos *)
      ResizeOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)

         context: StdContext;   (* context # NIL *)
         l, t, r, b: INTEGER   (* (r - l >= minViewSize) & (b - t >= minViewSize) *)
      ReplaceViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)

         context: StdContext;   (* context # NIL *)
         view: Views.View   (* view # NIL *)
   VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory;   (** (dir # NIL) & (stdDir # NIL) **)

   (** Model **)

   PROCEDURE (f: Model) GetEmbeddingLimits* (OUT minW, maxW,

                                                            minH, maxH: INTEGER), EXTENSIBLE;
      minH := minViewSize; minW := minViewSize;
      maxH := maxViewSize; maxW := maxViewSize
   END GetEmbeddingLimits;
   PROCEDURE (f: Model) Insert* (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;

      v # NIL   20
      v.init   21
      v.context = NIL   22
      l <= r   23
      t <= b   24
   PROCEDURE (f: Model) Delete* (v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** v in f   20 **)
   PROCEDURE (f: Model) Resize* (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;

      v in f   20
      l <= r   21
      t <= b   22
   PROCEDURE (f: Model) Top* (): Views.View, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (f: Model) PutAbove* (v, pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT;

      v in f   20
      (pos = NIL) OR (pos in f)   21
   PROCEDURE (f: Model) Move* (v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** v in f   20 **)
   PROCEDURE (f: Model) Copy* (VAR v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** v in f   20 **)
   PROCEDURE (f: Model) NewReader* (old: Reader): Reader, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (f: Model) NewWriter* (old: Writer): Writer, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (f: Model) ViewAt* (x, y: INTEGER): Views.View, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (f: Model) NofViews* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** Directory **)

   PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** Context **)

   PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel* (): Model, ABSTRACT;

   PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetRect* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** Reader **)

   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Set* (pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** (pos = NIL) OR (pos in r's form)   20 **)
   PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadView* (OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** Writer **)

   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) Set* (pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT;

   (** (pos = NIL) OR (pos in w's form)   20 **)
   PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) WriteView* (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;

      v # NIL   20
      v.init   21
      v.context = NIL   22
      l <= r   23
      t <= b   24
   (* StdModel *)

   PROCEDURE ThisContext (f: StdModel; view: Views.View): StdContext;

      VAR c: StdContext;
      c := f.contexts; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.view # view) DO c := END;
      RETURN c
   END ThisContext;
   PROCEDURE NewContext (form: StdModel; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): StdContext;

      VAR c: StdContext;
      ASSERT(form # NIL, 100); ASSERT(view.context = NIL, 101);
      IF r - l < minViewSize THEN r := l + minViewSize END;
      IF b - t < minViewSize THEN b := t + minViewSize END;
      NEW(c); c.form := form; c.view := view; c.l := l; c.t := t; c.r := r; c.b := b;
      Stores.Join(form, view);
      RETURN c
   END NewContext;
   PROCEDURE InsertAbove (c, pos: StdContext);

      IF pos = NIL THEN := NIL; c.form.contexts := c
      ELSE :=; := c
   END InsertAbove;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);

      VAR thisVersion, l, t, r, b, x: INTEGER; top, h: StdContext; v: Views.View;
      rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStdVersion, thisVersion);
      IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
         rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, thisVersion); rd.ReadInt(x);   (* backward compatibility with Rel. 1.3 *)
         Views.ReadView(rd, v); top := NIL;
         WHILE v # NIL DO
            rd.ReadInt(l); rd.ReadInt(t); rd.ReadInt(r); rd.ReadInt(b);
            h := NewContext(f, v, l, t, r, b);
            InsertAbove(h, top); top := h;
            Views.ReadView(rd, v)
   END Internalize;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);

      VAR c: StdContext;
      wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(0);   (* backward compatibility with Rel. 1.3 *)
      c := f.contexts;
      WHILE c # NIL DO
         IF Stores.ExternalizeProxy(c.view) # NIL THEN
            Views.WriteView(wr, c.view);
            wr.WriteInt(c.l); wr.WriteInt(c.t);
            wr.WriteInt(c.r); wr.WriteInt(c.b)
         c :=
   END Externalize;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store);

      VAR c, top, h: StdContext;
      WITH source: StdModel DO
         c := source.contexts; top := NIL;
         WHILE c # NIL DO
            h := NewContext(f, Views.CopyOf(c.view, Views.deep), c.l, c.t, c.r, c.b);
            InsertAbove(h, top); top := h;
            c :=
   END CopyFrom;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) InitFrom (source: Containers.Model);

      f.contexts := NIL
   END InitFrom;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) ReplaceView (old, new: Views.View);

      VAR op: ReplaceViewOp; c: StdContext;
      c := ThisContext(f, old); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20);
      ASSERT(new # NIL, 21); ASSERT((new.context = NIL) OR (new.context = c), 23);
      IF old # new THEN
         (* Stores.InitDomain(new, f.domain); *) Stores.Join(f, new);
         new.InitContext(c);   (* both views share same context *)
         NEW(op); op.context := c; op.view := new;
         Models.Do(f, "#System:ReplaceView", op)
   END ReplaceView;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Insert (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR op: FormOp; c, h, top: StdContext;
      ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(v.context = NIL, 22);
      ASSERT(l <= r, 23); ASSERT(t <= b, 24);
      h := f.contexts; top := NIL; WHILE h # NIL DO top := h; h := END;
      c := NewContext(f, v, l, t, r, b);
      NEW(op); op.del := NIL; op.ins := c; op.pos := top;
      Models.Do(f, "#System:Insertion", op)
   END Insert;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Delete (v: Views.View);

      VAR op: FormOp; c: StdContext;
      c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20);
      NEW(op); op.del := c; op.ins := NIL; op.pos := NIL;
      Models.Do(f, "#System:Deletion", op)
   END Delete;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Resize (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR op: ResizeOp; c: StdContext;
      c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20);
      ASSERT(r >= l, 21); ASSERT(b >= t, 22);
      IF r - l < minViewSize THEN r := l + minViewSize END;
      IF b - t < minViewSize THEN b := t + minViewSize END;
      NEW(op); op.context := c; op.l := l; op.t := t; op.r := r; op.b := b;
      Models.Do(f, "#System:Resizing", op)
   END Resize;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Top (): Views.View;

      VAR h, top: StdContext;
      top := NIL; h := f.contexts;
      WHILE h # NIL DO top := h; h := END;
   END Top;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) PutAbove (v, pos: Views.View);

      VAR op: FormOp; c, d: StdContext;
      c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20);
      d := ThisContext(f, pos); ASSERT((pos = NIL) OR (d # NIL), 21);
      IF v # pos THEN
         NEW(op); op.del := c; op.ins := c; op.pos := d;
         Models.Do(f, "#Form:ChangeZOrder", op)
   END PutAbove;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Move (v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER);

      VAR op: ResizeOp; c: StdContext;
      c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20);
      IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN
         NEW(op); op.context := c;
         op.l := c.l + dx; op.t := c.t + dy; op.r := c.r + dx; op.b := c.b + dy;
         Models.Do(f, "#System:Moving", op)
   END Move;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Copy (VAR v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER);

      VAR op: FormOp; c, h, top: StdContext;
      c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20);
      h := f.contexts; top := NIL; WHILE h # NIL DO top := h; h := END;
      h := NewContext(f, Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep), c.l + dx, c.t + dy, c.r + dx, c.b + dy);
      NEW(op); op.del := NIL; op.ins := h; op.pos := top;
      Models.Do(f, "#System:Copying", op);
      v := h.view
   END Copy;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader;

      VAR r: StdReader;
      IF (old = NIL) OR ~(old IS StdReader) THEN NEW(r) ELSE r := old(StdReader) END;
      r.view := NIL; r.l := 0; r.t := 0; r.r := 0; r.b := 0;
      r.form := f; r.pos := NIL;
      RETURN r
   END NewReader;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer;

      VAR w: StdWriter;
      IF (old = NIL) OR ~(old IS StdWriter) THEN NEW(w) ELSE w := old(StdWriter) END;
      w.form := f; w.pos := NIL;
      RETURN w
   END NewWriter;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) ViewAt (x, y: INTEGER): Views.View;

      VAR c, top: StdContext;
      c := f.contexts; top := NIL;
      WHILE c # NIL DO
         IF (x >= c.l) & (y >= c.t) & (x < c.r) & (y < c.b) THEN top := c END;
         c :=
   END ViewAt;
   PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) NofViews (): INTEGER;

      VAR c: StdContext; n: INTEGER;
      n := 0; c := f.contexts; WHILE c # NIL DO INC(n); c := END;
      RETURN n
   END NofViews;
   (* StdContext *)

   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) ThisModel (): Model;

      RETURN c.form
   END ThisModel;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER);

      w := c.r - c.l; h := c.b - c.t
   END GetSize;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER);

      VAR w0, h0: INTEGER;
      w0 := c.r - c.l; h0 := c.b - c.t; ASSERT(w0 > 0, 100); ASSERT(h0 > 0, 101);
            c.view, minViewSize, maxViewSize, minViewSize, maxViewSize, w0, h0, w, h);
      IF (w # w0) OR (h # h0) THEN
         c.form.Resize(c.view, c.l, c.t, c.l + w, c.t + h)
   END SetSize;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN;

   END Normalize;
   PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) GetRect (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      l := c.l; t := c.t; r := c.r; b := c.b
   END GetRect;
   (* StdDirectory *)

   PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (): Model;

      VAR f: StdModel;
      NEW(f); RETURN f
   END New;
   (* StdReader *)

   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) Set (pos: Views.View);

      VAR c: StdContext;
      IF pos = NIL THEN c := NIL ELSE c := ThisContext(rd.form, pos); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20) END;
      rd.view := NIL; rd.l := 0; rd.t := 0; rd.r := 0; rd.b := 0;
      rd.pos := c
   END Set;
   PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadView (OUT v: Views.View);

      VAR c: StdContext;
      c := rd.pos;
      IF c = NIL THEN c := rd.form.contexts ELSE c := END;
      IF c # NIL THEN
         rd.view := c.view; rd.l := c.l; rd.t := c.t; rd.r := c.r; rd.b := c.b;
         rd.pos := c
         rd.view := NIL; rd.l := 0; rd.t := 0; rd.r := 0; rd.b := 0
      v := rd.view
   END ReadView;
   (* StdWriter *)

   PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) Set (pos: Views.View);

      VAR c: StdContext;
      IF pos = NIL THEN c := NIL ELSE c := ThisContext(wr.form, pos); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20) END;
      wr.pos := c
   END Set;
   PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) WriteView (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);

      VAR op: FormOp; c: StdContext;
      ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(v.context = NIL, 22);
      ASSERT(l <= r, 23); ASSERT(t <= b, 24);
      c := NewContext(wr.form, v, l, t, r, b);
      NEW(op); op.del := NIL; op.ins := c; op.pos := wr.pos;
      wr.pos := c;
      Models.Do(wr.form, "#System:Insertion", op)
   END WriteView;
   (* operations *)

   PROCEDURE Update (c: StdContext);

      VAR msg: UpdateMsg;
      msg.l := c.l; msg.t := c.t; msg.r := c.r; msg.b := c.b; Models.Broadcast(c.form, msg)
   END Update;
   PROCEDURE (op: FormOp) Do;

      VAR f: StdModel; c, p, pos: StdContext;
      (* delete *)
      pos := NIL;
      c := op.del;
      IF c # NIL THEN
         f := c.form; ASSERT(f # NIL, 100);
         p := f.contexts; ASSERT(p # NIL, 101);
         IF p = c THEN
            f.contexts :=
            WHILE # c DO p :=; ASSERT(p # NIL, 102) END;
            pos := p; :=
         END; := NIL;
      (* insert *)
      c := op.ins;
      IF c # NIL THEN
         f := c.form; ASSERT(f # NIL, 103);
         p := f.contexts;
         IF op.pos = NIL THEN
   := f.contexts; f.contexts := c
   :=; := c
      (* swap ins and del for undo *)
      p := op.del; op.del := op.ins; op.ins := p; op.pos := pos
   END Do;
   PROCEDURE (op: ResizeOp) Do;

      VAR c: StdContext; l, t, r, b: INTEGER;
      c := op.context;
      (* save old state of context *)
      l := c.l; t := c.t; r := c.r; b := c.b;
      (* set new state of context *)
      c.l := op.l; c.t := op.t; c.r := op.r; c.b := op.b;
      (* old state is new undo state *)
      op.l := l; op.t := t; op.r := r; op.b := b
   END Do;
   PROCEDURE (op: ReplaceViewOp) Do;

      VAR c: StdContext; view: Views.View;
      c := op.context;
      (* save old state of context *)
      view := c.view;
      (* set new state of context *)
      c.view := op.view;
      (* old state is new undo state *)
      op.view := view
   END Do;
   (** miscellaneous **)

   PROCEDURE New* (): Model;

      RETURN dir.New()
   END New;
   PROCEDURE CloneOf* (source: Model): Model;

      ASSERT(source # NIL, 20);
      RETURN Containers.CloneOf(source)(Model)
   END CloneOf;
   PROCEDURE Copy* (source: Model): Model;

      ASSERT(source # NIL, 20);
      RETURN Stores.CopyOf(source)(Model)
   END Copy;
   PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory);

   (** d # NIL   20 **)
      ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d
   END SetDir;

      VAR d: StdDirectory;
      NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d
   END Init;

END FormModels.