MODULE DevReferences;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


      Kernel, Files, Fonts, Models, Views, Dialog, Containers,
      TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextControllers;
      (* additional scanner types *)
      import = 100; module = 101; semicolon = 102; becomes= 103; comEnd = 104;
   PROCEDURE SpecialFont (r: TextModels.Reader): BOOLEAN;

      CONST max = 14 * Fonts.point;
      RETURN (r.attr.font.weight > Fonts.normal) & (r.attr.font.size <= max)
   END SpecialFont;
   PROCEDURE SearchIdent (
      t: TextModels.Model; ident: TextMappers.String; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; bold: BOOLEAN
      VAR r: TextModels.Reader; found: BOOLEAN; ch: CHAR; len, i: INTEGER;
      end := 0;
      IF ident # "" THEN
         len := 0; WHILE ident[len] # 0X DO INC(len) END;
         r := t.NewReader(NIL); found := FALSE;
         beg := 0; r.SetPos(0); r.ReadChar(ch);
         WHILE ~r.eot & ~found DO
            (* search legal start symbol *)
            WHILE ~r.eot & ((ch < "A") OR (ch > "Z") & (ch # "_") & (ch < "a") OR (ch > "z")) DO
               INC(beg); r.ReadChar(ch)
            i := 0;
            WHILE ~r.eot & (~bold OR SpecialFont(r)) & (i # len) & (ch = ident[i]) DO
               r.ReadChar(ch); INC(i)
            found := (i = len) &
                        ((ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (ch < "A") OR (ch > "Z") & (ch # "_") & (ch < "a") OR (ch > "z"));
            IF ~r.eot & ~found THEN   (* skip rest of identifier *)
               beg := r.Pos() - 1;
               WHILE ~r.eot &
                  ~((ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (ch < "A") OR (ch > "Z") & (ch # "_") & (ch < "a") OR (ch > "z")) DO
                  INC(beg); r.ReadChar(ch)
         IF found THEN end := r.Pos() - 1 END
   END SearchIdent;
   PROCEDURE ShowText* (module, ident: TextMappers.String; category: Files.Name);

      VAR title: Views.Title; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name;
         v: Views.View; m: Models.Model; t: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller;
      StdDialog.GetSubLoc(module, category, loc, name); title := name$;
      Kernel.MakeFileName(name, "");
      IF category = "Docu" THEN
         loc.res := 77; v := Views.OldView(loc, name); loc.res := 0;
         IF v # NIL THEN
            WITH v: Containers.View DO
               c := v.ThisController();
               IF c # NIL THEN
                  c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} + {Containers.noCaret})
            Views.OpenAux(v, title)
         v := Views.OldView(loc, name);
         IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL) END
      IF v # NIL THEN
         m := v.ThisModel();
         IF (m # NIL) & (m IS TextModels.Model) THEN
            t := m(TextModels.Model);
            SearchIdent(t, ident, beg, end, TRUE);
            IF end <= 0 THEN SearchIdent(t, ident, beg, end, FALSE) END;
            IF end > 0 THEN
               TextViews.ShowRange(t, beg, end, TextViews.any);
               TextControllers.SetSelection(t, beg, end)
            ELSIF ident # "" THEN Dialog.Beep
         ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:WrongSelection")
      ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", name, "", "")
   END ShowText;
   PROCEDURE Scan (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner);
      IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN
         IF s.string = "IMPORT" THEN s.type := import
         ELSIF s.string = "MODULE" THEN s.type := module
      ELSIF s.type = TextMappers.char THEN
         IF s.char = ";" THEN s.type := semicolon
         ELSIF s.char = ":" THEN
            IF s.rider.char = "=" THEN s.rider.Read; s.type := becomes END
         ELSIF s.char = "(" THEN
            IF s.rider.char = "*" THEN
               REPEAT Scan(s) UNTIL (s.type = TextMappers.eot) OR (s.type = comEnd);
         ELSIF s.char = "*" THEN
            IF s.rider.char = ")" THEN s.rider.Read; s.type := comEnd END
   END Scan;
   PROCEDURE CheckModName (VAR mod: TextMappers.String; t: TextModels.Model);
      VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner;
      s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetPos(0); Scan(s);
      IF s.type = module THEN
         WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # import) DO Scan(s) END;
         WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # semicolon)
               & ((s.type # TextMappers.string) OR (s.string # mod)) DO Scan(s) END;
         IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN
            IF s.type = becomes THEN
               IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN
                  mod := SHORT(s.string$)
   END CheckModName;
   PROCEDURE Show (category: Files.Name);

      VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; beg, end: INTEGER;
         module, ident: TextMappers.String;
      c := TextControllers.Focus();
      IF c # NIL THEN
         IF c.HasSelection() THEN
            c.GetSelection(beg, end);
            s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetOpts({7});   (* acceptUnderscores *)
            s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan;
            IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN
               module := s.string; ident := "";
               CheckModName(module, c.text);
               IF (s.type = TextMappers.char) & (s.char = ".") THEN
                  IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN ident := s.string END
               ShowText(module, ident, category)
            ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:WrongSelection")
         ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NoSelection")
      ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NoFocus")
   END Show;
   PROCEDURE ShowSource*;

   END ShowSource;
   PROCEDURE ShowDocu*;

   END ShowDocu;
END DevReferences.

