MODULE DevPacker;

   project   = "BlackBox"
   organization   = ""
   contributors   = "Oberon microsystems"
   version   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   copyright   = "System/Rsrc/About"
   license   = "Docu/BB-License"
   changes   = ""
   issues   = ""


   (* !!! HostPackedFiles depends on the way files are packed into the exe file by DevPacker. !!!! *)


      Kernel, Services, Strings, Files, Dialog, Stores, Views, HostFiles, HostPackedFiles,
      TextModels, TextViews, TextMappers, StdLog, DevCommanders;

      chunksize = 65536;
      version = 1; (* same as in HostPackedFiles *)

      FileList = POINTER TO RECORD
         path, name: Files.Name;
         aliasPath, aliasName: Files.Name;
         adr, len: INTEGER;
         year, month, day, hour, minute, second: INTEGER;
         next: FileList

      VAR i: INTEGER; cha, chb: CHAR;
      i := 0;
         cha := a[i]; chb := b[i]; INC(i);
         IF cha # chb THEN
            IF ~caseSens THEN
               IF (cha >= "a") & ((cha <= "z") OR (cha >= 0E0X) & (cha <= 0FEX) & (cha # 0F7X)) THEN cha := CAP(cha)
               IF (chb >= "a") & ((chb <= "z") OR (chb >= 0E0X) & (chb <= 0FEX) & (chb # 0F7X)) THEN chb := CAP(chb)
            IF cha = "\" THEN cha := "/" END;
            IF chb = "\" THEN chb := "/" END;
            IF cha # chb THEN RETURN ORD(cha) - ORD(chb) END
      UNTIL cha = 0X;
      RETURN 0
   END Diff;
   PROCEDURE SplitName (IN name: Files.Name; OUT path, fname: Files.Name);

      VAR i, l, sp: INTEGER;
      path := ""; fname := "";
      l := LEN(name$);
      i := 0; sp := -1;
      WHILE i < l DO
         path[i] := name[i];
         IF (name[i] = "\") OR (name[i] = "/") THEN sp := i END;
      IF sp < 0 THEN
         fname := name; path := ""
         path[sp] := 0X;
         i := 0; INC(sp);
         WHILE name[sp] # 0X DO fname[i] := name[sp]; INC(sp); INC(i) END;
         fname[i] := 0X
   END SplitName;
   PROCEDURE PackExe(files: FileList; exe: Files.File);

      VAR tableadr, tot, err, ok, i, dl: INTEGER; l: FileList;
         wr: Files.Writer; sw: Stores.Writer;
         bytes: ARRAY chunksize OF BYTE;
         loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; r: Files.Reader; shared: BOOLEAN;
         num: ARRAY 7 OF CHAR;
      tot := 0; err := 0; ok := 0;
      l := files; wr := exe.NewWriter(NIL);
      WHILE l # NIL DO
         StdLog.String("Packing file: " + l.path + '/' +; StdLog.Ln;
         loc := Files.dir.This(l.path); shared := FALSE;
         f := Files.dir.Old(loc,, shared);
         IF f = NIL THEN shared := TRUE; f := Files.dir.Old(loc,, shared) END;
         IF f # NIL THEN
            l.len := f.Length();
            l.adr := exe.Length();
            IF Services.Is(f, "HostFiles.File") THEN
               (* If HostFiles.File is exported this can be replaced by an explicit type guard*)
               HostFiles.GetModDate(f, l.year, l.month,, l.hour, l.minute, l.second)
            ELSIF Services.Is(f, "HostPackedFiles.File") THEN
               (* could also be replaced by an explicit type guard*)
               HostPackedFiles.GetModDate(f, l.year, l.month,, l.hour, l.minute, l.second)
               l.year := 0; l.month := 0; := 0; l.hour := 0; l.minute := 0; l.second := 0
            r := f.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(0);
            i := 0; dl := MIN(chunksize, l.len);
            WHILE dl > 0 DO
               r.ReadBytes(bytes, 0, dl);
               wr.WriteBytes(bytes, 0, dl); exe.Flush;
               INC(i); dl := MIN(chunksize, l.len - i * chunksize)
            IF ~shared THEN f.Close END;
            StdLog.String("Could not read file: " + l.path + '/' +; StdLog.Ln; INC(err)
         l :=
      l := files; tableadr := exe.Length();
      sw.ConnectTo(exe); sw.SetPos(tableadr);
      WHILE l # NIL DO
         sw.WriteString(l.aliasPath); sw.WriteString(l.aliasName);
         sw.WriteInt(l.adr); sw.WriteInt(l.len);
         sw.WriteInt(l.year); sw.WriteInt(l.month); sw.WriteInt(;
         sw.WriteInt(l.hour); sw.WriteInt(l.minute); sw.WriteInt(l.second);
         l :=
      IF err > 0 THEN
         Strings.IntToString(err, num);
         Dialog.ShowMsg("Pack failed for: " + num + " files.");
         StdLog.String("Packed files: "); StdLog.Int(ok); StdLog.Ln;
   END PackExe;
   PROCEDURE RecAdd(path: Files.Name; VAR files: FileList; VAR tot: INTEGER);

      VAR loc: Files.Locator; fi: Files.FileInfo; li: Files.LocInfo; l: FileList;
      loc := Files.dir.This(path); fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc);
      WHILE fi # NIL DO
         NEW(l); l.path := path$; :=; := files; files := l; INC(tot);
         fi :=
      li := Files.dir.LocList(loc);
      WHILE li # NIL DO
         IF path = "" THEN RecAdd(, files, tot) ELSE RecAdd(path + '/' +, files, tot) END;
         li :=
   END RecAdd;
   PROCEDURE ListFromSub* (sdir: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      CONST colPerRow = 3;
      VAR tot, col: INTEGER; files: FileList; t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; tv: TextViews.View;
         name: Files.Name;
      StdLog.String("Examining subdirectory: " + sdir); StdLog.Ln;
      files := NIL; tot := 0;
      RecAdd(sdir$, files, tot);
      IF files # NIL THEN
         t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(0);
         f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' DevPacker.PackThis exefilename.exe :='); f.WriteLn;
         col := 0;
         WHILE files # NIL DO
            IF files.path # "" THEN name := '"' + files.path + '/' ELSE name := '"' END;
            name := name + + '"';
            IF # NIL THEN name := name + ' ' END;
            INC(col); IF col >= colPerRow THEN f.WriteLn; col := 0 END; (* To avoid long lines *)
            files :=
         f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); f.WriteLn;
         tv := TextViews.dir.New(t);
      StdLog.String("Found "); StdLog.Int(tot); StdLog.String(" files."); StdLog.Ln
   END ListFromSub;
   PROCEDURE ListLoadedModules*;

         t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; tv: TextViews.View;
         path, name: Files.Name; m: Kernel.Module;
      t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(0);
      f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' DevPacker.PackThis exefilename.exe :='); f.WriteLn;
      m := Kernel.modList;
      WHILE m # NIL DO
         Kernel.SplitName($, path, name);
         IF path = "" THEN path := 'System' END;
         path := path + '/Code/';
         f.WriteString(path + name + '.ocf ');
         m :=
      f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); f.WriteLn;
      tv := TextViews.dir.New(t);
   END ListLoadedModules;
   PROCEDURE FilesOk(files: FileList; exeloc: Files.Locator; IN exefile: Files.Name): BOOLEAN;

      VAR l: FileList; loc: Files.Locator; fi: Files.FileInfo; ret: BOOLEAN;
         err, tot: INTEGER;
      StdLog.String("Validating files..."); StdLog.Ln;
      IF files = NIL THEN StdLog.String("No files to pack."); StdLog.Ln; RETURN FALSE END;
      l := files; ret := TRUE; err := 0; tot := 0;
      WHILE l # NIL DO
         loc := Files.dir.This(l.path);
         IF loc # NIL THEN
            fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc);
            WHILE (fi # NIL) & (Diff(,, FALSE) # 0) DO fi := END
         IF (loc = NIL) OR (fi = NIL) THEN
            IF l.path # "" THEN StdLog.String(l.path + "/") END;
            StdLog.String(" ...not found"); ret := FALSE; INC(err);
         ELSIF Files.dir.SameFile(exeloc, exefile, loc, THEN
               'Cannot pack a file into itself. (' + + ' cannot be both the target exe and included in the list)');
            StdLog.Ln; ret := FALSE; INC(err)
         INC(tot); l :=
      IF err > 0 THEN
         StdLog.Int(err); StdLog.String(" files of"); StdLog.Int(tot); StdLog.String(" not correct.");
         StdLog.String("All"); StdLog.Int(tot); StdLog.String(" files found.")
      RETURN ret
   END FilesOk;
   (* Parse the file list *)

   PROCEDURE GetCh (rd: TextModels.Reader);

      REPEAT rd.Read UNTIL rd.char # TextModels.viewcode
   END GetCh;
   PROCEDURE RemoveWhiteSpaces (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER);

      WHILE (rd.Pos() <= end) & (rd.char <= 20X) DO GetCh(rd) END
   END RemoveWhiteSpaces;
   PROCEDURE FileName (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER;

      VAR i: INTEGER; dquote, squote: BOOLEAN;
      PROCEDURE ValidChar(ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN;

         IF dquote THEN RETURN ch # '"'
         ELSIF squote THEN RETURN ch # "'"
         ELSE RETURN ch > 20X
      END ValidChar;

      ok := TRUE;
      RemoveWhiteSpaces(rd, end);
      i := 0; dquote := FALSE; squote := FALSE;
      IF rd.char = '"' THEN dquote := TRUE
      ELSIF rd.char = "'" THEN squote := TRUE
      IF dquote OR squote THEN GetCh(rd) END;
      WHILE (rd.Pos() <= end) & ValidChar(rd.char) DO
         name[i] := rd.char;
      name[i] := 0X;
      IF dquote THEN ok := rd.char = '"'; rd.Read END;
      IF squote THEN ok := rd.char = "'"; rd.Read END
   END FileName;
   PROCEDURE GetNextFileName (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER; VAR file: FileList; OUT ok: BOOLEAN);

      VAR name: Files.Name;
      FileName(rd, end, name, ok);
      SplitName(name, file.path,;
      RemoveWhiteSpaces(rd, end);
      IF ok & (rd.char = "=") THEN
         IF rd.char = ">" THEN
            FileName(rd, end, name, ok);
            IF name # "" THEN
               SplitName(name, file.aliasPath, file.aliasName)
               ok := FALSE
            ok := FALSE
         file.aliasPath := file.path; file.aliasName :=
   END GetNextFileName;
   PROCEDURE ParseExe (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER;

      OUT exepath, exefile: Files.Name; OUT ok: BOOLEAN
      VAR name: Files.Name;
      ok := FALSE;
      FileName(rd, end, name, ok);
      IF ok THEN
         SplitName(name, exepath, exefile);
         RemoveWhiteSpaces(rd, end);
         IF ok & (rd.char = ":") THEN
            IF rd.char = "=" THEN
               ok := TRUE
   END ParseExe;
   PROCEDURE AlreadyPacked (f: Files.File): BOOLEAN;

      VAR rd: Stores.Reader; int: INTEGER;
      rd.SetPos(f.Length() - 12);
      RETURN int = HostPackedFiles.packTag
   END AlreadyPacked;
   PROCEDURE PackThis*;

      VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; end, diff: INTEGER; exepath, exefile: Files.Name; ok: BOOLEAN;
         files, l, tf, last: FileList; f: Files.File; loc: Files.Locator;
      StdLog.String("Sorting file list..."); StdLog.Ln;
      rd := DevCommanders.par.text.NewReader(NIL);
      end := DevCommanders.par.end;
      ParseExe(rd, end, exepath, exefile, ok);
      IF ~ok THEN
         StdLog.String("exe file not correctly specified"); StdLog.Ln
         files := NIL; NEW(l);
         GetNextFileName(rd, end, l, ok);
         WHILE ok & ( # "") DO
            IF files = NIL THEN
               files := l
               tf := files; last := NIL;
               diff := Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE);
               WHILE (tf # NIL) & (diff < 0) DO
                  last := tf; tf :=;
                  IF tf # NIL THEN diff := Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE) END
               IF (tf = NIL) OR (diff > 0) THEN
                  IF last = NIL THEN
            := files; files := l
            :=; := l
                  diff := Diff(l.aliasName, tf.aliasName, FALSE);
                  WHILE (tf # NIL) & (diff < 0) & (Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE) = 0) DO
                     last := tf; tf :=;
                     IF tf # NIL THEN diff := Diff(l.aliasName, tf.aliasName, FALSE) END
                  IF (diff = 0) & (Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE) = 0) THEN
                     StdLog.String("File " + l.path + "/" + + " appears more than once in the list."); StdLog.Ln
                     IF last = NIL THEN
               := files; files := l
               :=; := l
            GetNextFileName(rd, end, l, ok)
         loc := Files.dir.This(exepath$)
      IF ok & FilesOk(files, loc, exefile) THEN
         f := Files.dir.Old(loc, exefile$, Files.exclusive);
         IF f # NIL THEN
            IF ~AlreadyPacked(f) THEN
               StdLog.String("Packing files to exe..."); StdLog.Ln;
               PackExe(files, f);
               f.Flush; f.Close;
               StdLog.String("Done."); StdLog.Ln
               f.Flush; f.Close;
               IF exepath # "" THEN exepath := exepath + "/" END;
                  "Executable (" + exepath + exefile + ") already contains packed files. Link a new executable.");
            IF exepath # "" THEN exepath := exepath + "/" END;
            StdLog.String("Could not open exe file: " + exepath + exefile); StdLog.Ln;
         StdLog.String("Packing canceled."); StdLog.Ln;
   END PackThis;
END DevPacker.



DevPacker.PackThis BlackBoxP.exe := Host/Mod/files.odc

   Host/Mod/cmds.odc Std\mod\log.odc Host/Sym\CFrames.osf host\Mod\CFrames.odc
DevPacker.PackThis exefile.exe := Host/Mod/files.odc => Host/Mod/Hoi.odc "host\Mod\CFrames.odc" Std/Mod/Log.odc => 'Std/Mod/Logg.odc'

DevLinker.Link BlackBoxP.exe := Kernel$+ Files HostFiles HostPackedFiles StdLoader

1 Applogo.ico 2 Doclogo.ico 3 SFLogo.ico 4 CFLogo.ico 5 DtyLogo.ico 6 folderimg.ico 7 openimg.ico
8 leafimg.ico
1 Move.cur 2 Copy.cur 3 Link.cur 4 Pick.cur 5 Stop.cur 6 Hand.cur 7 Table.cur